The Complete Erma Thrask Page

ERMA THRASK: Home of the Week: The WHITE HOUSE

Salutations!  Erma Thrask here.  I have been called back from semi-retirement by Mr. Goliath. Unlike some fancy pants associates of Goliath, I , proudly, do NOT have any delusions of grandeur and I reject any claims of trying to take a title of ROYALTY.  You will not find me claiming to be "Dame Erma" or "Countessa Thrask".  No indeedy! Just plain old "Mrs. Erma Thrask" is certainly good enough for me!

I have to confess that I am very anxious about this particular post, coming as it does just a few very short days before May 21.  According to some religious figures,  the rapture is going to happen on May 21 and I

assure you, if it does I intend to be raptured right out of here!  So, this may be the very last column that I
ever write.  Thus,  I decided to make it a very good one on a very important horrible HOME of the WEEK!

My subject, for my possibly last pre-rapture column is the WHITE HOUSE.  I took the time to investigate
the decor that has been installed ever since that horrible pretender, Barak HUSSEIN Obama gained (by no doubt fraudulent means) the office of the president.  It is a simple fact that no matter how one tries to hide
your essential self,  one's choice of house hold decor often reveals essential truths about the underlying true
soul of the home-occupier.  That my theory is so clearly demonstrable by such a public figure as Hussein
Obama gives me a great deal of satisfaction.  Join me as I critique the interior decor of Hussein's White House!

To begin with, we have the Oval Office. Take a good look at the drapes Mr. Obama  has chosen to embarass the nation with.  My goodness! What color is that? Perhaps that is the color of the national flag of Kenya or something. It is certainly NOTHING that a good American would hang on the wall of the Oval office. Shameful!!!  The horrors continue in the next picture where we see the 'royal red'  hall rug that clashes so vulgarly with the remaining surroundings. (Which retain the taste and grandeur of, I imagine, Laura Bushes
hand! Hopefully Hussein will not be in office for a second term to have time to get around to ruining everything
his tasteful predecessor had accomplished after eight years of those vulgarian Clintons!).

I also found more pictures.  You will no doubt recall that in almost all of my previous Home of the Week articles we found the 'man of the house' had a 'man cave' which he euphemistically dubbed the 'media room'.
All readers of Erma Thrask no the TRUTH however that these are simply large and over furnished masturbation parlors for the men of the house to view pornography on wide flat screen televisions. How shocking and disgusting to find that the Obama's is not only more over the top than the most vulgar examples
to be found in the 40207 zip code area, but that there are MULTIPLE seating rows!!!  Imagine the 'royal
red" being used in such a DISGUSTING manner!!!  And, may I also enquire, it not against
the Muslim religion to look at PORNOGRAPHY???   But I note, with curiosity that recent reports reveal that
Osama Bin Laden had a large 'stash' of  degrading pornography too! Coincedence? I think not! Please, Mr.
President,  find healthier outlets for your natural desires!

I also found a current photograph of the Lincoln Bedroom.  My goodness! What is that above the bed? Mosquito netting?  My friend, Beualah Grossmeir and I were discussing this and she opined that the fabric
drop is needed to create a 'tent' effect that Mr. Obama needs to feel 'at home' so as to be able to sleep.
At first I scoffed but, upon further reflection I am beginning to come around to this view.  Perhaps we need
more accoutrement's from the desert!  Why not a hookah pipe?  A  Afghani rug on the floor?  a Camel skin
waterbag?  Perhaps these would make you even MORE comfortable Mr. President!

Finally, I found a picture of the President's 'kitchen'.  Good Lord! What is all that green vegetable material
in the bowls??!  Is that what I think it is?!   No wonder Mr. Obama has such difficulty making good sound
decisions about National Healthcare and Gun Control.  Apparently he is high as a Georgia Pine all the time!

I have reviewed the internet and I believe that the African drug we are looking at here is called Quat.  Mr. President! Please...resign now and shame a grateful nation no longer!!!  Might I also add that those kitchen
workers look very much like illegal immigrants. No wonder Mr. President Hussein Obama is so very weak
on Immigration law!!

In closing,  let me add, Mr. and Mrs. Obama,  I admit you are an attractive couple and your daughters are
precious and I note, with pleasure, that Mrs. Obama' mother resides with the family. I hear she, at least, is
a Christian.   Please... for the sake of the nation and your own souls....obtain a copy of the King James Bible
and read it! As for the Whitehouse decor..PLEASE go back to everything Laura had up.  The Nation will
thank you for it!- Erma Thrask (pre-rapture 2011).


Anonymous said...
Hey, Erma, how's about letting Goliath show us some pics of your abode? Give us some real examples of what a home should look like...or not. Let us see for yourself the type of home you have decorated. I've got some recent pics of your "deceased" hubby, taken in South America where he resides in splendor with his new woman and their offspring...maybe you'd like to borrow them to add some life to your barren hovel...
Anonymous said...
I can only assume that I am being addressed by Grumpy Granny. I always think of you when I see a woman with some horrible tattoos! Of course my darling deceased husband is most assuredly NOT in South America with some strumpet! How dare you repeat that slanderous claim!- Erma Thrask (not ashamed to state my name!)
Anonymous said...
Ahhhhh, Erma. Erma, dear old lush, you know what they say about assuming... Hey, I've seen GG's tattoos. They didn't look horrible to me. Kinda cool, if you ask me. Rumor has it she's wanting at least one more. And, you're right, Papa Thrask isn't in South America, he just wanted to make you think he was that far away so you wouldn't pester him. Seems he'd rather be pestered by a much younger, prettier, bustier, lustier gal than you. :) 'Nite, old woman.......
Anonymous said...
What? What what!? This is just the sort of comment I might expect from someone so despicable as to take the part of Mrs. GG. And you just show your complete ignorance of the fine character of the late Mr. Thrask who delighted in my simple wholesome meals of boiled chicken, boiled potato, and the occassional pickled beet. He would certainly have no truck with 'busty lusty' harlots! We shall see who has the last laugh in this matter if, as predicted, the rapture whisks me away on Saturday and you libelers are left behind gnashing your teeth and, realizing the error of your ways, rush about trying to find a King James Bible to improve your self with. Too bad it will be too late for you then! -Erma Thrask (with no tattoos to mar my physical body that may be raptured up in the clouds)
Anonymous said...
Yeah, Erma, you'll be up in the clouds Saturday, same as every other day, propelled by Goliath's special egg nog.
Goliath said...
Girls Girls!!!!
Anonymous said...
Goliath, I am far too old to be considered a girl but since I assume you were directing the above comment toward the lush and me, I shall reply: Yes, Goliath?
Goliath said...
Please try and keep a civil tone!
Anonymous said...
I am far too busy awaiting the emminent rapturing of my corporeal form to waste my time with a hussy that shows off cleavage and wears shorts to expose her legs to any man that happens to be walking by! -Erma Thrask
Anonymous said...
Goliath, I am using a civil tone! Erma, dear, I'm not GG, and I don't show cleavage. Neither do I show off my legs to "just any man that happens to be walking by". I do have standards! I also don't stay all drunked up on Goliath's special egg nog! He saves it all for you! ;)
Anonymous said...
Hi, it's me Aerial. Some of my ancestors must have been from Kenya too, I liked the decor, or maybe some Kenyans got into the family tree in Hazard? You think that could be true. Erma, Erma, Erma, you sound like your walking around with a really big corn cob up your but!! Did you remember to take the plastic off the sofa, and don't forget to turn off the tea kettle when you turn off the light (I meant blow out the candle) tonight. If Obams's doing something wacky with the greens I hope I get and invite. Sorry I have to use the anon button but I forgot how to get into this damned thing again!

Home of the Week, "KHAKI SHORTS" by Erma Thrask

Salutations! I had just hung up the telephone from a long and soul searching conversation with (EX) Congressman Mark Souder. For those of you who aren't 'au currant' let me say that he has just this week resigned from his position in Congress.
Mr. Souder  confessed a long term extra-marital relationship with an aide. For several years now, Mr. Souder has confided and consulted with me in his many many struggles on behalf of Christian family values and bringing them into public life and LAW! He has advocated mandatory prayer in school (nothing wrong with that!) Display of the Ten Commandments (including thou shalt not commit adultery) in the Courts, Schools, and restrooms at municipal airports, banning abortions and compulsory missionary service.
Mr. Souder's wife is a lovely person, in her way,  But, sadly, apparently did not properly live up to her wifely duties sufficiently to keep her man. Of course when a man
as noble as Mark falls into the sin of adultery, it's mostly his wife's fault. Now, of course
I also blame the young strumpet who lured this man into sin. Isn't Satan devilish? She appears
to be rather modest Tracy Jackson It's not as if she is going bra-less, wearing shorts to display her legs or flaunting tattoos or body piercings (as some women do).
She apparently enticed him by breathlessly discussing abstinence, anti-homosexual legislation,
and how the missionary position is the only proper way to make love within the bonds of a marriage.

Mark is beside himself. He is regretting his decision as we discuss how really it's the fault of those heathen, socialist Democrats that he must withdraw or be humiliated in public. They would cause such great hurt to his wife and his children. Then there's the press, how they exult in his downfall. He has received word that over at such pagan communist editorial boards as
the Courier Journal and Evening News...the staff broke out champagne and had a party to celebrate his fall! Actually, Mark and I discussed the VERY DISTINCT POSSIBILITY that Ms.
Jackson was a MEDIA PLANT. Note her use of 'the interview' as a seduction technique! Only
someone from the socialist main stream media would imagine that!

If you have read this far, you might be asking yourself, "I thought this was a Home of the
Week" review. Well, dear readers, indeed it is. And I have said so little on this weeks feature
because, frankly, there is so very little to say. This is perhaps the most BORING HOME OF THE WEEK ever! As a matter of fact I intend to save this article as a standard against which
future completely boring HOMES OF THE WEEK can be measured.

Dear Ms. Klotz...I see you have embraced 'khaki' as a decorative motif. Dear, while we do not recommend wild expressions of color in the home, one is permitted to venture beyond khaki (the new word for beige?). I recommend choosing something besides ones 'shorts' as the touchstone
for one's decorating and wall color decisions. Also, one hint....that painting by Cynthia Blandford? It has to go. Also, I see a faux column peaking through there. Apparently you
haven't been paying attention Mrs. Klotz.

Now, I'm sorry, but I have to go. My cellphone is's Ted Haggard on the line.


By Erma Thrask

Bennetsville, May 8- Salutations! I come to you today with a heavy heart. When I was just a child, my dear Sunday School teacher used to have us sing a sad and wistful song about 'building a house on shifting sands'. This is old tune is what cameto mind as I perused this week's "Home of the Week" at the request of Mr. Goliath. (incidently, he has asked me to consider expanding my criticism portfolio by reviewing the contemporary cinema...I am giving some thought to this). However, to the task at hand....the essay in excessive living writ by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Middleton in today's photo essay You know you are dealing with some egoism and presumption when the owners have give their house a 'name'. In this case "Little Cote' " (we LOVE the slamming together of English and French!..NOT!) As in many cases of Home of the Week, the real interest lies in the people who inhabit the homes depicted. Sometimes, I confess, when I read
these things I almost want to throw up the contents of my stomach. (which is mostly bourbon
laced egg nog..which I find is an excellent drink with breakfast!)

Here, we are told Before they were married, Julie and Larry Middleton each owned a large house. “After looking at many houses, this was the only one we could both envision living in,” Julie said. “Incorporating two households of furniture into one was quite a process. It was a marriage of things as well as of people.” Are we to believe that, honestly, THIS house was the ONLY one that Mr. and Mrs. Middleton could 'envision living in?" If true, then Erma Thrask can only say..."How sad for the both of you!"

Now we are told that the Middletons Julie and Larry Middleton. (By Michael Hayman, The Courier-Journal) have six children. Photographs can be misleading....but I would calculate Mrs. Middleton to be about
34 years of age and Mr. Middleton to be more in the 55 year old or OLDER range. Hmmmm?
What price was paid so this charming couple could aquire and inhabit 'the only house they
could envision living in"?

But enough musings on the personal life of the pair (at least they were willing to face the camera!) I turn to the house itself. Frankly, there is nothing remarkable to comment on. This
house has been carefully decorated and furnished. We appreciate the photograph of the bar showing the almost empty bottle of Old Forester Bourbon 

May I simply observe that every detail has been tastefully attended to. All demonstrating true
fine and tasteful sensibilities. Yes, the Middletons have made all the right moves to show
their cultivation and quality taste.......everything except PUTTING THEIR POSSESSIONS ON

Good luck Mr. Middleton....We hope you will take time to sit down sometime in your short chino's, your anklet socks and 'running shoes', savor your Old Fo and read your Bible...I know
that you have one in there somewhere. And Mrs. Masterson, congratulations dear! At the
tender age of 35 you have acquired the possessions you have dreamed of. You will be quite the
grande dame at 65!



By ERMA THRASK (Speical Report to Goliathandwimmens)

Salutations, I, myself, scarcely have time between studying the good Book, cleaning my home, scolding neighborhood children, reproaching the women who
attend my Sunday School class, preparing tasty and nutritious meals of boiled chicken and boiled potatos for shut in elderly men to engage in frivolities such as
'surfing the web'. However, lately, I have been struggling to find time to finish
my tasks and chores so as to get home and make a Christian study of the MILF
website phenomena that a reader kindly drew my attention to. (Thank you J.) I search out these websites so that you, kind reader, do not have to. I have yet to find one that is anything less than godless filth! (and I have studied each one very carefully!) Rest assured, in the unlikely event I find a proper MILF website, I will alert my reading audience immediately. Until then, I sternly recommend you concentrate on Bible studies.

It has come to my attention that the CCC was running a debate on the issue of Abortion, however, and I took the time to glance at this thread. I swiftly realized the correct position was
being proudly advocated by one of the posters there. I was delighted to see the Reverend James Melton being quoted and giving part of the Biblical case against abortion. I wanted to
augment this post by a very well reasoned sermon by Brother Harry Hardwick. I immediately
asked Goliath if he would post it for me. He declined my request. He told me he refused to
post on the Chatter and muttered something about a "13 day war" (I couldn't make out the
rest as he was apparently intoxicated). Feeling frustrated, I contacted Goliath's associate
"Pesty" and he agreed to post my message. Now I was quite celebratory and, I confess I
took a rather large helping of Mr. Goliath's delightful egg nog which I cherish for its medicinal
qualities. I went to my computer station and waited, with bated breath, to see the response
on the CCC. Now, through a course of events I shall not go into here, I quickly asked Pesty
to remove my words. I hope you will understand.

Meanwhile, I would ask you to review my article on HELL which is easily found on the special
webpage Goliath has made just to preserve my various articles.

I did want to take this opportunity of posting some of the VERY BEST from Rev. James Melton
and Bro. Harry Hardwick here, on Goliath's post where it can reach 45 nations of the world and
over 6,000 readers. Rev. Melton has an excellent article on "SATAN'S TEN COMMANDMENTS" for Parents. Which I present part.

Thou shalt not take thy children to a Bible-believing church
That's right, the last thing I need is a generation of children who learn to believe and obey God's word! Take your sons and daughters to a big and liberal church where there are scores of fun activities to waste their time and rob them of any chance to really learnthe Bible. Don't take them to an old-fashioned and fundamental church where the King James Bible is believed, preached and taught.
Thou shalt not teach thy children to know and serve Jesus Christ
I'll never populate Hell if you allow your children to see their lost condition and their need to have their sins washed away in the blood of Jesus Christ! Let them wait until they are older so they can decide for themselves what to believe. By then, I'll have them so brainwashed they'll never be saved. Tell them when to get up, when to take a bath, what to eat, when to be home and when to go to bed, but don't tell them what to believe about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ.
Thou shalt not spank thy children
I want to produce a whole generation of self-serving rebels who are not disciplined and who do not respect any moral authority-- including God. When this happens, I will rule the world and damn billions to Hell forever! I need YOUR help! DON'T spank that child!
Thou shalt enroll thy children in a day care center
Mom, don't even think of staying home to train up your children! Sure, the Bible commands women to be "keepers at home," but who believes the Bible these days? Your family can't make it on a single income. Get yourself a job and let my specially trained day care agents start working on your children. You make the babies and let me handle the rest.
Thou shalt enroll thy children in the public school system
Don't even think of home schooling or a private school. You just trust me to educate your children the way I think best. The public school system is packed full of my agents. We've already thrown the Bible, the Ten Commandments and prayer out of the schools. Now we're having the time of our life! We'll teach your kids that they have evolved from animals so they'll feel no obligation to honor and obey their true Creator. Then we'll let them dress any way they choose while teaching them all about sex. We'll even have a few dances each year so they can rub their bodies together while listening and dancing to the most ungodly music the world has ever known. With a little luck, your kids will have their own kids before finishing high school, which just means more day care prospects for me! Don't you just love my system?!!!!
Thou shalt allow thy children to walk, talk, dress and act like all other children
You wouldn't want you child to feel strange or different from other kids, would you? Of course you wouldn't! You want your child to grow up to fit into the world, to feel accepted and normal in society. That's exactly what I want! I want everyone to just fit in with society - to conform to the trends and fashions of the day. I have the majority of the earth's population marching right into Hell without even knowing it. Don't ask questions about your children's conduct, their styles, and their trends. Just accept it as "the latest thing" and let me direct their footsteps. I know just where they need to be and I know just how to get them there!
Thou shalt teach thy children to worship sports
Ah, yes! Let's not forget that one! Let's keep that child's mind occupied all the time lest they start thinking and asking questions about God, the Bible and Jesus Christ! I want them playing baseball, softball, basketball, football, ballet, swimming, track, gymnastics, and everything else you can find. In addition to this, buy them shoes and clothing endorsed by famous sports figures and take them to every sporting event possible. With a little effort, you can waste at least ten or fifteen hours every week! Hopefully, by the time they're grown they'll be reading the sports page and watching the sports channel every day while neverreading the Bible.
Thou shalt provide thy children with unrestricted entertainment
Don't deprive your kids of all the things that other kids enjoy, such as Internet access, their choice magazines, video games, television and movies. These are perfect mediums by which I am reaching millions of young people every day. They're listening to my music, looking at my pictures, and applying my self destructive principles in their lives. It's amazing how willing parents are to turn their kids over to me, but they're certainly doing it. So pleasedon't ask questions or investigate the choice entertainment of your sons and daughters.
Thou shalt permit thy sons and daughters to start dating by the age of sixteen
Preferably before then, like maybe thirteen or fourteen, but certainly no later than sixteen! Other teenagers date, so why shouldn't your teens date? Other teenagers experiment with sex, drugs and alcohol, so why shouldn't your teens do likewise? You think, "Oh, my teen wouldn't do anything like that!" Yeah, right! I'm so glad you foolish parents have such short memories! I'm so glad you've forgotten yourteenage years! One of my greatest assets in ruining your child is your belief that your child is different and wouldn't do any wrong. You make my job so easy - and fun!
Thou shalt not receive counsel from any Christian
When you encounter a Christian who has exceptionally well behaved children, you will be tempted to seek advice from them on raising your own children. DON'T! These people are religious nuts. They believing in training up children GOD'S WAY, which is the old-fashioned way. This is the twenty-first century, a new age with a new way of life. Away with God and the Bible! Away with Jesus and fundamental churches! Live like you want to live! After all, you only live once, and then you'll be in Hell forever - along with your kids! Just fear me and keep MY commandments, and we'll all be together one day - sooner than you may think!

Your's Truly . . . . . Lucifer

The Rev. Melton, also advises us on how EVEN THE BIBLE can lead one astray! (If it's not
the PROPER ORIGINAL KING JAMES BIBLE from which one studies. In this lovely and
powerful article he explains how the so called "NEW" King James Bible is nothing more than
an unholy TOOL OF LUCIFER!!!

1. The text of the NKJV is copyrighted by Thomas Nelson Publishers, while there is no copyright today on the text of the KJV. If your KJV has maps or notes, then it may have a copyright, but the text itself does not.
2. There's nothing "new" about the NKJV logo. It is a "666" symbol of the pagan trinity which was used in the ancient Egyptian mysteries. It was also used by satanist Aleister Crowley around the turn of this century. The symbol can be seen on the New King James Bible, on certain rock albums (like Led Zepplin's), or you can see it on the cover of such New Age books as The Aquarian Conspiracy. (See Riplinger's tract on the NKJV.)
3. It is estimated that the NKJV makes over 100,000 translation changes, which comes to over eighty changes per page and about three changes per verse! A great number of these changes bring the NKJV in line with the readings of such Alexandrian perversions as the NIV and the RSV. Where changes are not made in the text, subtle footnotes often give credence to the Westcott and Hort Greek Text.
4. While passing off as being true to the Textus Receptus, the NKJV IGNORES the Receptus over 1,200 times.
5. In the NKJV, there are 22 omissions of "hell", 23 omissions of "blood", 44 omissions of "repent", 50 omissions of "heaven", 51 omissions of "God", and 66 omissions of "Lord". The terms "devils", "damnation", "JEHOVAH", and "new testament" are completely omitted.
6. The NKJV demotes the Lord Jesus Christ. In John 1:3, the KJV says that all things were made "by" Jesus Christ, but in the NKJV, all things were just made "through" Him. The word "Servant" replaces "Son" in Acts 3:13 and 3:26. "Servant" replaces "child" in Acts 4:27 and 4:30. The word "Jesus" is omitted from Mark 2:15, Hebrews 4:8, and Acts 7:45.
7. The NKJV confuses people about salvation. In Hebrews 10:14 it replaces "are sanctified" with "are being sanctified", and it replaces "are saved" with "are being saved" in I Corinthians 1:18 and II Corinthians 2:15. The words "may believe" have been replaced with "may continue to believe" in I John 5:13. The old straight and "narrow" way of Matthew 7:14 has become the "difficult" way in the NKJV.
8. In II Corinthians 10:5 the KJV reads "casting down imaginations", but the NKJV reads "casting down arguments". The word "thought", which occurs later in the verse, matches "imaginations", not "arguments". This change weakens the verse.
9. The KJV tells us to reject a "heretick" after the second admonition in Titus 3:10. The NKJV tells us to reject a "divisive man". How nice! Now the Alexandrians and Ecumenicals have justification for rejecting anyone they wish to label as "divisive men".
10. According to the NKJV, no one would stoop so low as to "corrupt" God's word. No, they just "peddle" it (II Cor. 2:17). The reading matches the Alexandrian versions.
11. Since the NKJV has "changed the truth of God into a lie", it has also changed Romans 1:25 to read "exchanged the truth of God for the lie". This reading matches the readings of the new perversions, so how say ye it's a King James Bible?
12. The NKJV gives us no command to "study" God's word in II Timothy 2:15.
13. The word "science" is replaced with "knowledge" in I Timothy 6:20, although "science" has occurred in every edition of the KJV since 1611! How say ye it's a King James Bible?
14. The Jews "require" a sign, according to I Corinthians 1:22 (and according to Jesus Christ - John 4:48), but the NKJV says they only "request" a sign. They didn't "request" one when signs first appeared in Exodus 4, and there are numerous places throughout the Bible where God gives Israel signs when they haven't requested anything (Exo. 4, Exo. 31:13, Num. 26:10, I Sam. 2:34, Isa. 7:10-14, Luke 2:12, etc). They "require" a sign, because signs are a part of their national heritage.
15. The King James reading in II Corinthians 5:17 says that if any man is in Christ he is a new "creature", which matches the words of Christ in Mark 16:15. The cross reference is destroyed in the NKJV, which uses the word "creation."
16. As a final note, we'd like to point out how the NKJV is very inconsistent in it's attempt to update the language of the KJV. The preface to the NKJV states that previous "revisions" of the KJV have "sought to keep abreast of changes in English speech", and also that they too are taking a "further step toward this objective". However, when taking a closer look at the language of the NKJV, we find that oftentimes they are stepping BACKWARDS! (From "The NKJV : A DEADLY TRANSLATION" By James Melton. )

I , ERMA THRASK, strongly urge all my readers to study these words well! Later, more from Bro. Harry!!

Home of the Week, "In a Lonely Place" by Erma Thrask

Salutations! Fortified with a few cups of Mr. Goliath's eggnog, I valiantly return to
my task of offering critique of the communistic rag Courier-Journal's feature "Home of the Week". I do so in the teeth of personal attacks from tattoo'd females of indeterminate age who also allegedly go bra-less and do their best to inveigle men
into temptations of the flesh.

Our subject this week is "Derby Dazzler" the so called home of one "Laurence Zeilke" Attorney at Law.
Let us begin with what distinguishes this article from all previous articles of its kind....namely, there is NO PHOTOGRAPH of MR. ZIELKE!!! As a suspicious minded 'old goat' (as some have called me! Imagine!) I wonder why Mr. Zielke opted not to be included in the feature. Perhaps it
was some last vestige of shame pricked his conscience. "What to be ashamed of?" you may well
ask. By way of explanation I offer this, from the article.
HOMEOWNER: Laurence Zielke. Laurence is an attorney with Zielke Law Firm, LLC.

HOME: A 7,000-square-foot home with 4 bedrooms and 5½ bathrooms in eastern Jefferson County.

DISTINCTIVE ELEMENTS: Outdoor living area complete with swimming pool, tennis court and gazebo; original artwork; extensive collection of inkwells; custom marble mantel with gold leaf detail; and spacious areas ideal for entertaining.

Can you imagine? 7000 square feet of living space for ONE PERSON! This is the definition of
vulgar excess! Imagine Mr. Zielke, if you will, wandering about his abode in the middle of the
night. What errant thoughts must pass through his mind as he wanders the vast open empty spaces! But, if the sheer obscene excess of it is not enough, we are offered further insulting imagery and words. (Mr. Zielke needs these chairs)  (Tasteless Excess) 
(He probably sits here and contemplates Who will win American Idol while swilling whisky and
talking to himself).

And here we have the ultimate affectation.--> Are we to imagine the savoir faire Mr. Zielke tossing his 'derby hat' on the toiletries table, a la James Bond,
swishing on some cologne before (or perhaps after) he sallies forth into the world to conquer all?
My goodness! I must say that I fear greatly for the grand Mr. Zielke who apparently feels a complelling need to own, and worse, show, so many things. ...but not his own visage.

Is it really that hard to look at yourself sir?

Home of the Week- FINALLY! by Erma Thrask

Salutations! Well... although some may have thought I had been VANQUISHED by certain impertinent comments about my personality and relationship with the late
Mr. Thrask (I shall refrain from mentioning any names) as you can see I am triumphantly still here. I always knew when I took the thankless job of reviewing the generally horrible job of offering critical review of the satanic Courier Journal's
'Home of the Week" article, I would encounter some criticisms as well. I had never
dreamed I might be accused of murder! As time passed I did come to think that I
might be exposed to the claim that I was a bitter dried up old goat. (Which I am not
thank you very much!) However, week after week it has been my sad task to look, with a critical eye, on the horrors the Courier opted to display and present as 'homes of note'. It has been a truly wretched task that I found I had to fortify myself more and more with Mr. Goliath's delightful egg nog (and prayer) to get through.

So how WONDERFUL it is to have the pleasure of reporting on a home featured finally that, frankly, has very little that is objectionable to it. No garish window treatments, No faux greco roman columns in the 'parlor' , no massive entertainment centers with huge flatscreen television mounted over fireplaces, inappropriately placed personal items (for show), No gut wrenching
family crisis on display in the 'family photo' and the like. None of that dreck! Simply a nice well put together modestly appropriate home for a family.

I looked for clues as to why THIS family was the exception to the usual horrors we have to see.
Sure enough, I found my answer in this sentence, "The couple are both active in mission work here and abroad."

A Wholesome CHRISTIAN FAMILY home! No doubt the McKechnies have, and read, the BIBLE!

Certain of you readers (especially those who brazenly display 4 tattoos on their limbs by wearing shorts and also go bra-less) take note!!!
1. Well well well, I see someone has certainly NOT taken my words of Christian concern to heart and instead insists on furthering their attacks on me (and my memories of the late Mr. Thrask- who did NOT run off to Peru with some trollop I'll have you know!) You say that men
enjoy looking "at my tats." Well, I'm sure they do Mrs. GG because so many men are like dogs,
if you open the food bag...they just keep on taking it in! But the proper place for decent woman
is to not add to the temptations these weak minded men must face but rather, by our sterling example, show them a better way. You seem to have missed this important lesson. As for my
consumption of egg nog with spirits, If you absolutely MUST know, I have consulted with my
physician on this subject and he has informed me that I am perfectly safe and my imbibing of Mr. Goliath's egg nog is actually quite beneficial to my health. It limbers my arterial structures and lowers my cardiac pressures. In such cases, it is clearly a medicinal and healthful habit.
As to my feminine charms, which you impugn and challenge me to name (other than exit doors),
I can only say that I was taught not to boast about my looks and refrain from vanity. You will
NEVER catch me saying "men like to look at my tats". Sincerely, Erma.

"STYLEMAKER" ("Home of the Week" deferred}

Salutations! I am SO glad to be back! Mr. Goliath has been very patient with me as I have found it impossible to generate a column on Home of the Week these past few Saturdays. We had the former parsonage on Peterson Avenue, then old house
downtown and last week it was the rustic part cabin part victorian that had real actual lives being lived inside. Well! I just couldn't bring myself to write about these even if I did see some things not to my taste.

So, you may imagine with what anticipation I awaited todays Courier Journal. I felt very confident that surely today the column would return to it usual fare of faux greco columns,
indented ceilings, horrid window treatments and, of course, the 'man cave' with a huge flat screen
television and large overstuffed seating arrangements for watching 'big screen' pornographic action.

But, to my extreme dismay, today the Courier featured the "Market Street Inn" in Jeffersonville. My publisher, Mr. Goliath, has strictly forbidden me from writing a critique. This
is heavy handed censorship of the most oppressive kind! (So much for the First Amendment!)
As a solace, Mr. Goliath recommended I peruse a feature in the godless Courier Journal called
"STYLEMAKER" I am taking a look, at this week's stylemaker, Laura Watkins. Ms. Watkins is a stylemaker for Bullitt county Kentucky. She has quite obviously decided to flaunt
her female body for the temptations of men! She chose for her 'cover' story a black dress
with turquoise 'explosions' as decorations for her bosom! (As if men really needed prompts
to draw their eyes to that portion of the female anatomy!) The neckline is PLUNGING so that
Mrs. Thrask imagines that whenever she leans over she is in position to give the helpless men
around her QUITE A SHOW! click here for photos:

She states, "...I look professional." "I like color so I try to incorporate it. I don't ever want to play the stuffy mom bit."

"It makes me feel a little sassy but tasteful." One of her go-to looks is dresses or skirts with boots.

I can only suggest to Ms. Watkins that looking like a professional, in my time, meant you looked
like a 'lady of the evening' otherwise known as a 'soiled dove'. And Erma Thrask would like to know dear, what on earth is wrong with 'the stuffy mom' look. That's the problem with our young children today...most of their mothers want to compete with them in wearing juvenile
fashions, baring their midriffs, exposing the bosom and (save us!) getting tattoos!

Lets take a look at Vannesa Krebs. “I think my style is shabby chic but fun,” designer Vanessa Krebs says.  (By Sam Upshaw Jr., The Courier-Journal) She is the 26 year old designer who works at "Gotcha covered" and designed one of the most famous window treatments to ever appear in "Home of the Week" (One commenter posted "Dear Erma- Thanks once again for another insightful review of the CJ's most recent "Home of the Week". This week, you were too kind-- you really were. You were dead on with respect to the window coverings---where where they? No doubt a warning to all about hiring a company called "Gotcha Covered". Noya don't!")

Ms. Krebs continues the trend of women today with her blouse exposing the upper slopes of her bosom with
just a touch of cleavage to whet the imagination of helpless males. To prove my case, I need only quote her
words from the article featuring her 'stylemaking'. " Her bedroom is designed in shades of merlot. “A bedroom should be who you are,” she says."

NO DEAR...emphatically NO! A decent Christian WOMAN is A HELPMEET
to her husband, a docile mother to her children and a servant of the LORD! SHE IS NOT " A BEDROOM!"

As you know, Erma Thrask is not one to offer criticisms without providing a constructive model
from which you, the reader may benefit. With this in mind I offer some depictions of
'style' that are oppropriate.


As an accessory? A well worn copy of the King James Bible clasped firmly in your hand.

Well, thanks all. I look forward, perhaps next week to returning to "Home of the Week"
Update: A reader writes concerning my assertion and condemnation of tattoos as female ornamentation. Madame, the impulse which drove you to obtain tattoos came from Satan. No doubt you also wear shorts, sometimes go bra-less and fail to respect the word of your husband as 'head of the household'. I urge you to read your BIBLE and cancel your subscription to the Courier Journal!

UPDATE- A devoted reader has emailed me, Erma Thrask, a photograph that I overlooked
and which they note proves my point that Ms. Krebs is nothing more than a misguided trollop.
Apparently she has decided to devote herself entirely to luring men to their doom.
As the late Mister Thrask used to say, "CASE CLOSED"

UPDATE: April 2, 2010.
A reader has written to say inquire if I, Erma Thrask, am sinless. "Let she who is without sin
cast the first stone". She then says, in her next comment, "Mrs. Thrask are a woman who lives to belittle others. What does that say about you? It says to me you are a bitter, opinionated, dried up old goat."

Well I NEVER!!!! First, let us agree that since the good book tells us that we are ALL sinners, then certainly
I, Erma Thrask, am also a sinner. However, I think we can agree that there are greater and lesser sins and
there are those who sin more than others. It is clear that I am in the latter of both categories, my sins are
smaller and fewer due to my humble devotion and constant study of the Bible. Apparently some readers
fall in the former categories committing GRAVE sins such as self ornamentation, shameless display of legs,
thighs and (ahem) bosoms. Of course we are charged to condemn these sins and yet love the sinner. (a task
that is a woeful challenge at times. I ask for strength to live up to this command!)

As for the opinion that I am a bitter, opinionated dried up old goat, all I can say is "Naaaa ..... Naaaa".
Why, the late Mr. Thrask used to kindly commend me on my docile and dare I say, generous nature. I knew the proper place of woman. I made sure Mr. Thrask's shirts were crisply ironed and that he enjoyed warm
and wholesome meals to nourish his body for his labors. (oatmeal for breakfast Every morning! Boiled potatos, quarter slab of lettuce and boiled chicken for dinner!) I made sure his hair was properly groomed and his clothes appropriate to his station in life.

Now, as for your threat to boycott the Goliath web site, I urge you to do so! Goliath is a heathen. Even the good book Condemns his race...the Philistines, in several notable passages. My personal favorite is when Sampson, having regained his strength after losing his hair to the wiles of that temptress, Delilah (who no
doubt was tattooed from head to toe!) knocks down the faux greco columns at the palace of the Philistine
King and slays thousands of heathen Philistines in one fell swoop!

I only associate with Goliath for the sake of trying to fulfill my Christian duty to redeem him from his pagan
and heathen ways. In addition, he provides me with fresh eggs and generous amounts of egg NOG which I
must say, I have developed quite a taste for the past few months. Goliath is a heathen. You would do
better to steer clear and devote yourself to reading the Bible and laundering and ironing your husbands socks.
-Sincerely, Erma Thrask.

BEAST of BOTH WORLDS...Home of the Week by ERMA THRASK

Well well well..... Erma Thrask is NOBODY's FOOL!!! I am saddened to report that BEHIND MY BACK Goliath has been secretly recruiting JULES' MOTHER to replace me as the commentator on "HOME OF THE WEEK". I began to have suspicions that Goliath was engaged in an ongoing effort to impair the "integrity"
of my column so I took a cue from SUPERMIKE and took the liberty of reading some of what he thought was PRIVATE MESSAGES and what do I discover? Goliath is PLOTTING with JULES to have JULES' MOTHER write a "Home of
the Week" Column!!! Well Well Well. And I THOUGHT Goliath was my friend!

Now, as a Christian lady, I knew it was my duty to try to help Goliath find the light. As you know, Goliath is a heathen that worships his ancient gods. He actually sacrifices poultry and small animals to them in expiation of what he considers 'sins'. (What a catalog of horrors that is!!) We are told to Hate the sin and love the sinner ! But in the teeth of such betrayal, this is a sore task on a person such as myself. I also found GOLIATH was receiving PORNOGRAPHY
in his private messages! As vile and disgusting as it is, I feel obliged to share with the world,
(similar to my hero, Kenneth Starr a la the Clinton-Lewinski affair) all the sordid details of
this pornographic correspondance. Jules sent Goliath this image...... Now, I understand this sign was
stood above one of our local highways all last summer and as Goliath earlier mentioned it to me
and I had no IDEA what "MILF" stood for at the time, I decided to educate myself
as not to be unarmed in this battle with Goliath and Jules' mother! So, I 'googled' the term
"MILF" and Dear LORD!!! YOU can't believe what vile filth came up on my computer screen!
I strongly urge you NOT TO GOOGLE this term! Just thank the Lord that you have Erma Thrask to do such vile work for you. Only a good christian such as myself could be exposed to
such sordid imagery and not be in jeopardy of the flames of hell! I made a very thorough inspection of almost all of the websites devoted to MILFs. This took me some 36 hours of constant viewing (with occassional breaks for egg nog and a nap!). Page after page of images
depicting horrible acts and nudity! I assure you that as I gazed at page after page of such images
I finally reached the conclusion that this was truly sinful. I will return to my investigation of such sites shortly as I want to be fair. But, so far, I have found nothing but sin and degradation!
The image above PROVES Goliath's soul is in jeopardy. I will pray for him.

Now, to turn to the subject of this weeks column (a welcome relief from my contemplation of
Goliath's cowardly treachery!) This week we find that, apparently, the vile communist organ,
"The Courier Journal" has run out of glorified tract homes to depict and have now turned once
again to portraying a condominium as a "home". Of course, I am obliged to observe that any time a residence contains the word "condom" in its very name one should have a major clue
that what is inside is going to be turgid, mindless and insistent...and obscene.

From time to time you may have come across the phrase "loud and vulgar" and wondered what,
exactly, the writer was trying to convey. Well, please take a look at this weeks Home of the Week and you will have your answer! I present to you one of the photographs which will
give you the idea of what the Bennetson's, transplanted to our gracious region from Chicago
consider 'stylish' apparently...
Of course, I would always approve of the addition of fresh flowers to a room but, if you will, imagine the room WITHOUT flowers! I think you will have some idea of the soulessness of this home! It has been
a rare thing to see a home of the week that depicted such a mish mash of loud (dare I say 'shouting'?) colors , fabrics and patterns tossed up in such a small space! I confess I began to
feel a headache coming on just from looking at the photographs...I can scarcely imagine how discombobulating it must be to actually try and live there! Take a look at this decorating decision and tell me if you would not positively verge on a nervous breakdown just wondering
when that vase would be toppled! 

Excuse me while I refresh myself with a sip of egg nogg to help me regather my nerves! Can someone PLEASE explain to me why you put a piece of glass over a footstool? In any event,
as is usual, I find no sign of a bible in the home. I have looked carefully at the 'book nook'
and can't make out a volumn of the King James on those shelves. (If I am mistaken I would be
more than happy to take back these words!) but, gracious! I could not gather my wits to
contemplatively read some stirring chapters of Leviticus after the visual sensory assault of
merely walking through the rest of the home to arrive the 'nook'.
However, I do
confess this seems to be the most attractive room in the home. I imagine this room is dominated by MR. Bennetson. Thus, a word of advise to MRS Bennetson....start over! Let your husband
make the decorating decisions!! And of course...please buy a BIBLE...and READ IT!!

P.S. Thank you Jules and Jules' mother for so graciously and tactfully rebuffing Goliath's
treacherous efforts to recruit you to replace me as the columnist for this feature.



Salutations Goliathandwimmens readers!!! What a memorable week this has been what with the snow making 'stay at homes' of all of us. Then the Mayor of Jeffersonville announced what seems to be a foregone conclusion plan for a canal in Jeffersonville which will incorporate features suggested by Mr. Goliath including Coffee shops where people can enjoy themselves. I suppose I am a bit older than the usual customer to which such shops are ordinarily marketed. However, Erma Thrask likes to keep an open mind and try new experiences. Mr Goliath assures me that we will have a wonderful time and has promised to accompany me to one of these. He tells such wonderful stories about his past experiences in Amsterdam Coffee shops such as 'The Bulldog' and 'Cafe Easy
Times' that I can hardly wait.

I turn now to this week's "Home of the Week" as presented by that horrifying communist rag of a so called 'newspaper' "the Courier Journal' "Fern Creek Home offers New Beginning for Blended Family". I must say, this family is far, very far from "blended". It appears more
shaken than stirred. And, further, the story is somewhat frightening. Before now I have considered it wise to refrain from commenting extensively on the PEOPLE who resided in the
homes it has fallen to me to review. But, this week I must make an exception. This week we are
told a 'happy' story of Ted and Kathy Dillman who have married and made the featured house their home.....and the home of their three sons. (One son is hers and two sons are his). As we
browse through the photographs of the home, we see the total and complete domination of Kathy's tastes and decorating on display. But, the photograph that tells a deeply troubling story
is the one of the 'blended' family. Take a look.Mrs. Dillman is all smiles as is her son, (the nice looking young man wearing a tie). Mr. Dillman has a big happy smile on his face. He is
apparently QUITE pleased with his new, second, bride. And one look at her physical attributes and one can easily guess why. (Mr. Goliath says she is called a "MILF" but he is rather vague about what that actually means.) But in any case, I can see that she is blonde, very pretty and
VERY buxomy-shapely.

But, now I take a closer look at Mr. Dillman's two sons. (the ones that could not bring themselves
to put on a tie as Mrs. Dillman ...the latest Mrs doubt asked them to wear for the photograph.) The first son is bearing only the faintest trace of a forced smile....and number two
son (in the back) has no smile at all! Of course, I , Erma Thrask could be all wrong, but judging from this photograph, and the others accompanying the story I venture to guess that Mr. Dillmans boys are none to happy with their 'new' 'Mom'.

When we look at the rest of the house, I have to confess, in at least one respect, I completely agree with them. I can scarcely recall when a featured home of a family so completely was dominated so obviously by the female of the household! I offer you a quote from the story

Festive and fun describes the half bathroom, or, as Kathy refers to it, “the girls' room.” Beige walls hold various decorative wall plaques that define this very feminine room with words such as nail polish, blush and lipstick. A pedestal sink provides a place to freshen up, while an area rug sports a high-heeled shoe. Pictures of Kathy and her friends are found on black shelves mounted on the wall."

Is it just me, or did you also notice that there are NO OTHER "GIRLS" in this home? I wonder if
Mr. Dillman's sons enjoy the 'decorative plaques' that 'define this very feminine room with words
such as nail polish and blush and lipstick"?

As I set this paper aside, I can't help but ponder the thoughts of the FIRST Mrs. Dillman as she
reads this story. I, Erma Thrask, am not a betting person (it is a sin) but, if I were, I would
be willing to wager a rather large sum that the first Mrs. Dillman was not given such full sway and scope in exercising her tastes and, dare I say whims, in decorating the home. For example,
I doubt that the first Mrs. Dillman scattered busts of Beethoven around the home. There are
TWO in this home, yet I see no piano! What a mystery that is! Is someone a secret Beethoven
fan? Then why no piano or music center? Oh my. I fear that someone has simply purchased these busts of Beethoven because they imagined they 'added a touch of class' to the decor. Oh
dear...and given the rest of the decor that would have to be Mrs. Dillman (the second).

In conclusion, I recommend some intensive family therapy for this not so blended family. And,
as a concession, give those young sons of Mr. Dillman their own game room. Finally, yet again
I plead....PLEASE BUY A BIBLE AND READ IT.... Especially the part that says "Thou shalt not
commit adultery!"


Home of the week : SPECIAL EDITION by Erma Thrask


Greetings everyone! And Salutations! Goliath has asked me, once again, on this
snowbound day to take pen in hand and offer my thoughts on modern decor and living. But, this day we depart from our usual comments and turn the spotlight on the home of our dear friend Goliath. Many have asked for a view of his home and for those of you not graced with an invitation to visit the Goliath compound where Mr. Goliath lives in sin with his three concubines and a larger flock of chickens we offer this view into the private world of our beloved Biblical figure.

Goliath is a "Lost and abandoned private asset Engineer" and retired military. When he and is
family decided to relocate to the Jeffersonville Indiana area, they carefully selected a compound and home that would suit their unique needs. Mr. Goliath is originally from Philistine
(modern day) Palestine but has lived in many parts of the world in his career. The Goliath home reflects this cultured and well traveled sensibility. 
Some renovations have been made to bring this marvelous home up to date! It has electricity and indoor plumbing! (Something Mr. Goliath confesses he has trouble getting used to)
The Goliath bedroom is shown next. It features a simple color scheme of pale white walls with
a mirror and sheer curtains as an understated calm and romantic effect. Goliath and Sheba El al (concubine number 1) like to keep plenty of water near the bed. Since Goliath is originally a man of the desert, he has a certain psychological satisfaction from ready access to water. (Which is partly why he lives on the Ohio river and favors the recently proposed Jeff Canal Project) As
a music lover, this room is furnished with a wifi ipod which Mr. Goliath says he enjoys listening to
Annie Lennox and the Dixie Chicks on.Turning now to the more public parts of the home, We find the Dining room which continues the beige curtain window treatments in to the main living area of the home. Goliath prefers early colonial motifs for his
furniture accents as is reflected in the choice of ladderback chairs. This is a classic Southern midwest look that makes the home particularly charming. Please note the unconventional placement of an easy chair in the dining room which Mr. Goliath explains, "Sometimes during feasting Me like to take a little break and rest my weary bones and lets the grub settle well into my stomachers. I likes to sip jagermeister in that there too of an evening."
In the parlor sitting room, the pale drapes theme is continued. The room is furnished with a settee that Goliath found in a garbage dumpster behind the Harbors Condominiums on one of his many adventurous expeditions. The walls retain the original paper which Goliath feels adds to the 'authenticity' of the decor. Goliath cut a barrel drum in half and turned it upside down and threw a sheet over it to make a coffee table. A unique solution to a difficult decorating and furnishing problem! There are a lot of chicken feathers scattered about
the room. This flock has full run of the Goliath home and certainly adds a certain unique charm to any visit to the Goliath Compound.
Not to be outdated, Goliaths has a "media room" where he can watch movies like "The Robe", "Ben Hur", "Spartacus" and the "Ten Commandments" in wide screen splendor. His computer station is where he accesses the internet and updates his blog, monitors HoosierTaxpayer's viscious personal attacks and rip offs of Goliath's ideas. He also looks at the great sales he makes from his Online market where he sells goods and items on the internet all over the World. This is
Goliath's private world and he laughs and says "Those wimmens ...they hardly evers come in here ! That Why Me so free to drink Jagermeisters here in!" Once again the eggshell white wall theme is continued but the window treatments and wall decor are a little different reflecting Goliaths personal, masculine tastes and displaying unique treasures Goliath has collected over
the centuries.

{main bathroom before cleaning]The bathroom in the home is an allusion to the families' mediterranean origins with its 'Attic Blue' walls and Greek
tiled shower. These colors were specially picked by Goliath and are his first pride in this home.
"That there bathroom could have been quite ordinary...but I do feels as if Me has made it something rather unique in there".

As my readers know, I , Erma Thrask, have been searching in vain for a Bible in the home of
"Home of the Week" subjects. Goliath's home is no exception. He is aware of the book and pleased that he is featured in a story in the good book. However, as a practicing heathen, he
feels it would be hypocritical of him to keep a copy of the Bible in his home. I, Erma Thrask,
have been trying to bring Goliath to see the error of his pagan heathen ways. I will keep trying.


Anonymous said...
How could I have not known that Sparticus would be a Goliath favorite??!! It's that Kirk Douglas chin isn't it??!! :) Such a warm lovely home ambiance by the way Goliath...My compliments. Jules

Goliath said...
TThanks Jules. Me also Like "Gladiator" with Rooster Crowe. That very good depiction. Me glads you approves of decor. What thou think of blue in bathroom? Me know it kinda bold and all, but it remind me of the sky underwhich me so oftener has attended to bodily functions and all. But, me still ain't completely sure it was the right decor touch.

Goliath said...
And HAppy Birthday Jules!

Anonymous said...
I see the blue bathroom a bit differently Goliath...More serene and spa-like!!...A place you can go to unwind after a busy day of "gladiatoring" ???? Do you even do that?? I dunno!! :) A place for the wimmens to primp and pamper themselves at their leisure...And for your pleasure. Yeah, that's it!! LOL And thank-you for the birthday wishes too. Jules

hoosiertaxpayer said...
What a dump !!! Here's my home theater at my mancave..... http/ The chicks love it !!!!!

Anonymous said...
Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk to taste this chicken." I like your house, it's beautimous. It makes me want to go fast. Your number one fan, Ricky Bobby


"Home of the Week" Unclear Vision A DEBATE

Greetings to all readers of this here blog. As you knows very wells by now, me is entirely disgusterated by "Home of theWeek" what get printed each and ever Satruday mornings. Me create this here blog and gets Erma Thrask,  my friend what likes to come over and try to converts me away from my heathern gods over to the
Southern Baptis religiins. Her very good decoratorer and me let her comment on Home O the weeks. Now, this weeks we got something differnets so Me thin me let Erma and mylittle friend Pesty debat this here. (him so jealous him not got a reglar
column and no outlet since him got kicked off the Clark County Chatterings! This here the condermint what is featured in this weeks Home O the weeks. David Duralde, an eyeglass designer, enjoys his 2,800-square-foot condominium. He bought it three years ago but has lived in it for only a year and a half because construction took some time.  (By Michael Clevenger, The Courier-Journal) Let the debate begin!

PESTY: This is a fantastic home. I like everything about it from the subdued color scheme with
emphasis on the modern art to the bare windows and modern simple furniture. This is the perfect home for the modern Louisville Metrosexual such as myself.

ERMA: Goodness! How sadly mistaken you are Mr. Pesty, this is completely unsuitable for any self respecting Kentuckianian! I will begin, as I am forced to look at this horror show, with the the HDTV prominently located above what is supposed to be a 'fireplace' in what I suppose is intended to be the 'living room'. Please refer to last week's column for my full exposition on this
decorating faux pas.

PESTY: Well, I agree with the inappropriateness of the TEE VEE in last weeks' featured home, but here, it seems less obtrusive and somehow it 'works'. Furthermore, take a look at the art he
has on his walls. That homage to Rothko is totally perfect and it's completely dominating that
room because the rest of the room is so 'beige'. That's good design and decorating.

ERMA: It's good decorating for a shoe store! It's certainly inappropriate for a HOME. This is
show offy and it all about the ego and satanic narcissism of the owner. The whole mess screams,
"see how cool and sophisticated I am! Why, I could be in New York City!"

PESTY: Wait a second, you can't say that! Why shouldn't a person take modern tastes and bring them into their life here in the midwest?

ERMA: Bring them into their life? Dear me, Pesty, how empty is a life that is so readily filled by
opening the pages of "Architectural Digest" and copying everything you see? Need I point out the complete lack of any personal objects in this home? (Not to mention a Bible). A home that is
so sterile and devoid of personal touchpoints isn't really a home. It's like a fancy set of clothing you buy of the rack in an overpriced designer store. But, I admit in your case that would be an
improvement over that dreadful updated 'leisure suit' you are wearing.

PESTY: This is the same turtleneck and sportcoat Bob Guccione wore in his 1994 PLAYBOY

ERMA: No doubt.

PESTY: You have to admit, Mrs. Thrask, this home is tasteful and sleek. It's clean lines are
easy on the eye and suggest an intelligent and sophisticated person dwells here.

ERMA: Sophisticated? Well, it shows someone who is TRYING to be sophisticated lives here. And if they had come by it honestly, It would not be for me to judge. However, the entire home
follows the same style and suggests, as I said before, it was taken wholecloth off the page of
AD or some modern design magazine. But, before we depart entirely from the subject of
clothing, I would also suggest that Mr. Duralde (the condo owner) purchase a sweater that fits
him. I can't stop looking at the gap on his juvenile sweater. (Is that an 'alligator' patch on it? Cute.)

PESTY: I like it. Give it a thumbs up.

ERMA: I shudder to imagine the LIFE that goes on here. This is too rareified for Louisville and
certainly Southern Indiana. Who could come here and sit down and relax and shared the events of the day with a loved one. WHERE in this home would one feel comfortable? With no curtains,
ones empty life would be exposed to the outside world. Where is the cozy privacy... a retreat
to surrender the cares of the day? No Mr. Pesty, this is the home of a confused sinner. And
I worry for you if you fail to see this. Please, Mr. Duralde, find the time to obtain a BIBLE and
READ it!


Anonymous said...
I thought that WAS Mr. Pesty holding court in his very "sleek" kitchen!! :) It's not exactly to my taste, but those windows and views are to die for. Jules

Goliath said...
Pesty only DREAM o living in place like that. Him does have a poster of of the "Falling Water" and a stack of "DWELL" magazines.

Anonymous said...
"It's certainly inappropriate for a HOME. This is show offy and it all about the ego and satanic narcissism of the owner. The whole mess screams, "see how cool and sophisticated I am! " PESTY: This is the same turtleneck and sportcoat Bob Guccione wore in his 1994 PLAYBOY interview. ERMA: No doubt! Here is some info for the Goliath readers, sophisticated, pretentious, or otherwise, to contemplate from the "Urban Dictionary" concerning 10 things that : You might be "metrosexual" if:

Anonymous said...
"It's good decorating for a shoe store! " Good debate: prestentious/narcissism vs Erma's "down home sensible Kentuckian" look!


Air conditioned NIGHTMARE, Erma Thrask Reviews 'Home of the Week"

Goodness, another week has gone by! First, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to my many fans! Mr. Goliath has been kind enough to send along the cards and letters and emails he has received from all of you who share my sentiments regarding the fundamentally flawed idea of flaunting one's home in a photo-feature in the regional newspaper. (a notion made far worse by virtue of the fact that newspaper is nothing more than a trumpet of SATAN! The courier-journal is well-known as an organ of evil commie-socialist propaganda!). One would think that persons who hail from the same GREAT state as our dearly beloved former President, George "W" Bush would have more sense than to involve themselves in any way with the Courier Journal. But, I note, with concern, this couple "the Litzmans" sojourned for a time in that horrifying state, Florida. I will, therefore, take that unhappy fact as my explanation of this banal horror, which I would call 'an air conditioned
nightmare," depicted in this week's "Home of the Week."

I will begin by noting the photograph of the house itself. The problems begin here where the
two car garage is in the front of and perpindicular to the house proper. This is not elegant home design. Yes, we all know that we live in an age of the automobile as a necessity of life. There is nothing wrong with an attached garage...but a garage is not really the premier feature of
good home design. The garage should be set apart and, if possible, hidden from view from the street. The Litzmans have gone the other route. Their garage abuts the entrance alcove of their home! Frank Lloyd Wright rolls in his grave!

Entering the home (and the featured photograph on the front page and above the fold) the
ghastly confirmation of horror that was suggested by the garage appears! There are the Litzmans, a nice looking couple, but they present themselves before their most precious
possession.... A HD Television MOUNTED ABOVE THE FIREPLACE!!! Reinforcing the message of the 'holiness' of the Tee Vee...are the sunken wall stepped back around the "TEE VEE". I need hardly say more about the whole remainder of the photo is the
view into the dining room. A flat-screen TV hangs above the fireplace mantel in the family room. (By Pam Spaulding, The Courier-Journal) Note well the TEE Vee
over the mantel. I also draw your attention onto the window treatments... apparently thieves
broke into the home the night before the "photo shoot" and stole the curtains, leaving only the
tops, since No one, not even persons with a garage for their front room, would put those short drape up all by itself. It looks like a marine with a soup bowl haircut!

As I gaze at the rest of the photographs, I fear that I am growing too sensitive... in these big
empty rooms I sense loneliness, surfaces with nothing beneath them, odd pairings of bar stools
suggestive of two different and clashing personalities that nevertheless care for each other and
NEVER SPEAK of the desperate hell in which they privately suffer.

Thank goodness I DO see personal items. There are family photographs over the mantel in
the basement...and a reference to the fact that this is where the family entertains, and, I suspect,
really lives...and that's fine. I also see a nod to someones favorite team...they are ATM fans as well as other little nods to the Texas background. Very good! NOW take that SPIRIT and put it in your LIVING ROOM and ENJOY IT!!! Because if they are trying to make a model room out of it..they are failing miserably!

I once knew a poor lady who suffered from a bi-polar personality. She had a perfectly appointed living room-parlour. The furniture was first rate and of the best quality. She had
perfect decorations. A white carpet. But, sadly, EVERY THING WAS COVERED IN PLASTIC
and NEVER USED. This is no way to live Mr. and Mrs. Litzman! Don't try and kid me, I know
that if you tried to watch that TEE VEE above the mantel for more than 20 minutes you would
have crick in your neck that would last for two days!

Finally, I applaud the avoidance of a faux finish, faux greco columns and a 'media room'.
Mr and Mrs. Litzman apparently have no need for larger than life depictions of carnal acts. I
DO see a cross on the wall but IT IS BY THE LIQUOR CABINET!!! This disturbs me. I see
NO BIBLE in any room of the home. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Litzman, if President George "W"
Bush ever came by to visit....would he feel comfortable and at home watching the sinking poll
numbers for Obama on YOUR television set? I think not! He would likely spit up another pretzel and bang his head!!! There IS hope for your home....but it still needs some TLC ...AND


Anonymous said...
Dear Erma- Thanks once again for another insightful review of the CJ's most recent "Home of the Week". This week, you were too kind-- you really were. You were dead on with respect to the window coverings---where where they? No doubt a warning to all about hiring a company called "Gotcha Covered". Noya don't! Perhaps the 2 sets of totally different barstools were remnants of their former separate different "pasts". I dont know. Whatever it is... those barstools did look lonely. Maybe they were pining for a long-lost wagon-wheel coffee table. I was puzzled by the lack of reference to children or family-- although they did say they entertained family and friends in the downstairs area. There were photos of some people, yes...but none in the bedroom which seemed rather odd. ANd who goes or (went?) to Texas A & M? That's a heck of an homage for someone who went there--what? 30 years ago? What about that baseball glove sitting on the ottoman in the Tee Vee room. Are we supposed to believe that this couple just came in from a fierce game of catch? Very odd. I think the strangest thing of all were the 2 figurines flanking the fireplace. Who are they and where did they come from? Being a bit wary of miniature statuettes of people( especially dressed as clowns) I found myself to be so uncomfortable that I was unable to look at anything else in the room. Better luck next Saturday-----

Goliath said...
ERMA THRASK REPLIES- Your comment about the 'long lost wagon wheel coffee table had me laughing, anonymous. I also enjoyed your comments about the baseball glove which I had discretely omitted from my review...but I think your comment suits the situation perfectly. Indeed...why WAS that there? After all, its not even summertime. As for the 'figurines' dressed as clowns and the "golf ball collection" ...I felt the less said, the better. - Erma


What the FRICKE? HOME OF THE WEEK by Erma Thrask

Salutations! I am back! Mr. Goliath once again asked me to give a word or two on the excresence presented on the communist inspired courier-journal's "HOME OF THE WEEK". Today's feature was an unwelcome visit into the home of Mr. Fricke who, apparently, conceives of himself as some sort of whipsaw minded dowager male.

This particular home is quite deceptive because, in the first place, EVERYTHING in it in terms of furnishings and decorations (with the exception of one print..but we'll come to that later) is in perfectly good taste....if you are an eighty year old WASP dowager. Why this gentleman would choose to make an avocation of collecting china plates is beyond Erma Thrask. The late Mr. Thrask had a few collections such as postage stamps, coins and recreational men's magazines. ... but I must say I never saw him doting over rare china plates or coveting small eighteenth century figurines. So, I am somewhat at a loss to know what to say about Mr. Fricke's collections of these items.

Of course I am pleased at his discretion in not creating a 'media room' for the display of larger than life sized pornography. He has no faux greco columns.... but, I DO fear there is a touch of
just a bit too fastidious an aesthetic to be 'healthy' and all in all I must wonder at what disorder
lies beneath all that order and what savagery lies beneath all that genteelity (my word 'genteelity' ...trademarked by E. Thrask). I believe we get a few hints here and there such as
the animal skin print pillows on the master bedroom bed. But the true enigma or riddle at
the center of it all is Mr. Fricke's print of the "Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus" Click to view full-sized image by Reubens
with all those round rosy buttocks , tension and immenent havoc and unrestrained lust.... not the sort of painting/print a good Southern Baptist would EVER display prominently over the chippendale sofa in one's living room?

Perhaps it merely that I still suffer the lingering fan tods from my holiday excesses with Mr. Goliaths delicious egg nog (which I assure you I had no idea had an alcoholic component until after the fact) but this image in Mr. Fricke's living room gives me a slightly queasy feeling...juxtaposed as it is with delicate orchid prints and china vases.

Finally, once again I notice the lack of a Bible anywhere in this home. May I suggest to you
Mr. Fricke, that you replace your Rape scene with a more appropriate that is

Regards, Erma Thrask.


Anonymous said...
Dear Ms Thrask- I was feeling very, very blue today. Maybe it is the "winter blahs". No. I don't think so. I actually like wintertime. Maybe it's because I came home early the other day and my cleaning person was wearing one of my shirts. Is that wrong? While I was pondering this question, I decided to review-again- your recent recap of recent Courtier Journal Homes of the Week! And was I glad I did! Suddenly I feel much better. Through your home tour, you have shown me that indeed my life actually could be worse! Thank YOU Ms. Thrask. Now, I cant wait until Saturday! JB

Goliath said...
Mrs Thrask has authorized me to give you her reply... "Dear JB, I am glad I have been a ray of sunshine into your life. As for your problem with your 'cleaning person'...I would recommend you only hire ladies who post for such positions on the bulletin board at your local Southern Baptist Church. Then, you would not have such problems. Yours, Erma"



Salutations! Mr. Goliath has once again asked me to comment on the "home of the

week" feature in that communist influenced (and needless to say--non CHRISTIAN
news organ...the Courier Journal). It is with some little pleasure that I have noted
that the author of this dubious feature has, at least, listened to our comments about 'faux Greco columns' and 'entertainment rooms', none of which have appeared since our last column. Thank the Lord! And, while the subsequently featured homes have not been nearly so offensive as those previously commented on, we can onlyconclude that our constructively minded criticisms have had a tonic effect.

It is with mixed emotions that I now turn to the home featured this week. "Warsaw" is what its
current owner has rather presumptiously dubbed it. Like "Tara" or "Mt. Vernon" it is thought that giving a house its own 'proper name' imbues a sense of historic grandeur. (Perhaps I will rename my home "Bennettsville" or, hearkening to my youth in Kentucky, "Waddy". In any case, the owner of "Warsaw" is a young bachelor named "Brandl". (I confess I have difficulty getting a handle on 'Brandl' as a name. I prefer Biblical names.)

Overall, my criticisms of 'Warsaw' are restrained. Brandl had the sense to engage interior designers to assist him in his 'Quest' to create a nest that might (one imagines) lure a suitable
female mate. We hope he realizes if he is successful in this mission, his new wife will, of course,
refurbish the entirety of the home. Of course I assume Brandl is heterosexual. A homosexual
would have done all the interior design themselves...and generally done a very admirable job of
it too. (Although one notices the distinct 'fussiness' of the work of less experienced gay men in
their decoration efforts). But now, let us turn to the 'errors' of Brandl's otherwise helpful

The featured photograph, is a 'living room' (or as Brandl named it..the 'keeping' room) is
smashed into the space off the kitchen. This would have been a perfect place for a kitchen
table and I predict this will be its fate at the hands of the future "Mrs. Brandl". As it is, it looks
like an overstuffed dorm room. The 'packed' theme continues in what Brandl calls 'the gun
room' which has no guns in it.And as one continues through the home, we see this 'packed' theme continuing in most every room of the house. We recommend Brandl have a nice yard sale and dispose of about one third of the 'stuff'.

The most egregious error Brandl's desgners committed was in his bedroom. My goodness, what
WERE they thinking?Perhaps Brandl expect to entertain Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles when they come to Lexington for the
Equestrian games. Brandl can greet them in his jammies! Mrs Brandl, we assume will remedy
this faux pas.

Finally, though Brandl looks like a very pleasant fellow who certainly has lots of money to spend,
and we commend him greatly for resisting the temptation to have a "MEDIA ROOM", we note
with Christian sadness the lack of the one possession of critical importance to any man that hopes to find a proper mate to share his home with and raise a brood of good, caucasion, southern Baptists.... that's right there's no BIBLE to be found in any room of the home. But we note with sadness, there is this..........Shame!!! Brandl...must you shame your mother this way???

-Erma Thrask (the Photographs were by Tim Webb)



2,587,995 Kentuckians are GOING TO HELL? by Erma Thrask

THAT IS FAR TOO SMALL A NUMBER! IN FACT OVER 4 Million are GOING TO HELL (30,552 souls will make it to heaven)

Salutations! Mr. Goliath and I discussed this mornings, "HOME OF THE WEEK" as published in the Courier-Journal. We concluded that this week's entry differed significantly. This actuallylooked like a real home with a real and decent family in it. As a decor 'critic', while I don't entirely approve of some of the color choices I have nothing to say in a 'critical' way.

Thus it is I have decided to use this space for something more near and dear to my heart. As you
know, I am a life long member of the First Baptist Church of Bennetsville. The late Mr. Thrask was the Sunday School Superintendent there and we have been devoted and humble servants of
the church. It was with interest that I saw the article in today's Courier, "Estimate offered on
hellbound Kentuckians" by Peter Smith. He reports that Ross Bauscher has carefully studied the statistics and determined that 2,587,995 Kentucky residents are going to HELL.

This is obviously quite wrong!

Kentucky has a total population of 4,269,245. If Mr. Bauscher were correct, that would suggest that 1,681,250 Kentuckians were going to HEAVEN!! This is patently ridiculous!!! This just
goes to show how LIBERALISM is creeping into everything INCLUDING the Southern Baptists!!! I can easily demonstrate the TRUTH of my statement by looking at the
2008 Election results where you will find that ONLY 953,816 people voted for Mitch McConnell.
That leaves out over 700, 000 of the allegedly "heaven bound" and surely, you are NOT going
to heaven if you did not aid the mission of our lord and saviour by voting against abortion, gun
control, Obama's healthcare plan when you had the chance!!!!

Statistically, 12 % of the poplulation is black or hispanic or 'person of color. Thus we must
reduce the number of 953,816 by 114,457 as it is well established that the Lord was a white
Southern Baptist favoring caucasion. (Just look at the pictures) And of course, I reason thusly, Is Mr. Thrask in heaven? Yes he is. Would heaven be heaven for him if it were populated by
these 'people of color?" No of course not!!!. Thus, we arrive at the truth! This leaves only 839, 359 who could be going to heaven.

I am also sadly aware of the fact that of all church going members, only 14% actually tithe in
accordance with the directions of the Good Book! Since titheing is REQUIRED if a person wishes
to qualify for heaven, we see that 14% of 839,359 is 117,510. Which is, after all a very generous number. God bless you...even if you are going to HELL.
Postscript: I, Erma Thrask adds this postscript as I felt that the number 117,510 seemed
rather high. Sure enough! I discovered that Southern Baptist make up only 26% of the population in Kentucky (according to the Southern Baptist Convention website). Therefore
it is obvious that ONLY 30,552 good, white, titheing Southern Baptists Kentucky souls will be with our Heavenly father. My apologies to all Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans etc., for whom I may falsely (but only briefly) gotten their hopes up.


Jule215 said...
Not to mention how disappointed the Catholics, and the extremely liberal Episcopalians are. :)

Goliath said...
Erma say them all know very well them going to Hell. BUT GOLIATH NOT BELIEVES IT!!! Him worship the HEATHERN Gods What promises very very good afterlifes!!!


Home of the week: Bipolar Disorder, by Erma Thrask

(the room on the right is from the courier journal website. The window treatments illustrate the
bipolar nature of the design)

Greetings. Mr. Goliath has once again asked for my opinions about this week's "home of the week"

I am a little upset that my words were not heeded. If you recall I mentioned last week's couples' faux pas of having faux greco columns in the 'living salon'. But, I see from this week's feature that my words have been you can see for yourself. (above). When Mr. Goliath brought me this weeks' edition, I confess I was more shocked than when first introduced to this hideous series. Gaze, if you will on the completely over the top vulgar tastes on full display in the home of "Billie and Lemoyne Smith" ! My confusion began as I tried to imagine who was the man; Billie or Lemoyne?

Perhaps it scarcely matters as I feel no REAL man could long tolerate living in such a Barbizon
top off! I mean "really!" what self respecting hoosier christian could feel comfort or ease in this
dining room? A word of advice, marble (or faux marble) tile is appropriate for the bath or the
kitchen (sometimes)...not the living room. Next, dear, it is usually a mistake to put your dining
room just off the entry to the house. One needs a transition space before entering on the area where we dine. (There is some ritual involved in dining, after all) But the faux columns, the faux
marble floors and most horrifying of all, the triple sunken ceiling with faux (Am I detecting a theme here?) metallic ceiling, are all more suitable for a dice room in Las Vegas....not the home
of a Southern Indiana family. Whom do the Smiths expect to entertain here? Members of the
New Jersey Gotti crime family?

Need I mention the horrible clash between the simple, plain (and quite acceptable) craftsman chairs in this room and all the garish 'accents' surrounding them? Erma Thrask advises Mrs.
Smith to keep the table and chairs and the sideboards and throw everything else OUT!!!
The Courier did the Smiths the favor of NOT publishing all the photographs of the Smith "Salon". The photo featured in the paper is almost acceptable. Except for the rococco ceiling
trim, (and the pretentious piano score strategically displayed which, frankly, Erma Thrask doubts is EVER played) the salon would appear to be acceptable. But gracious! When one
looks at the other view of this room from the Courier web site we see the photo featured at
top (above). Erma Thrask is speechless! What sort of madman (or woman) designed this
window treatment? Is this a victorian bawdy house? A greco-roman pleasure villa or the
home of a respectable hoosier couple? God only knows! One imagines Scarlett Ohara coming
in through the french doors wearing a roman toga and speeking with a New Jersey "Thug" accent!
We are told that Mrs. Smith fancies herself 'an artist'. Well, it does no harm to allow others to
indulge themselves in innocent and harmless fantasy so Erma Thrask will refrain from any
comment on that point.
I will conclude by noting this home has the obligitory 'media' room with overhead, high def projection for "Wide Action" viewing. Obviously, pornography has made major inroads into
Southern Indiana home life. Nowhere in this home is there a BIBLE. Please, I implore you
to pray for these sad, insecure and apparently bi-polar hoosiers.


GrumpyGranny said...
How about the fan on a stand (the kind us lower classes use) sitting by the huge windows in what I assume is the "living room"? Did these folks spend so much loot trying to classy-fy their house that they couldn't afford the ever popular central air? Perhaps they should have used regular windows and used the "window treatment" loot to purchase a window a/c or three. I'm so durn classy that I would have hidden the fan before allowing pictures to be taken of my abode!

Goliath said...
GrannyG, Me not notice that there fan til thou has spoken of it. Now me caint stops looking at IT!!!

Anonymous said...
I want to thank Ms. Erma for re-posting her review of the C-J's Home of the Week---- I had almost forgotten about Billie and Lemoyne SMith's "faux" finished home! There is one serious "faux pas". All that was missing ( besides the Bible, of course!) was a porcelain fountain in the foyer. If you have a HOme like this...YA GOTTA HAVE A porcelain fountain! Someone needs to tell them to GET ON IT!!--Jenn B


Home of the Week: Decadent Trash by Erma Thrask

Salutations everyone! Mr. Goliath has asked me to critique the "Home of the Week" feature in the "Courier-Journal". My name is Mrs. Erma Thrask, widow of the late E. W. Thrask and a life-long member of the First Southern Baptist Church of Bennetsville. I was delighted when Mr. Goliath asked me to assist him in this task. He tells me it is too painful for him to look at these so-called 'articles' anymore and one can't help but understand and sympathise with him once one's
attention has been drawn to them. I consider it my Christian Baptist duty to assist a poor pagan just as did the famed Samiritan when he helped the poor robbery victim as the good book tells us while those dirty jewish people just walked past him and never so much as lifted a finger to help the man. But what could one expect from the Hebrews of those days? I always felt that when the Lord Jesus Christ told this lovely heartwarming parable he was also trying to let us know JUST WHAT HE THOUGHT about "those" people. (After all, since he knew everything he would have certainly known that they would wind up crucifying him on a cross).
Mr Goliath provides me with a dozen eggs a week that are as fresh as can be! Such an improvement over the store-bought kind! Just like when I was a girl! He has recently increased his price for these (as a savage barbarian he seems to think of nothing but money sometimes) but agreed to discount the eggs in exchange for my thoughts on this feature of the Courier-Journal. (Of course I, myself, wouldn't be caught dead reading such a communist inspired publication. I always say, "If one has time to read, then one can do no better than to read the
Lord's word.) Now, then, to the business at hand.
Goliath had warned me that I would be in for a shock when I read this "Home of the Week" feature but I was still unprepared for the utter depravity, lack of taste and decorum that some
poor pitiful folks, "Chris and Becky Bowling of St. Mathews" apparently consider 'high style'.
Heavens! If I were unlucky enough to have a home that looked like this I would be praying that
no one would know, not opening the doors to the eyes of the world! The horrors begin when
the first photograph features a 'living area' with three faux greco columns. Pretentious, tacky,
and out of place! Of course in that same living room television is embedded in a bookshelf. This
alone is evidence of the crass horrors to be found elsewhere in this 'home of the week'.
I searched the photographs and found only two pieces of wall hanging art. Over the fireplace
is a what I hesitate to describe as a 'landscape' print. This looks like it came from a room in a
"Motel Six". I also found what appears to be a crucifix ...hanging over the thermostat. What
a lovely sentiment and remembrance of our lord and saviour that died for the sins of the Bowlings they give him the place of honor...over the thermostat.
Yet, the Bowlings still have more 'treats' which await us, when we turn to what one must imagine
to be their idea of a 'formal dining room'. I can only surmise that Mrs. Bowling is not gifted in
the culinary arts. Perhaps the nauseating swirl of clashing patterns is intended to put one off
one's appetite. And as if to insure that the effect is not lost, she has chosen a glass topped table.
After all, nothing is more pleasant at dinner than to look at other people's feet and lower body
parts. I struggled while looking at all of these horrid rooms to find any object that suggested
uniqueness of ownership. Something with a personal connection to Mr. and Mrs. Bowling but,
the only thing I found in any of the many rooms on display were some family photographs on
a shelf in the living 'salon'. (I hope they were family photographs. Judging by everything else
they could just as well have been stock photos provided by the manufacturer of her hideoues
"parsons chairs".
Of course this is America and any fool with a credit card is entitled to be as tastless and vulgar
as he or she wishes and the Bowlings have certainly proven this point many times over. But
I am anxious for the eternal souls of these sad people. I found a television in the living room and
then the obligitory 'basement' entertainment den with an overhead projector for 'wide screen
action'. I imagine Mr. Bowling claims this is for watching the football game on Sunday (when he
should be preparing himself for Evening Services) but I know MEN. This is obviously for the
display of pornography which is so readilyavailable and possibly the consumption of illegal
drugs. (I noted the 'soul candle' and other items on the coffee table but Erma Thrask is not
fooled by these items!). I also cannot approve of the fact the article depicts three (3!) dogs
in this home. All sitting with their bare hindquarters (from which their bodily waste emits) directly on the living room rug. I pray no child is allowed to play there!
Finally, it is with true Baptist Christian sadness that I note a large bed which was obviously most expensive in the bedroom There is a settee and a nightstand and some throw pillows. But
Mr. and Mrs. Bowling have failed to provide themselves with the most important living accessory, ....there is no Bible on the nightstand by the bed. This speaks volumes to me,
Mrs. Erma Thrask. Pray for them.


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