Golaith canst' hardly believe it.  Batblog kicking Goliath's butt in big POLL.  But, after all, I guess Batblog winner of big Goliath Blog Award 2011.
Goliath look over there at the dreaded Batblog and see he is upping the ante by enlisting Tammy AND Pammy
who offering dates for those what vote for Batblog in Poll.
Surely HT did not think this here tactic go Unnotice!!  But is Goliath daunted???? NO!!!
Goliath has own single female  adjuncts to Goliathandwimmens what make very similar proposal!!!
Here it is :

Win an all expenses paid, gala night on the town (BYOB) with  GOLIATH's FRIEND ERMA THRASK. HT   GOLIATH will drive you in a limo all over Jeffersonville. Will start out at Mick's Lounge and later head over to the Lighthouse for some Karaoke and end the night with dancing at Third Base and a romantic stroll down Riverside Dr.. A complimentary breakfast at Jerry's included ($ 20.00 limit.) To enter you must vote for the Batblog  GOLIATHANDWIMMENS as best blog on Goliath's Poll at
 Ironhorse has gratefully volunteered to give motorcycle rides to Tammy and Pammy in Mick's parking lot to promote this event.

* you must 18 years or older to enter, all winners, and any discrepancies  will be determined by HT.....

Vote for the Batblog on Goliaths Poll


Anonymous said…
While I read and like The Batblog I do not understand how it is doing so well. HT must lose something for not posting on there for a few months while he was off on his super secret mission for The CIA. I mean how can you be winning a poll for best blog when you don't put anything up for a quarter of a year?

I voted for Goliath because it is my favorite blog but I do like Abbysnana as well. Those two along with The Batblog are great blogs worth reading.

Brian Coffman
Goliath said…
I suspect HT has some kind of dad blasted super computer in the batcave that he is using to cast foul absentee ballots on the Goliath POLL!!!
Anonymous said…
when you are will stoop to anything, even cheating..
Anonymous said…

Voted for you, dude.
Keep the 5 bucks and
throw a couple McDonalds
cheeseburgers over the

Good Luck,
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Thanks Brian for the kind words....

Anon. CHEATING!!! HT working very hard for these votes, calling supporters, fellow workers, posting online.

HT now knows how politicians feel having to kiss asses for votes....

Kind of nauseating
Goliath said…
Goliath striking back with ERMA!!!
Goliath said…
Thanks OTIS!! And Brian!!
Anonymous said…
I kiss no one's ass. That is amazingly pathetic.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Good Luck with the Irma offer !!
< sarcasm added>

Chill out Anon. you're taking this way too seriously and I bet you've kissed an ass or two, you're way too intense....
Anonymous said…
you would lose that bet buddy. You chill your desperation to win a fake poll is a little disturbing.
katoanon said…
Getting worked up over someone trying to win a fake polll is even more disturbing.
Anonymous said…
After looking at your blog, it is amazing that you would have the nerve to call anyone or their actions "disturbing"..and btw..butt out.
Goliath said…
SMACKDOWN!!! This is why GAW rules so hard!!!
Anonymous said…
lol. Disturbing, disturbed, whatever.
Anonymous said…
exactly. whatever.
~ChopperWoman~ said…
Wow! Goliath is pulling out all the stops. First a date with Erma and now .... controversy on GAW! He really wants to win in a bad way.
Goliath said…
Goliath's victory is inevitable!!!
Anonymous said…
I just got a phone call from a friend of mine who shall remain nameless. They said they received a phone call from someone representing the Batblog. They were threatened that if they did not vote for that blog in your poll, that they would be forced to go out on a date with the blogger Katoanon. How could someone want to win so bad that they would stoop so low as to make a horrible threat like that. What is this world coming to when a person would do "anything" no matter how vile to win.
Anonymous said…
I too received a phone call from someone representing AN, she explained if I didn't change my vote to abbynana, my husband would have to take AN on a date, he shrieked never, never as he ran to jump off the kennedy bridge
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
That is probably because he knew after dating AN he could never stand to be with your ugly ass again.
Amy said…
Anonymous (lame)
Gotcha there.
AN rules.
Goliathandwimmens 67 (28%)

Batblog 80 (34%)

Abbysnana 58 (24%)

Uh, Dog....this looks like more deja vu all over again!

It looks like the Bat Blog is smokin'!
~ChopperWoman~ said…
Odd. Somehow in the past hour Goliath lost 7 votes, HT lost 22 votes and AN lost 8 votes. My screen shows 60/58/50 right now. Quite a few votes have disappeared. I had no idea that reverse voting was allowed. Or ..... the ballot has been sabotaged!!
Anonymous said…
Yes, I smell a fish. Something tells me Goliath was intent on winning no matter who the "real" winner was. Very disappointed in you Goliath.
CW has sniffed something that is going on in the GAW pol blog poll world!
It now shows:
Goliathandwimmens 60 (30%)

Batblog 58 (29%)

Abbysnana 50
Very strange! Oh, no.. It must be the season of the Witch!

Can one be "unvoted"?
This looks like the '72 and '76 Democrat National Conventions.....
Is the "brakeup" with Pesty all just a front?

Is Pesty stage managing this election for Goliath?
Anonymous said…
Erma is pretty hot
and the word is that she has been working behind the scenes fevorishly for the BiG Guy!
Rumors of "favors" rendered!
Anonymous said…
I think it was all ego driven. Kind of reminds me of Hillary Clinton's fate. The guys were going to make sure that AN did not win, even if it involves cheating.
Goliath said…
i don't know what is happening. sabotage or something.
Anonymous said…
"I just got a phone call from a friend of mine who shall remain nameless. They said they received a phone call from someone representing the Batblog. They were threatened that if they did not vote for that blog in your poll, that they would be forced to go out on a date with the blogger Katoanon. How could someone want to win so bad that they would stoop so low as to make a horrible threat like that."

...."forced to go out on a date with the blogger Katoanon".....

Whew! That is serious!

Lono (Lurse of).
Anonymous said…
"That is probably because he knew after dating AN he could never stand to be with your ugly ass again."
lol !
Anonymous said…
Goliath said: "I don't know what is happening. sabotage or something."
Uh, huh. Wasn't Donald Segretti seen at a secret meeting with G lately?

Anonymous said…
Chicago style!

Heh, heh, heh...

Lono (Curse of)
In the words of New York City's vaunted Democrat machine
Tammany Hall's Boss Tweed:
"Once it is stolen, it is stolen!"
Anonymous said…
Goliath, you are doomed my man, you may end up in the Bloggers Hall of Shame. Maybe you should start putting a bunch of half naked ladies on your blog like HT or copy those videos of cindiloohoo dressed up like that man. Act fast buddy.
Tammany Hall
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William M. Tweed, known as "Boss" Tweed, ran an efficient and corrupt political machine based on patronage and graft.
Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a New York political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789 as the Tammany Society.
Tammany Hall
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William M. Tweed, known as "Boss" Tweed, ran an efficient and corrupt political machine based on patronage and graft.
Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order, was a New York political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789 as the Tammany Society.
Anonymous said…
Golaith is a talented and polished politician.
The GAW poll ends when he says it does because he controls the poll.
He suddenly jumps into the lead.
The poll then is closed at the previously announced time.
Goliath wins!
Golaith rocks!

hoosiertaxpayer said…
Voter Fraud !! Voter Fraud !!

The BatBlog had over 70 votes last night and now it's 58. HT demands a recount, the fix is in. Goliath has stooped to all time level low. Expect a full blown retaliation and a lawsuit to be filed shortly....
Anonymous said…
G controls his poll
much like the MSM
controls their biased interpretation
and the flow of information!
Sooo, no one
actually then really has to go on a date with katoanonbloger then?
Anonymous said…
From Wikipedia:
"Electoral fraud is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates or both. Also called voter fraud, the mechanisms involved include illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls and improper vote counting. What electoral fraud is under law varies from country to country."

What do they say about that in Chicago?

Lono (Curse of)
Anonymous said…
"Maybe you should start putting a bunch of half naked ladies on your blog like HT."
Yes, Tammy and Pammy are quite pleasant young ladies.
Well mannered. Sharp appearance.
Snappy dressers.
Great decorum.
We need more like them!
I concure.
Jackie C.Chiles Esq. said…
Justice will be done. I have visual and written proof that my client (the Award winning BatBlog) had in excess of 80 votes at approximately 5:30 PM. Mon.
I have also several witnesses that will testify in a court of law that their votes were not counted at this same approximate time.
I am in the process of filing a lawsuit against said Goliath (last name unknown) of GAW and am working with the Indiana Attorney General on criminal charges as well...Justice will be served to my client HT

Jackie C. Chiles ESQ.
Goliath said…
GoLIath quite amused. Somebody has done engineered the poll. It makes Goliath a winner...Perhaps expectign goliath to declare victry.

we shall see...
cindiloohoo said…
I hate to say it, big guy, but this is looking awfully suspicious.

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