Goliath toe to toe with HT

Goliath's # 1 Lawyer


Please note,  Both Billy and John are deceased and therefore
somewhat stiff and quiet. Perhaps that's the kind of man you may be looking for.

They are a much better date than HT or PESTY FLANNIGAN!!

Vote for Goliath and find out!!!


cindiloohoo said…
I have a question, Goliath. If I concede before the deadline, does that mean I can designate my accumulated votes to whichever current front-runner I choose?
Goliath said…
yes as long as it's Goliath.
cindiloohoo said…
Unfair enough.

I will, of course, expect certain, shall we say, "tribute" for my hard earned, and possibly game-changing contribution of, votes.
Goliath said…
Sadly, Cindiloohoo, even with your votes and my votes combined HT would still be ahead of Goliath! The SHAME!!!!
cindiloohoo said…
Wow. I would never have believed that a great warrior like you would have chosen to flee from the battlefield before the final outcome had been determined.

I guess really do have believe now that you were, indeed, ultimately defeated by...a kid...with a rock.
Goliath said…
Now I am cut to the quick!!!
Amy said…
Goliath, HT understands, and has employed the sentiment that Kristen Schaal so brilliantly stated, "Men need to realize their penis has far more power over them than it does over us".
Tammy and Pammy speak directly to that male appendage, which in turn, overpowers(some, not all) male intellect. Therefore men who vote for HT, in my opinion, are thinking with that appendage, while men who vote for you, use their brains. Must give HT credit, he knows all about the weakness.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Rock the Vote

Yesterday's featured bedtime story illustrated the danger of divided streams of support . To avert this danger in the ongoing blog war, the KatoAnon Commentaries has dropped out of the blog poll featured on Goliath's blog and is instead endorsing the award-winning BatBlog produced by HoosierTaxpayer.

It has become evident Goliath's intent was to employ the TG Method of vote-getting by including so many blogs in his poll, the anti-Goliath vote would be split. We have evidence that strongly suggests this was his intent in declaring war on this site. Don't fall for it.

Stand firm beside the one chosen blog war warrior by voting for the BatBlog at this link http://goliathandwimmens.blogspot.com/. You might win one of the prize dates being offered by HoosierTaxpayer. However, our sources are recommending that any female or gay male winners of the date package consider donating it to charity and using it as a tax write-off.
Anonymous said…
woo hoo, thats one helluva endorsement. Batblog use to be the place to go to see filthy and disgusting pictures and posts..now you go to Katoanon and she makes the Batblog look like a sunday school blog. Guess the projects never left the girl eh?
cindiloohoo said…
Holy Moley! Am I reading that right? Are Goliath and HT tied in the poll?

If it stays at those numbers, just one vote switch would be all that's needed for either one of them to win.

Am I seeing this correctly?
G 66.
BB 65.
AN 48.
With one day to go!
Time to roll with the absentee ballots!
Call out the C-ville Mafia!
Anonymous said…
It doesn't matter the BB and Goliath are on the same ridiculous level, they both win...most lame blog 2011.
cindiloohoo said…
"It doesn't matter the BB and Goliath are on the same ridiculous level, they both win...most lame blog 2011."

And yet, you apparently read them and take the time to comment.

What kind of pathetic loser follows and comments on blogs they scornfully criticize as being lame?

It's a tough question, I know...but if you'll just take the time to look in a mirror you'll find the answer.
Anonymous said…
Did you look in the mirror this morning, and did you say your usual mirror mirror on the wall....go fly away on your broom you bitchy witch.
cindiloohoo said…
You're not really very adept at witty repartee, are you anonymous?

Next time you should consider trying for something a little more subtle and sophisticated...perhaps "nanny nanny boo boo," or, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Come on...you can do it...I have faith in you.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of faith, the miniscule intellect of someone like you to know such enormous words like "nanny" and "boo boo" should give all inbeciles of the world renowned faith. (Don't you have some nasty old calluses to tend to)
cindiloohoo said…
See? You've used a new big word you must have read somewhere...probably today, since I used that exact same word on another site that is probably also "lame," too, you betcha. And you spelled it correctly, too! Yay!

Too bad I didn't use the word imbecile anywhere else today. You probably would have been able to spell that correctly, as well.

But, nonetheless, this is genuine progress - miniscule, but definitely progress. Good for you!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
cindiloohoo said…
Now, now, anonymous. Your own bizarre personal proclivities aren't necessarily to everyone else's personal taste. I know you MEANT well with your advice as to what you think I might need, but, really, just because YOU might occasionally feel the need for a certain something, it doesn't mean that others do, as well. Thanks for the offer, though. If I run into anyone who shares your same "interest," I'll be sure to send them your way.
Anonymous said…
Was inclinations just to simple for you Cindi. You can use all the fancy words your crooked fingers can look up, you don't impress anyone. Oh, and one more thing...

cindiloohoo said…
I don't know what it is you think you're winning, but you're certainly not going to win any spelling bees if you can't even spell the word, "too."
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I thought for a minute I was on All Counties Crapper errr Chatter instead of GAW...
cindiloohoo said…
There's a reason for that, HT. It appears that the castaways have landed here and there among the local blogs since their Titanic sank beneath the waves.
Anonymous said…
You are right HT, we should all have the tasteful and decent blog that you have. You have given photoshop a run for their money. And Cindi, I was wondering how long it would take for you to accuse me of being AN, funny and very predictable, but slow on the draw. I am not trying to win in a spelling contest or any contest with you Cindi. I win just by getting you to respond to me every time. WINNING.
cindiloohoo said…
I've read and re-read the entire conversation here, anonymous, just to be sure - and I just can't see any instance of me accusing you of being AN. But perhaps you have that certain "ability" to see things that, to others, simply aren't there.

To be fair, though, I did make reference to "castaways" from her now-defunct forum, but that could mean any one of her many former readers and comment posters, couldn't it? Unless, of course…she really WAS actually the only...oh, my. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply anything of the sort, did you?

As far as winning, our friend Goliath is the winner here. Interesting and spirited back-and-forth in the comments makes for a more interesting blog, which, in turn, attracts even more readers, as I’m sure AN herself would tell you…if she was here, that is…which, of course, she’s not…because with her repeated insistence that people should not be “cowards” and should identify themselves in order to “own” what they say, I’m SURE she’d never go around making insulting and inflammatory statements under the cowardly cover of “anonymous,” don’t you agree?
Anonymous said…
..read and re-read...(lol) Love it. Cindi, why in the world are you spending so much time with responding to me if I don't matter. If it makes you feel powerful in your own little world to believe I am AN, you go girl. Insulting and inflammatory statements, that is extremely funny coming from the likes of you. I think AN proved on more than one occasion she owns her words, perhaps you should ask that question to a real coward the next time you look in the mirror. lmao!
cindiloohoo said…
I never said you didn't matter, anonymous. Everybody matters...to their loved ones, at least, if not to themselves. And, as I have previously stated and proven by thorough reading of the preceding comments, I never accused you of being AN.

It sure seems that you are commenting here as much as I am. Are you, then, implying that you, as well, are spending a little too (sic) much time responding to me?
Anonymous said…
I am actually working and studying also, taunting you to respond back to me is just something I am doing during my breaks. You never came out and said AN, but you wanted me and everyone else reading to conclude to that. Doesn't matter, AN apparently could care less what either of us are saying or I am sure she would have responded to one of us by now. Carry on Cindi, tag..you're it.

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