Clark County Gov't Woes

  Here's the old  (circa 1970 ) Courth house for or good old Clark County.  Goliath spend many a weary hour at that there place.  Goliath always hated the way it looked.  It is the architectural equivalent of  a leisure suit with all that 1970's  quasi modern

This morning Goliath walk around and talking to many and all friends what work in this building.  There are two topics universally on the mind of the people who work/live there. 1.  "Damn it is hot! and 2. When are we going to get a group of Commissioners and Councilmen who can get their heads out of their ****es and figure out how to make this work?
High on the list of recognized idiocies is the fact that the County Council,  in the midst of budget CRISIS
which is actually described in almost cataclysmic terms,  this Council actuall approved  RAISES for the
Auditor's office!!!!!    Tell me do you think that makes the other employees of the county feel?

Now if that weren't enough,  the county government employees are most of them fully aware that the current
auditor, Mr. Monty Snelling,  is one of the leaders  who royally screwed the pooch financialy speaking, when he was a councilman back in 2007.    :(to be fair...I assume Mr. Snelling denies this and
says he was trying to save the taxpayer dollars).

But setting aside the issue of how it looks to the public  for a council to be giving raises to ANY employees when its facing massive money shortfalls.....  Just IMAGINE how you feel if you are an employee of  one of
the other offices!

Politically just have to wonder in amazement at it all too!  After all the majority of the council is
democratic and Mr. Snelling is the LONE republican county office holder.  (Wait....I forgot about Mike he a democrat Commish or Repub? ..Oh never mind!!!).     Goliath has said it many times on this
blog...if the Clark County Democratic Party  can't do any better than what we have seen lately it RICHLY
DESERVES to get it in the neck next election cycle.

Goliath talked to one lovely friend. This is a wimmen that is as sweet and gentle as a lambiest lamb.  But she
described that when she attends the Council meetings...she has to leave for fear of committing an act of violence!!!  That is how bad these here is doing!

Clark County Courthouse has always been a treacherous place.  ALl may be well and good one day and the
next you may come in and find someone has been peeing in your chair...............
But,  I guarantee you that the vast majority of thethose that work there in the Courthouse are good and decent people. Really...they are very very fine people that do
thankless jobs and  Goliath THANKS THEM FOR THEIR SERVICE" (No sarcasm ).  They do not deserve this.

ANother friend of Goliath always calls the Courthouse a "Snakepit" Well,  Goliath certainly been down THAT road too.   So the way this is going to work out, if a knight in a white hat don't come along soon, is the SNAKES are going to start
eating ....biting....and stinging..............

So, Goliath here to tell you from the frontlines.  It's bad. is really bad.


Amy said…
Lovely friend,as sweet and gentle as a LAMBIEST LAMB.
Oh my! Gentlemen, write this one down. I for one think this is a lovely compliment, one any woman would love to receive.

Kind of tired today, so I will try to contribute my 2 cents worth on the rest of this thread at a later time.
Anonymous said… is reporting that David Reinhardt feels slighted by your false claim of Monty as LONE Republican office holder. The elected Republicans on the County Council are also a little put out.

HT always gets his facts straight.
Anonymous said…
You blame Monty for the cuts in 2007 but check to see what DEMOCRAT made the motion to approve the budget with the reductions. Without an approval from the DEMOCRATS the budget reductions would not have passed....
"It is the architectural equivalent of a leisure suit" .......
Wow! Goliath you nailed that one!
Anonymous said…
"David Reinhardt feels slighted by your false claim of Monty as LONE Republican office holder. The elected Republicans on the County Council are also a little put out."

G, as you noted about obtaining a REAL Democrat county chaircritter, one would suppose one should know how many Republicans are elected at the county level.....
Anonymous said…
Snelling votes to bankrupt the county as a county councilman, then is elected CC Auditor for his reward, and now gives RAISES to eployees when county government is in real financial trouble?
This is "Alice in Wonderland" territory!

Anonymous said…
"But setting aside the issue of how it looks to the public for a council to be giving raises to ANY employees when its facing massive money shortfalls."

Yes, that one is a head scratcher.

Snelling, a supposedly tight fisted Republican, helped bankrupt the county by approving budgets and expenditures that FAR EXCEEDED the allowable certified budgets as a county councilman. Now, as Auditor he gets PAY RAISES for employees in HIS office when county government is looking at a shut down or serious reductions on August 1st!
Isn't Snelling listening to Greg Fifer at all?

How is Mr. Snelling's lawsuit against the taxpayers coming anyway? HOW much does he want?
Yes, we really need to re-elect this guy!
Matthew said…
Let's not forget. One of the best ways to trim the budget in the auditor's office is to fire a veteran set to retire in six months who didn't support your campaign efforts.

To address concerns raised in the SBOA reports, Snelling said he would hire a certified public accountant.

Enter campaign promise October 22, 2010:

He said the CPA would help to review all funds and accounts, be able to know exactly what is available in each fund and find any money that has been forgotten. He said he would make it a permanent position and to hire a CPA he will find money within the auditor’s office, also contingent on the approval of the county council.

And break that campaign promise shortly after taking office on January 22, 2011:

One of his campaign promises was that when he took control of the office, he would hire a certified public accountant to review the office’s standing.

When asked why a CPA hasn’t been hired, he said it wasn’t needed.

*disclosure I worked against said auditor.

Amy said…
Hey, who filled the position that was left open once she was gone?
Anonymous said…
Monty Snelling = Dutch Apple Pie!
Matthew said…
Amy asked a great question. YMC demands Goliath track down this answer!
Goliath said…
Goliath will try to get answer to this question.

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