The Battle of the Sexes

As you knows,  Goliath big on Facebook.  (182 'likes' Goliath) and so monitor that.  Friend of Goliath say, "Facebook is the devil" and Goliath tend to agree.  But, anyways,  subject of this here post is the battle of
the sexes.  (this an aside and a relief from ongoing two front Cyberwar Goliath waging on HT and Katoanon)

This battle fought every day and every night in homes and cities across the world.  Here a recent outskirmish in this here battle.

Female Friend of Goliath post the following on Facebook:

5 DEADLY TERMS USED BY A WOMAN: (1) FINE- the word women use to end an argument when they know they're RIGHT & YOU need to SHUT UP. (2) NOTHING- means SOMETHING & you need to be WORRIED. (3) GO AHEAD- this is a dare, not permission; DO NOT DO IT. (4) WHATEVER- is a woman's way of saying FORGET YOU. (5) THAT'S OK- she is thinking long & hard on HOW & WHEN you will pay for your mistake. Re-post if you agree...

Facebook very good for this sort of thing and Goliath happy to join in an all but Goliath got a strict policy against reposting stuff like this here.   Goliath read this here and note that several people has all "liked" this here post. Also, Goliath note that they is all (except one) wimmens.

Why is wimmens so dad blast hard to understand?  Answer me that?

NOw,  just so wimmens knows, from a man point of view (and Goliath been a man as long as he can remembers)  this is so very well messed up and not right.   Let us take all these words and consider how they
is unnderstood by a man if a wimmens says this here.  Right away we get in trouble!!!

"FINE"  Now, if a wimmens say this to the man, he hear and understand this means "You (the man) is right and I see that but it makes me mad so just back off and give me a little time and lets move on."  But, according to this post...the wimmens think this just mean they are right and man should shut up? What? Why
then did they say  "fine"?

"Nothing"  When a man ask his wimmensfolk 'what wrong?" and she say  "Nothing" the man thinks, "ok,
it is something got nothing to do with me and some little thing she know very well not to worry about. But look how thes Wimmens think!!!  They plotting devilish and despicable future for us!!

"Go ahead"  When a man hear this he apparently very wrong to think it means "go ahead". Huh?

"Whatever"  When man hear this he know 'she don't agree' but he think she is saying "I'm not gonna make a fuss over it".  So he think its ok to do whatever it is he is doing.. Nope.

"That's Ok"  In the man language,  this means 'all forgiven' and forgotten.   Wimmen's language...apparently they is once again plotting the devilish fate for us!
It is on the basis of the above written words and thoughts that I think that what we have here is a problem


Порву за Путина!
"A group of Putin's female admirers has recently announced that they would be ready kill for Putin"

Russian women ready to kill for Putin to win iPad 2

Anonymous said…
"The video shows a girl, who introduced herself as "Diana, a student." She is seen wandering along the streets of Moscow and exposing the advantages and disadvantages of her body."

Nice video. It does show some nice "advsntages of her body" in the political ad as well.
I wonder if the pending war of the Clark County LWV/LWF will do so also.

So much for this
gender war
tension, we will just abolish..gender!

A Socialist Solution in Sweden.

"The category of gender was canceled at one of Swedish kindergartens. The words "boy" and "girl" are no longer used there, while pronouns "he" and "she" were replaced with 'it'."

The bizarre mission is taking place in the Swedish preschool called "Egalia." In this kindergarten, pronouns 'han' (he) and 'hon' (she) were replaced with genderless 'hen'.
Anonymous said…
I read it.
..."they read books about two male giraffes who were very concerned about their inability to become parents until they found an abandoned crocodile egg"......

Wow! Those two male giraffes didn't know how to become parents! I am really relieved that they figured it out!
Amy said…
Watch out, some day women are going to rule the world....only because you guys are doing such a great job...
Anonymous said…
Karen Rush-Daly

WOMEN ASS SIZE STUDY: There is a new study about women and how they feel about their asses. The results were pretty interesting. 30% of women think their ass is too fat. 10% of women think their ass is too skinny. The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love him anyway, he is a good man, and wouldn't trade him for the world.

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