Pucka's murderer

Goliath knew Larry "Pucka" Morrow.  Morrow, Larry.w.jpg  He didn't look as bad as this mug shot of him but, no doubt he lived a hard life.  Lawyer friend of Goliath's use to represent Larry in  his various scrapes with
the police.  What was MOST amazing to Goliath was that Larry seemed unkillable.   He once had his throat
cut from ear to ear in the parking lot outside  Clarksville bar.  He was taken to the hospital and 'dropped off'.
He never (as far as I know) told who did it to him.  Then,  according to Goliath's friend someone else cut his
throat from ear to ear about a year later.  Still didn't kill him.  

After that, one of  Larry's "buddies" got sent off by the feds to do some major time and another 'buddie" died.
(natural causes).    Larry's world seemed to quiet down until one day we heard somebody put a hatchet....that's right  a HATCHET in his head!  This was at a party out in Utica.   Apparently they just got
into a bit of a brawl.  That's just how some of those Utica boys like to play.

I guess some part of Larry's life went down hill after that.  And, finally, 'unkillable Larry Morrow' was killed.
Shot in the face by  "B.A."  ("Badass") Sheckles.  Killed his woman too.  Here's how this animal acted in
the Courtroom. (according to the EN)

"When Mr. Sheckles took my kid’s life, I have nothing,” Cheryl Morrow said.

Cathie Howard was upset as she said Sheckles was smiling and winked at her while she testified during the sentencing hearing. Moore ordered him to stop smiling.

Sheckles flipped off television cameras as he entered the courtroom and cursed at reporters as he exited. Sheckles maintains his innocence, and his attorneys are planning to appeal the verdict.

Everybody acts differently to being accused of a crime,” Sheckles’ attorney, Jennifer Culotta, said after the hearing. “His smiling is nothing more than his own defense mechanism.”

Sheckles faced a maximum of 130 years or a minimum of 45 if the judge chose to run the sentences concurrently."

And see this dry remark from Judge Moore regarding Sheckle's sentencing 'statement'. 

he provided a statement for a presentence investigation report. Moore read that statement into the record.

Sheckles said he believed a cigarette with his DNA found at the murder scene was planted, and
he thought the judge was in cahoots with everyone, including his attorneys.

“I was no more than a drug dealer — not a murderer,” he reportedly said.

Moore said the court “
finds the statement considerably lacking in remorse.”


Larry Morrow was a funny, friendly and generally happy guy.  He sure had problems ...and got into
some scrapes.  But, he was hard not to like.  Larry...they finally got ya.  I'm sorry as hell. 


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