A storys abouts a Chicken
As me has noted elsewheres me done return home form Colorados and discovers what? That some low, mean nasty chicken thief has been into the Goliath compound and stole 2 or 3 of my
prize chickesn. That s just goes to show how low this here towns of Jeffersonvilles is and the poor and very poor work that the dad plasted POlices done been doing when they knows alls about them very very valuables chickes what me keeps at my place. That is proven by the variations of citations and tickets and summons to courts them there continuously done been putting forth upon Goliaths for "keeping fowl within city limits".
Me disregards all them there and my points is them there kneew very well of these here valuables chickens.
Furthermores...me note well that this here chicken thief done notice thecomings and goins of
Goliaths so him know me go to Denvers. Infacts, me serspects him mights even read this here
blog and learns of my big mission to bust wide open the balloon boy hoax.
Likes any good citezens when I learns of this here felonious felony me calls rights away the mayors office and makes my complaints!!! Me needs a team of detectives on the spot to fingerprints, recovers the footprint impressions and take DNA samplings of the chickens coop.
What that there mayor say? Them puts Goliath on hold and me listen to eleavator music for
half an hour then 'CLICK' the line go dead. That therte the troubles with LAW ENFORCEMENST in this here city gov't .... if you aints got no dad blasted inebrieated lawyer
lyings about in a trash can to come make internantional news with them there justs ignores
SO, me realize it time for some VIGILANTE types investergations. Fortunately me has an extensive netework of underworld habitues what is Goliath's intelligences networks and for
a five spot them give forth a font of informations on criminal deeds what transpires in this here
burg. Me go to MIcKs Lounge where me likes to obtain daily amounts of Jaegermeisters and
sees there the scummiest looking low down no good jail bird scaly skinned examples of alcholic
stupored inhumanitys what one coulds imagine.
"Hello there Wesley Mosier!!" me says and"cans me buys you a beers???"
Wes is been celebrating the conviction of Yalanda mighty heavily down at Micks. He natrly accepts that there offer of good cheer.
"You is just what the man me wants to see Wes... What the rumpus on any stole chickens capers? You hears anything on that theres?"
Wes give Goliath a knowing look.
"My memory pretty bad ever since Yalanda
plugged me." him say.
I slid a five dollars bill across the bar ats him.
"Oh yes...its all coming back to me" he say. " Can't say its true or not but I heard some bad
boys really cut into it. They were bragging about there big haul. Claimed they would have
chicken dinner for a week plus maybe get an egg or two out of the caper. Quite a haul says they."
"And who is these here dad blasted varmits" me bellows!
"Oh...my mind seems to wander a good deal ever since Yalanda's boy kicked the stuffings out
of me as I lay bleeding my life out on the pavement of 10th street"
I gives him yet another fiver.
"Ah yes....they said there names was Mike and Mike."
to be continued