A Storys about a Chicken Part 2
It come to me what Cowboy onct said, "Goliath, why did the chicken cross the road?" and when hem says that there, me in a deep thoughts for Goliath NOT know why that there events occured. Me puzzle on its many and many a long night.
Me now considers my instanter problem....2-3 chickes done been stole while me in Colerader. two villains' named "Mike" brags about chickens. Now all me needs to know is WHO these here Mikes is and DID THEM THERE Cross the ROADs?
I ponders the deeper inplications of this here event. Maybes me has been looking at this here all
worng and cockeyed. Was there a larger meanings to this here? Was somebodies trying to TELL
goliaths somethings? Me thinks well that the wimmens was at the house all that there time but
somehow Sheba El-al not sees nothign? That there seems curious. Then me thinks ...then there
policers been harassings Ol Goliath over these same rotten chickens. THEN Goliath remembers
that RIGHT BEFORE the Evenign News forum was rottenly taknes down...Goliath spent many and many a posts haranguing one BArbra Andersons work at the dad blasted HOMELESS SHELTERS and rabidly waiting to see the Evening NEws columinst what was gwoin to take her
DOWN. That therew woeman dad blasted NEEDED helps and Assistances as she talked about
how dad blaste easy were it was to run a homelss shelter better than BarbAndersons.
NOw weese getting somewheres!!! Would not a new homless shleter needs food? Is not Chickens food ? Does that there womena haves and ALIBI???? Her names was Kelly and her oft very very hot to dump that there Barbs ANdersons. Me diecides to check out this here so me goes to that there kelly gal and me says "Whats you know about theivings fo them there chickens what me losts?"
But that there just stammers and hee hawss and tries to change the subjcets. SO NOW me is
quite on suscpicion wise. So me askes "Do you knows anbyodie name "MIKE"
"Sure" her say...
to be continued