Me see this here dad blasted poll

Well me see that there dad blasted poll. Me be back later today after me takes care os minor
business and what not and well wil me deals witha ll that there.
has posted part two fo "storys abouts a chicken" ..below.


Anonymous said…
Goliath, I know you are a smart big guy. I have a thought about the Chatter poll. Many of us want you to post with us on the Chatter. Some don't want you to post. How about you get revenge against the "don't want Goliath" people by posting on Chatter? What is called a win/win thing. You make your Chatter friends happy, and get revenge against not friends at the same time!! Granny has good ideas sometimes, huh? Ask your fine wimmens, bet they agree with Granny!
Goliath said…
Hmmmm that there a good idea!
Goliath said…
But, Me has VOWED not to post there. Now what will Me do?
Anonymous said…
Let me think. Can you only say you not break vow, you only delay fulfilling vow for right now just for your friends who miss you and wish for you on Chatter? That would make friends of Goliath feel very good and grateful to the big man Goliath. Might even also help sales of your fine merchandise to friends on Chatter because of them being grateful. Oh but I would not say that about buying too soon. Want friends to be very happy Goliath is on Chatter first.
Goliath said…
Grumpy G, me very much appreciates your kindness.
Me see me outvoted on that there poll. Me think
this odd since me never even posts on CCC. BUt,
me can't deny me is voted OFF the island.
wills contents mys elf with this here blog.
Thanks you, sincerely, for your thoughts and
sincere wishes. G

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