Well,  it all began last night when a County Courthouse Employee posted a notice that all the employees who
basically wanted to get paid should show up wearing black. Here's the post:

TO ALL MY FB FRIENDS WHO ARE EMPLOYED BY CLARK COUNTY GOVERNMENT: Tomorrow everyone is wearing black. We are having our own little "black out". Also, please plan to attend the Commissioners meeting tomorrow after work. They are going to either sign the claims and we get paid or table them and we won't get paid. Need faces and back-up there.

The news spread, via Social Media and probably by telephone (antique social media) and today the Courthouse was a grim place indeed. Goliath have many friends there.  Apparently it was on the Agenda
as to whether or not the next two week pay period could be met or....Not.

At 4 PM the Commissioners met (Except for Commissioner Mike Moore...apparently he is away enjoying a vacation)   and faced another room full of scared, angry and emotional Clark County Employees. No wonder
they wanted Security on the Courthouse!!!!    Goliath was there and saw that County Attorney Fifer was
given thankless job of trying to explain, once again, the current fiscal crisis. Auditor Snelling was there and
explained the County was currently 1.2 million in "the red".  But, he explained,  'that happens all the time
in Indiana".  Okaaaaaaaaaay!    Apparently he expects a 2.5 million infusion of cash from the State in
November.  Only problem is....we spend at least 1.5 million a month.  So,  the paychecks were 'provisionally'
approved, so long as...(and get this for lawyer or governmentese language)  'the council is moving, towards
a plan, to get the fiscal bottom line to 'zero'.  What?

Apparently they can legal cut checks so long as they believe, in good faith, the council is 'moving towards
a plan'.   Goliath not heard of that standard in Government.

However, when Goliath was much much younger he used to tell his wimmens friends that he was 'moving
towards a plan of maybe, if conditions prove hospitable, of entering a course of considering possible marriage'
..this was a good prelude to asking for marital privileges and such.  A committment that isn't a committment
in other words.   A promise that isn't a promise.   As Goliath's mentor Uncle Bill used to tell Goliath....regarding dealing with young beautiful wimmens... "a lie is NOT a lie if you mean it when you say it"

And so Apologies to Greg Fifer who is in the middle of possibly the toughest legal snaggle Goliath ever witnessed (and that is saying something).  Fifer had to give them some kind of good faith grounds to proceed
and as another lawyer noted..."It's the lawyer's job to be the 'bad guy'" HOW TRUE!!!

So,  the jobs appear to be safe and paycheck coming for the next two weeks. But after that? OH MY
HEATHERN GAWDS!!! Goliath can only hope we got money to pay for firetrucks when Courthouse
suffer Spontaneous combustion from exploding heads, egos and souls in the hallways of power.



Anonymous said…
... "a lie is NOT a lie if you mean it when you say it"....

UNCLE BILL! Legendary!
Mr. Guido
Amy said…
Was everyone wearing black?
Anonymous said…
The problem facing Clark County government is a serious lack of funding to meet the current level of operations.
Attorney Greg Fifer did cause the shortfall.
He an honorable person trying to help solve the disaster.
It is a case of "Don't shoot the messenger."
The national problems are severe.
The county level problems in Clark County are bad, but nothing like some other cities, counties, states, and, of course, the Federal government's situation.
Mr. Guiido
Goliath said…
Yes Amy, almost everyone was wearing black.
Amy said…
Update received on attire, and appreciated. Did you take note on who was not wearing black?
Goliath said…
Nah...Goliath stumbling around and the good old necrotic brain tissue was acting up.
Goliath said…
Goliath not keep count of who done this or that...not a good detail man.
Matthew said…
Should have worn orange shirts with blue pants. It would have freaked out the jail trustees.
Anonymous said…
I think I knew Uncle Bill in a previous life...( Or someone like him). :)

Anonymous said…
Uncle Bill
and his "associates"
would DEFINITELY have been
on the VIP List!

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