Goliath tastes the bitter dregs of defeat!
It was a horrible day. Despite valiant efforts and paying Cowboy to go up and down Spring street buying votes, Goliath was unable to overcome the surging vote avalanche of HT and the Batblog.
Goliath's tears are falling in the ground where they will seep down...down to the Ohio river and out to the Gulf of Mexico where a seagull will likely taste them and keel over from the bitter poisonous fever liquied. The seagull will be eaten by a dolphin which will beach itself only to be saved by a small group of cubscouts on holiday. It will be on CNN situation room and Anderson cooper will cry about it too.
Meanwhile Goliath consuming vast amounts of Jaegermeister. Read it...weep!!!
YMC will conduct a thorough investigation and return results with evidence supporting his claim.
Scientific methods folks!