Goliath political advisor smiling about the "Poll"
and the many words calling Goliath cheat, politician, engineer, grafter etc....

Meanwhile, Goliath's a FACT....Goliath go into a legal marijuana store today.


Anonymous said…
I am quite confident that the cheating was in play way before today G. I believe HT's votes multiplied all at once and it was just a bit too convenient. Also, the batblog was down for way too long to be included in this Poll. I declare GOLIATH THE BEST BLOG OF 2011.

Official Blog Commissioner
Anonymous said…
give it up batblog, you are just showing your desperation keep them fake votes a keep on dreamin that you are the best blog of 2011...all anyone has to do is click on your blog and they will see the fantasy is just in your sick head. GAW Rules!
Anonymous said…
why looky there, G is going strong..wonder who asked all their friends to change their vote to Goliaths!!!! GAW rules.
Anonymous said…
I was in Best Buy this evening and I saw a guy in a bat suit running to every computer in the computer department. He was logging on to GAW and voting for The Batblog. I do think that foul things are a foot.

Brian Coffman
Anonymous said…
Didn't we hear of that before?
Goliath said…
We are in the final moments. It looks like the Batblog by a nose.
Anonymous said…
Yea, whatever, please stop doing these stupid bogus polls, if they were legit, that idiot wouldn't have a chance. GAW Rules and you need to stop kissing HT's egotistic ASS
Matthew said…
YMC demands an investigation.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
To all you naysayers and critics you can kiss my Bat Ass !!! And thanks for reading the Award winning BatBlog...
Anonymous said…
That child is just too cute. Suspect she is often a victim of those who can't resist pinching cheeks.
Matthew said…
YMC wants photos of the legal marijuana stores!

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