Divine Machinations
ISn't it all SO VERY SUSPICISOUS??? Goliath was walking down by the Riverside today and checking out how the MIGHTY OHIO river is JUMPING its banks. this a very scary time for the Goliathandwimmens compound as the waves start lapping at the backside of the chicken coop.

As Goliath pondering the great and might forces of nature what is the OHIO RIVER, it just natruarls that one begin to think deep, Philosophercal thoughts.
Goliath suddenly feel a compulsion to go up to PERKFECTIONS and order a Caramel, Skinny DeCaf Latte with a shot of Espresso and a twist of Hazelnut creme with a squidqeon of whipped cream (sugar-free!) on top.
Goliath's mind rumble back to various times when the sluggards was belittling and bemoaning GOLIATHandWImmens blog saying the pageviews was artificals, that Goliath just 'flash in pan' and
pretty daggone soon Goliath be talking to himself in Cyberspace. Well well well, life has funny way of turning out. Goliath still standing tall in Blog world meanwhiles we has seen others
come and go.
Not that Goliath wish to rub it in. That not the way of the MIGHTY WARRIOR what is noble in victry. Gracious and MERCIFUL!!! (That right. After we cut off your head we is doubly gracious to your surviving tribe members). Thus, Goliath a devotee of teh Warrior CODE will not engage in any chi8ldish juvernile barbarian like Rubbing of faces in past defeates Batblog (HT TWICE!!!), AN (Once or TWice ...not Really sure) Weasel (oncet) and CCC. But it is mighty might sad
to see these here walking off into the limbo land sunset of Cyberspace. Goliath got pitcher
of defeated cyber enermy, (Name deletedd) which he sadly display hereinabove. Take a look. Does this one lo ok defeated and diabolically downhearted? But, Goliath will say no more.
Now in these here deep philospohical musings, Goliath mind turn to the young and REstless, such as Matthew and his taunting posts. WEll Well well Mr. Chinn. All Goliath can say is you has
done come to ther right place for a cyberspace DUEL
But, please...do NOT let up on NSHBM as this here has been a chief delight for Goliath to watch the remorseless humorless one slowly fall. Who knew it would be a green whippersnapper what
would finally cause the butter to slip off the Hutt biscuit?
reduced to posting sad little comments about "Street lights and sidewalk squares" (did you know
it cost $127 to pave a sidewalk square? My heathern gawds! that the NEWS on NSHBM's CCC post)
And we provide a handly link if you waants to go there an read MORE OF NSHBM's FACERNATING comments about street lamps!!! Hurry DO NOT MISS IT!!!
Goliath finish his deeeelicious Latte and head out, bnack down to the OHIO RIVER. The sun is
shining, the SKY Is BLUE. Tomorrow Goliathandwimmens will STILL BE HERE. We thanks you readers, you comenters, you 'followers', you 'like' friends on facebook, you critics, you
trolls, you friends, you enemies, you former friends and ESPECIALLY RICKY BOBBY!!!
Good News For America and Ricky Bobby!
Now, due to a binding endorsement contract that stipulates that I mention POWERade at each post, I'd just like to say that POWERade is delicious, it cools you off after a hot day of pumping river water out of your basement, and we're all looking forward to POWERade's release of MYSTICMikes Sea Mint Mocha. It may not taste very good but it costs less than $127.
What fuels American winners like Ricky Bobby? Coffee! American winners know that to get love you have to drink coffee, and lots of it. I mean after all that's just life. Look at the ever lovable and politically incorrect Juan Valdez. Or hey, how about that Adams guy in Boston who dumped that tea in the sea. Look at Will Ferrell. Who can ever forget the movie Elf about that small restaurant in New York City that fought its way to the top to become the worlds best cup of coffee?
Three people, all great champions, all coffee drinkers, and all loved.
Sign me Ricky Bobby's #1 fan and Goliath's #2 fan,