Best Blog?

Some dad blast making noises about starting his own new big blog to put GAW and Batblog in the shade.

So, I offered this here up as a reminder...Best Blog decided almost a year ago!


Matthew said…
Matthew's blog will be full of high integrity, brilliant writing and hard-hitting journalism.

No other blog in on the planet can compare.
Goliath said…
High integrity? Get off the drugs son! Brilliant writing? What could be more and brillianter than Goliath story about a chicken? Has you read the stories what Goliath had done wrote? Hard hit journalisms? Doe you not witness the many an varied scoops what Goliath done whooped on the EN, the Chatter, the Courier Jouranals and most important...the BATBLOG?

You has set your bar very very high Matthew. We will see what this new blog will bring. Recall well. Supermike and denizens of chatter claim ...when Goliath start...GAW only last a couple months. We still standing!
Goliath said…
Ok=we offer lesson in astrophysics.....universe biger than a planet. Thus by logical reasonaing GAW remain best and largest in universe. see what I'm saying?
Dude, please. Without sounding too prentious, whenever any potential "local would be play-ARR" has spent a minimum of one year at a journalism school, they MAY become a rival of GAW and the Award Winning Bat-Blog. Has anyone currently at the CCC, even actually SEEN the Ernie Pyle Memorial at IU, much less studied there? MC, you are beginning to rattle the condesending CCC wannabes. Don't back off from them. Keep up the good work. Please contribute to GAW and the Bat-Blog. They are fun! Additionally, remember, Goliath and HoosierTaxpayer are very good roll models. They are 'Toons! They have an exceptional "stringer" that contributes. None can compare. A question for you, Grasshopper, as you have ambition: "Who is the 'Bloated Toad' "? If you ever solve the question, PLEASE do NOT post his name on line. There will be wisdom in learning of such a manipulator. It is a path to understanding Clark County politics. Current political office seekers/holders and/or "wanna-bes" PALE compared to his ability to cause problems for all of us.
Matthew said…
I study under the honorable Diamyo Jim St. Clair. He is wise as indicated by his diamond white hair and journalism marksmanship.
Matthew said…
Golliath, I believe in the theory of infinite parallel universes. Though there is inevitably a planets that have evolved at the same rate as our own I can promise you GAW and the BatBlog always fall behind.
Goliath said…
Goliath decide to cease debate over big issue Is GAW better than some blog what don't even exist.

However Goliath now ready to discuss, is jagermeister better than liquior what you is thinking about making and selling to all of America what will be so very good.

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