
Matthew said…
Is my latte ready yet.

Also, I didn't know Don McClean sang more than one song.

Good for him.
Goliath said…
Do you need room for cream?
Goliath said…
Also, Goliath so surprised to hear that there something you did not know.
Matthew said…
Goliath just upset he can't compete with the fine journalistic craftmanship going on over at Matt Chinn's blog.
Goliath said…
Goliath look over at thy so call "blog" Matthew...But Matthew not even have a spinning globe!!! Get off the drugs son! Try and fix up a spinning map of Jeffersonville and get a "MC"
cursor or SOMETHING?!!! Maybe if you can someday defeat HT then you could step up and challenge "BEST BLOG IN THE UNIVERSE" ...but HT got you beat by a country mile so far.
Matthew said…
Why should I get a globe or a cursor.

Neither you OR HT tweet, Foursquare or post timely updates to your readers.

I got photos of the Dalai Lama sir!

We even had coffee at the snow lion.

When either of you get endorsements from an exiled global leader, then you can raise your hand and I will call on you to speak.

You two provide nothing to the cyber world.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Young Matthew, HT spent time as an invited guest with the Dalai Lama in Tibet. HT raises his hand proudly....
hoosiertaxpayer said…
and HT tweets all the time.....
Goliath said…
Goliath's Friend, "the Sensiitive One" represents the Dalai Lama's nephew who got himself in trouble in
the Horseshoe Casino. A this one guy and his three 'buddies' started giving the nephew some sh&t. Nephew turns and removes his shoes. Then he proceeds to whip their asses with some kind of Nepalese Martial Arts.
It was all on video.

When they were playing this video in the judges' chamber, the judge remarked, "play that again...that is about the coolest thing I have ever seen".
Matthew said…
Proudly bows his head. HT please tell this young grasshopper more of this alleged Tibet story.

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