Goliath Mulls Run For PResdent
Goliath mulling over possible run for presdent. Goliath tries to decides to leap frog over all petty ambitions like HT of being Mayor or Jeffersonvilles. Goliath need greater scope and field of action for great Goliath vision. Some of issues Goliath would address as follows:
Here the big visionary platform:
1. Squelch Airport pat downs and body scans to make naked pitchers.
2. SEC to offer service of audit companys for soundness and good investment. Graded A B C D F
3. Impose Trade Tariffs on all goods what use in human labor practice.
4. End war in Afghan istan and Iraq. (Under Goliath, we only pick on pissants what we can whip easy...like
5. Build big transcontinental high speed rail track. NY to Chicago- Mineapolis- Rapid City-Portland Oregon
San Francisco- LA - Las Vegas- Phoenix- Albugquere NM- Denver- New Orleans- Nashville- miami
6. Gummit wage freeze. 10% bonuses of all monies saved by DEPT HEADS. Put the Greed back in Gummit
7. Hands off innernet
8. Hands off Wikilieaks
9. All what receive Social Assistance (Welfare, Unemployment, etc.,) do some community service works
to remain active and contributre back to community.
10. Squelch Creationists. Evolution makes people so mad. And...Goliath know very well Peoples need
something to get all riled up about.
11. Extraordinary Rendition of NSHBM. (Masses salute idea)
12. Nationalize HBO and make free channel for all and many.
13. Every citizen ordered to contribute 10 dollars a week to "Goliath fund" a discretionary fund for use whatever was Goliath see fit. This rais about 3 billion each week.
Here the big visionary platform:
1. Squelch Airport pat downs and body scans to make naked pitchers.
2. SEC to offer service of audit companys for soundness and good investment. Graded A B C D F
3. Impose Trade Tariffs on all goods what use in human labor practice.
4. End war in Afghan istan and Iraq. (Under Goliath, we only pick on pissants what we can whip easy...like
5. Build big transcontinental high speed rail track. NY to Chicago- Mineapolis- Rapid City-Portland Oregon
San Francisco- LA - Las Vegas- Phoenix- Albugquere NM- Denver- New Orleans- Nashville- miami
6. Gummit wage freeze. 10% bonuses of all monies saved by DEPT HEADS. Put the Greed back in Gummit
7. Hands off innernet
8. Hands off Wikilieaks
9. All what receive Social Assistance (Welfare, Unemployment, etc.,) do some community service works
to remain active and contributre back to community.
10. Squelch Creationists. Evolution makes people so mad. And...Goliath know very well Peoples need
something to get all riled up about.
11. Extraordinary Rendition of NSHBM. (Masses salute idea)
12. Nationalize HBO and make free channel for all and many.
13. Every citizen ordered to contribute 10 dollars a week to "Goliath fund" a discretionary fund for use whatever was Goliath see fit. This rais about 3 billion each week.
Yes. Goliath not discrimernate between finish goods and them what
try to sell inhuman produced raw goods.
Goods used by Americans for domestic consumption and manufactured items subsequently exported to foreign nations with no foreign tariffs?
Goliath only preference is for American Goods. Simple.
Will there be an attempt to further "level the playing field" for goods manufactured by Americans for sale and consumption in the US of A and/or exported?
No. Play field not be level. Playing fields be slanted in favor of Americans.
Domestic content applications? Will Goliath enforce fairness for the American worker by restricting the hiring of foreign illegals that lower the essential "living wage standard" of Americans
Goliath will be putting all emplyers what hires Mexicans and other illegals to take jobs of Americans into FEMA camps. SImple.
Note well: under Goliath adminerstrations the Japs and Chineses will be ordered to accept American chevy's and fords etc., and sell at premium prices on equal leves. IF this here not acepted. We commit nuclear destruction of 1. Mount Fuji. (no people on it but a symbol of national pride) or Great Wall (likewise. no peoples on Gret wall but big symbol of national pride..I guess How they like it when America destroy great wall? Drones are good for stuff beside killing Afghan wimmens and chilerns.)
Goliath live simon pure life. His record as white as driven snow. Him honorable giant what has no sins in his background. He never did have sex relations with that wimmen.
Goiath have to consider this as he actually been predisposed to getting Bristol Palin to be running mate.
Manuel Noriega learned your lesson number 4 the hard way. Look at number 10 on his 1989 New Years Resolutions list.
Manuel Noriegas Top Ten New Years Resolution, December 29,1989.
10. No more declaring war on really big countries.
9. Call that guy I know from Jacoby & Meyers.
8. Find out if Revlon makes a spackle.
7. Send Hallmark's most expensive friendship card to President Bush.
6. Get New York City taxi license.
5. Find a travel agent who can work a little faster.
4. Get in touch with my last friend in the world -- Nicolae Ceausescu.
3. When all this is over, send Pope a thank-you kilo.
2. Don't trust anybody talking about a "kinder, gentler nation."
1. Make reservations for Hell.
Goliath meets Noriega in Miami in
about 92 or 93 when Noriega on trial for something or other. Goliath "Just
happened" to be present on day the deputy director of CIA for Central America was testerfying (TRUE STORY).
NOriega Ugly little guy but...he present in Court with some very very Beautiful wimmens in beautiful
wimmens dresses for Miami that day.
As for Torrijos...Goliath have nothing to do with that their aircraft!!!!
"Philistinian Candidate" YES.
Yeah, that's the ticket!
Nasa, a space program barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the worlds first German 70-proof digestif propelled vehicle. Jägermeister will be that rocket.
Better than it was before. Better, stronger, fasterer.
Fasterer? Is that even a word?
If it's not, we can build that too.
Medical and otherwise ?
I want an answer Now....
Medical and otherwise ?
I want an answer Now....
IT IS TOO FUNNY! It is also frightening that such stupidity and arrogance exists.