

Anonymous said…
Visitation Coots Tuesday 4-7PM. Mass at St. Augustine Wednesday 10 AM.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Sorry about the loss of your friend Goliath, friendships are special...
Goliath said…
Thanks HT. This is really a hard one to lose.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I just realized that was a picture of Frank Ballard. I knew Frank, not real well but well enough to know he was a good, compassionate person. Like his obit said he walked to the beat of a different drummer.
I saw him about a year ago at a relative of mine's funeral. Was really shocked to hear of his passing. I also went to school with Frank he was several grades ahead of me. May he rest in peace....
Anonymous said…
Goliath and H-T: A memorial service for Frank is scheduled at Coots at 7PM Tuesday I believe.
Goliath said…
Thanks HT and Anony. I am having trouble accepting this.

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