Aude Lang Syne

Goliath have very sad and bittersweet holidays.  But, Goliath very glad for friends and wimmens and the Sprout.
Goliath hope all and many have a happy new years day and is with good ones around them. Not be too sad.
Even NSHBM  Goliath wish have a good day/night ...find peace. Realize,  even his sworn enermies like Mayor
Galligan are all part of his community. We all are passing through this life together...with high HOPES!

We all want better things for our children.  We want troubles to pass. We want our loved ones not to suffer
and our people to be well.  Even a wicked Philistine Giant like Goliath has a heart and feelings inside that
stoney shell.

Best wishes.



Anonymous said…
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin

Happy New Year Goliath
Lisa Smith said…
Happy New Year to you and your family Goliath. My husband's birthday is tomorrow so we always start the New Year out celebrating another year together! I hope this New Year brings happiness to all, peace to many and changes for the better!AN

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