The List (of places and things to avoid) #4

4. Driving Drunk

There is no reason, in your life, to drive drunk. Here is what it
Can lead to (in no particular order) a. wreck your car b. kill someone
c. kill yourself d. get arrested e. get put in jail or on probation pay
Fines of about $1000 plus lawyer fees of $1,000. E. Higher insurance
Premiums F. lose your license.

Alternative: Average taxi ride ; about $25 (maybe less)
Bus ride, about $2. Subway $1. Gee….what are my alternatives?


Anonymous said…
MEDDLING: definition: (and we don't need no over-edg-e-cated Wiki-fied-s=
tuff to de-fine it fer us!) Meddlin' is"When the durn Preacher done gone=
from straight preachin' to ameddlin' in folks affairs" ! In many ancien=
t and highly advanced cultures, the art and privilege of drunk driving is=
a sacred rite/right handed down to this day! Drunk driving is a human ri=
ght! That right is not automatically ended because of what "might happen"=
. It only ends at the other person's nose. This is in both urban city-fo=
lks areas and the wild-open country! Iffa a dude or his chick do not hit=
nothin' too stationary ner injure a body, it is not drunk driving. Iffin=
' you ain't caught by the King's Men while traversing the Kings Own Highwa=
y, it never happened! It is the aberrant operation of said vehicle in the=
purview of the constabulary that does a poor peasant in! Iffa you is jest=
pickled, it ain't a real crime. You ain't a perpetrator. There must be an=
actual accident, injury, etc., otherwise there attaches the ancient right=
to be left alone and "the inalienable right to operate" is in full Cons=
titutional force! The King's Men have no right to take from you the few=
shekels that you have. It is an inalienable right jest as long as nothin'=
real bad ahappens. If the occupying soldiers of The Realm do illegally=
detain you and yer roadies, you are in for the Dungeon, Debtor's Prison,=
or for multiple offenses, The Tower itself!
Anonymous said…
FROM: Commander of the Imperial Federation of Time Travelers

You recently signed up to receive faxes from the Imperial Federation of Time Travelers whenever a distortion in the time space continuum occurs. Such a distortion has been observed and you are advised to go to your nearest time space continuum shelter and await further instructions from high command.

The necessary correction to the historical timeline requires our team to travel back to 1964 and the New York Worlds Fair. There are eight vending machines at the fair that dispense Oscar Meyer Weenie Whistles.

The costs of these whistle is only two cents. We will purchase all whistles in order to return the timeline back to it’s original sequence.

Thank You
Commander Ty M Travelor

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