THe peoples Has done SPOKEN: DEMand CANAL Goliath STYLE!!

Me happy to report that After a Week long POLL, the results is IN!!! People Wants Amsterdam style Canal in Jeffersonville by margin of 2-1!!! Votes was as follers:

10 votes for Amsterdam type Canal (Smart people types)
2 votes for doing nothing and let them peoples gets flooded (sociopathic types)
4 votes for put in high tax pipeline drainage what costs more (street lover types)

Now me certify me not recruits no votes from Democratunderground but me can not speak
it always possible Coltsfan cheat on my poll! However, me reasonably certain these here
accurate numbers. So I guess the issue done settled. We needs not debaates if further!!!


hoosiertaxpayer said…
Tell Pesty thanks for the plug on the CCC. Next time tell him post it when somebody might actually see it 2:30 AM. Jeez what was he just getting home drunk !!!
Goliath said…
Me tell Pesty all thy kind word.
As for what Pesty do and when him
done do spect you realize by
now me NOT RESPONSIBLE for what Pesty
do or say!
Goliath said…
Probably was drunk!

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