You readers need to be ALERT to fact taht Goliathsandwimmens commencing to heads into MASSIVe Web-warfare!!! Just so you KNOWs HT done "Called out the Dogs" and is displaying

This here looks to be a "Multi-front" war. There will be the LEGAL BATTLE. There will be
the COMMERCE battle and there will be the INTERNET BATTLE. Not to worries thy head, though...Goliath well prepared for conflicte and esceraltions of hostilities on all fronts with HT!!!

To callm all of youse what would posserbly go out and get drunk on jaegermeister tonight in turmoil and anxieties over possible fates of Goliath...let me reassure you by displaying the
GOLIATH TEAM what me has ever so much conferdences in!

Me gots : Erma Thrask what can critique the sorry state of the decor of the
'batcave' and render it deverstated!!!

Me gots acrobaticer contorionists:
Elayne Kramer, archer, prepares to fire a bow and arrow with her feet. (By David R. Lutman, special to The Courier-Journal) February 06, 2010

Me gots a metrosexual what has a fashion sense seconds to NONE!!
and know how to get HT kicked off and banned from CCC
(Pesty) Me gots not one but TWO gunfighters!! First, Doc
Holliday! and Seconds me got JOHN WESLEY HARDIN What also is GOLIATH'S
Dad Blasted LAWYER!!!

SO, never you minds about threats from some skunk what hides behind a MasK! and live in
a CAVE and NOT even DRINK JAGERMEISTER!!!! After all...Goliath team also gots this
one here.... PLEASE NOT WORRY!!! (and don't forgets MY secret weapon!!)


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