All YOU FANS OF HOosier Taxpayer's NEW WEBBLOG

Be sure and get your HT WIFEBEATER TEE SHIRT right here!!!

Look like this here:



hoosiertaxpayer said…
Mr. Goliath

We may have a copyright problem here. I have meeting with my attorney tomorrow concerning your use of the HT image and name on your cheap a** t shirts.

My designer is currently working on the HT gear line which is very upscale. He feels your poor quality and designed tees will diminish our new line of merchandise.

You will probably be hearing from my attorney shortly.

Hope this won't keep you from giving tech advice on the new HT batblog.

Sincerely HT
Goliath said…
HT...Me forward this here what MY lawyer done wrote for thee...

"Dear Mr. Hoosiertaxpayer,

The undersigned juris doctor represents Goliath, Goliathandwimmens, "Goliath's Treasures", Goliath's Lost and Abandoned properties Recovery LLC,
and all other enterprises which, collectively are commonly known as,
"The Goliath Empire".

This comes to inform you that we have reviewed, with interest, your impotent claims and veiled threats rendered against my client, Goliath.
We welcome and encourage your visit to your 'attorney' and suppose that such a visit would clarify, in your mind, the plain fact that you have NO CASE to make against the aforementioned "Goliath Empire".

Any minimally qualified legal opinion would, no doubt, correspond with our view that any claims that you would seek to bring against my client for 'copyright infringement', 'trademark annex', or 'prohibited use of private images or marks' would be, in a word, 'laughable'. No court in the land (except possibly Alaska) would allow such a claim to proceed beyond the 12 B 6 motion to dismiss.

In fact, as our legal team reviewed the factual underpinnings of the situation we discovered the following:

1. You have copied Goliath's idea of a blog to critique and comment on Jeffersonville, Clark County and the CCC. This is an infringement allowing for a jury or court to set the appropriate measure of damages to "Goliathandwimmens". We
conservatively estimate this infringement's value at in excess of a million dollars. (we are factoring in expected proceeds of the next decade). My client would be willing to compromise, for a limited time, this damage in the sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars..payable in an equivalent amount of Krugerrands (based on London market prices) on the date rendered.

2. You have been the beneficiary of
various commercial prompts effectuated by our client. He has touted your batblog and no doubt driven a high level of commercial and profitable web traffic to your batblog. This factual circumstance renders you liable to pay Goliath Enterprises a proportionate recompense according to S.A.G. standards as negotiated with the Entertainment "industry" in 1984.
(Twenty percent of all proceeds on the GROSS)

3. Our client has rendered invaluable technological services and advice and consultation...all of which, having been accepted, he is entitled to receive lawful recompense under the theory of quantum meruit. We conservatively estimate such services, to date, in the amount of twenty five thousand dollars. We anticipate you sending
this sum to the undersigned on or within thirty days of today's date.

We look forward, sir, to an amicable resolution of these matters and, in the event that fails, we will see you in COURT!!!


Attorney for Goliath

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