November 1 A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!

Me must decribes this here day. Very happy Goliaths website been up for abouts a month and me has near 700 visitors froms 8 nationas and over 5,000 views by them theres! Me has engaged in mighty combats with CCC an reached a peace

accord therewith. Me has vangquished Integritymatter in return for her nasty comment that this here blogg was disgusting. It turn out she more disgusting to
our pollers than that EHFS. Ha! btu me also has much more to reports, the coalition of the willing, Brazil, Mexico Argentina, Canada, New Zealand, Norway and Texas, all these here nations now has heard of MIGHTY GOLIATH. And me says, Jus like my hereo Geeorges W. Bush, "Is you with Ol Goliath? Cause either thy is with me or You is With THEM" So me see many many is WITH ol Goliath and we render pity to them there what is With THEM!!!!
Me has beens to Mexico. Me oncet parade across the bridge over the Rio Grande from El Paso
to Juarez. Me spedns a day wandering through the many neighborhoods of Juarez and me sees there povertys like me not see since Goliath just a small tyke. Me thinks many of them whats is
so down on Jeffersonsvilles and her peoples (includinger them polerticians etc.) oughts to take a little stroll there (make sure to carry a high grade weaponer two) then compare that border town to these here border town of JEFF. (drop off playce for drugs and gambling moneys) we
aint' so bads yet!.
This here reminder me of about hunnerd twwenty hyears ago me was in El PAso at that time what GUNFIGHTEr John Wesley Hardin gets it. Me was in that saloon have a bitters and wine (as Jeager not availables at that time and placE) His photo above there, and him come in and starts to carrying on and shooting dice on the bar. John Selman what was a no good lowdown pie eatin' son of a coyote pluggs him right in the back and then three time in the chest (onct he was down). Hardon was a lawyer then. Him get his edumercation in the territorial prison! Many peoples glad him gone and meany was sad!!! That just the kind of man him was. You hates him or loveds him. (like Ol Goliaths).
Me see that CHOPPERWOMAN slyly suggesters me gots a CRUSH on JULES. That ther probably true. But, me nots stray. ME like CHOPPER TOo!! Plus ME Love Granngy G we
just aint friends no MOre!!
zzMe happy to reports sales of all good Goliath Items Brisk and adds many sheckels to old Goliaths treasures what me burys in the riverbanks so nobody finds them there. Need not
trys to look. Me has more to say soons. about nasty folks what attack Goliath and friens of
Goliath but..for NOW ME wish YOU happy good times on this HERE beuateous DAY!!


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