A Horrible Pitcher

Me ahs to tell all very well abouts this here pitcher what waas painted so verymany years
ago. At this here time me was living in Italy with the concubines. When that there artist finds out
who me is him insistes that me pose for this here.

Now that dad bladsted artist not pay me no royalties and what not for this here. Now me has
SWEET REVENGE!!!! Me make this here into
a computer mouse pad and a tote bag bigenough
to hold a normal size human head whats been
decapitated and sells it on the internets! Ha!


Unknown said…
Hey Goliath, where have you been? We at the old EN forums created a new one right after EN shut them down. We are at www.clarkcountychatter.com
Goliath said…
Me often times looks at that there. Me kinda scared when that EN forum shut down. Was it something I said? So...Now I gots my own dad blasted blog. Nobody tell ol Goliath whats to do
here. (Except Sheba-El-Al make some editorial type

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