GOLiath's Happyface Salamander!!!! Sign of evil

This here done clinches some
surspicions what I been done
having about these here
crazed times what we is looking at ans going throughs right now. Me remembers very very wells
when Julius Ceasars was abouts to be
assassinatered...there were many many wondrous signs what fortold of
the calamaitous catasstrpohes of the demise of that there great leader and
warrior. there was a two headed calf broughts into the forom that very day
and in Ilyria, they told how a bolt of
lighting done struck the temple of the
heathern god Dionysious (because as all knows very well Julius liked to party). So now we see this here ^ . What the dad blasted is this here? But.... what ever it is Me thinks me make a coffe cup or slaps it on a tee shirt and
sell it. Next time me sees something like this me will be signing up for the David ickes railrosd
to the new world order OR buys all the Alex Jones merchandises me can get hold of.

Now, back to war with CCC.


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