Republican Bumper Stickers

  I have always enjoyed bumper stickers.  Like to read  them especially when I am stopped behind someone at a stoplight or stop sign.   Sometimes they are really good.  The best one I saw in the past few months was " JESUS LOVES YOU  but everyone else thinks you're an  ---hole"

Today  as I risked my very life in crossing the Kennedy bridge,  some jerk cut me off and
sneered at me  I noticed he had a bumper sticker in the back window of his shiny new Lexus SUV

My Goodness!   I had a flashback.  This was so like a sticker I used to see on
Lexuses,  Mercedes,  Jaguars and BMWs.  Which was this sticker:  

I reflected that it had been quite a while since I had seen the somewhat ubiquitous "W"  sticker.  But this reminded me of my pet theory about the Republican Party.... how it appeals to the rich guys and gals who like to think of themselves as ...ahem....elite.    Meanwhile,  to get elected they have to reach out to their base. That base is,  it seems to me,  for the most part a lot of backward thinking (as in wanting to go back to the fifties) non-progressive,  white,  lower middle or lower class white people.  In other words....a very similar demographic that NASCAR attracts.   Patriotic,  gun totin' ,  ....and I hate to say this ....rednecks.  And I recalled the bumper sticker for this demographic.  In fact its one I always mentally noted as "NASCAR Republican" ....Here it is:  The flag waving (as if attached to the antennae of a big engine Trans Am and the slightly tilting '04 all suggesting speed...motion. These were almost always found on Chevys, Fords and Chryslers...maybe a couple of years old...or older. (These guys don't cut you off in traffic either).  That was it! W had his "Imperial W"   bumper sticker for the tight ass republican country club set and his NASCAR W for the "Joe Six Pack" crowd.  Brilliant!!!

So, just here to report witnessing the first "Imperial" Republican bumper sticker.  White on Black 1-20-13.
Oh the subtlety of it!  On the rear of a luxury car.   Got it!   See you guys on the big highway out there!


Anonymous said…
And your comments just provides evidence that one does not have to be uneducated or a redneck to limit your thinking to stereotypes.
Goliath said…
Sorry, that's what bumper stickers are appeal to stereotypes!
Goliath said…
So anon...what's your theory on the two styles for the "W" stickers?
Matthew said…
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Matthew said…
That poster shall identify themselves or I label them with the sterotype of coward.
Anonymous said…
Surprise - my car had an Obama sticker.

And label all you want Matt - I'm going to pass on calling you names. Not that there aren't some good ones, but I'm gonna pass.
Anonymous said…
Goliath you are spot on with the two bumper sticker theory. And it is,as much as it pains me to say it, brilliant. Here's a real tickler: What two demographics could the Dem's capitalize on with simple stickers?
Anonymous said…
This is brilliant. Now we can split into four distinct parties based strictly on stereotypes and labels. We can have Limosine Liberals and Union Democrats to represent the democratic ticket and Imperial conservatives and NASCAR Republicans to represent the Republicans. Oh wait I forgot the Tree Huggers and Religious Right. It keeps growing. Mix all those stereotypes together with The Tea Birchers and you come up with The Great American Melting Pot. I sense a new School House Rock song coming from this. I love it.

Brian Coffman
Matthew said…
My personal favorite:

"Come on, if Jesus were alive he wouldn't carry a gun or vote republican."

To the poster I ask. are you gonna have an Obama sticker on your car in 2012?

If not, I demand you reveal yourself.
Anonymous said…
HaHa. Now you're starting to sound like a particularly annoying other local blogger. Just what makes you Galligan supporters think anybody answers to you? Does anyone ever fall for that?

Your demands are sort of amusing though.
Anonymous said…
Cowards will always remain cowards. They are bred that way.

Anonymous said…
Goliath, I think you're on to something big. Following Brian's thoughts, just think how much money could be saved if each candidate reduced their entire marketing strategy to just a couple of adhesive backed glossy designs?
Goliath said… the 'glossy designs' Sometimes I think we are already actually down to that with some of these jokers.
Goliath said…
Anon is entitled to his/her opinion about Goliath being limited in thinking stereotypes, He/she is not a coward for preserving anonymity. Goliath wishes he could have preserved his but Debbie and NSHBM took that away from him. It's all ok though. Anyway, Anon can think that if he/she wants....he/she is just wrong though.
katoanon said…
I'm not the Anon who has posted above, but I agree with the concern about stereotypes being used in this context.

Obviously, anyone with any form of "W" referring to that last president on their vehicle is some sort of idiot. It's not necessary to bash their poor taste of graphics or try to demean anyone who aligns themselves with a political party.
katoanon said…
And if AN thinks those who post anonymously are cowards, she should really stop commenting on blogs anonymously and/or under fake names. That makes her a hypocrite.
~ChopperWoman~ said…
Only 4 stereotypes Brian? I don't think I fit into any of them. It's been awhile back but I've metioned before (maybe on Chatter or perhaps right here on GAW) that up until I was around 42 I had always considered myself a republican. Then I did some soul searching and reflecting on life experiences and discovered that my whole political outlook had changed since I was 18. I had turned into a democrat!

What stereotype would I fall into Brian? =)
Anonymous said…
CW you are the most dreaded of all political stereotypes. You are a waffler... Sorry I could not resist.

Brian Coffman
Matthew said…
Banker ladies who feel they can woo you over with great service?
Matthew said…
I'll be the first to admit, I should have chosen another word besides "coward."

I care very much about my own personal privacy so I can see some prefer to be anonymous.

But I think the credible statements come from those who post from their real names.

It's a journalism thing. Never trust a "anonymous" source sort of deal.
Anonymous said…
Trust me, if AN posts something and is able to use her own name, she does. I have nothing to hide, never have, never will. Everyone knows my blog and my forum is ME. I don't need to hide behind, ANON, CATO, HAPPYCAT, etc. etc. etc. Have a wonderful night ANON.

Lisa Smith
Anonymous said…
Then why did you continually post messages on your own forum with all of those other monikers?

Honestly, you would have been much more credible as 1 "Anonymous", than you were as 2 dozen different sock puppets.
Goliath said…
So .... Goliath suggests you, Anon, and Abbysnana, go over to Abbysnana's new forum and have this fight over there. I have already heard it...on the old AN forum, on GCF, and even
here before If I remember correctly.

What do ya think about "Imperial W" and "Nascar W?"
Anonymous said…
Marketing is marketing. Not exclusive to any party. First example that comes to mind: Hamptons summer resident Bill Clinton, and Harlem office tenant Bill Clinton.

Pretty much the same thing, yes?
Anonymous said…
Exactly Goliath, same ole same ole..stop being a hater. "Sock Puppets"..(where in the world have I heard that before??? lol)
Goliath said…
I thought Clinton vacationed at Martha's Vineyard.

I was there once. Cool place. Got drunk on Vodka and Coffee.
~ChopperWoman~ said…
Well I think I prefer Matt's suggested stereotype over Brian's. Waffler -vs- banker lady who woos. Yep, I'd rather be considered a wooer over a waffler. Though I do like waffles.
Amy said…
i like the "Smile damn it!! It could be worse" sticker.

All the Galligan and Isgrigg supporters could display this sticker proudly, AND with a smile to boot.

Galligan and Isgrigg supporters could apply this sticker in 100% good faith, knowing it would in deed be worse, much worse, if say, Mike Moore was the next mayor.

So everyone, smile, damn it, and go get you a sticker.
Anonymous said…
waffler= A waffler usually goes from one side to the other and back again, usually multiple times...(Who do we know that does that...maybe a certain Mayoral Candidate)

I agree CW, I don't like them either.
Anonymous said…
Goliath after reading your Imperial W and Nascar W piece yesterday I was driving around and I spotted one of these stickers in their natural habitat. I was at the stoplight on Allison Ln right before you get to Kroger and Meijer and the car in front of me had The Nascar W still proudly sticking to it's bumper. I thought of your article and I said to myself that this SUV had to be produced from one of The Big 3 because that fit The Goliath Stereotype. Sure enough the SUV was a Ford Explorer. I wish I had the presence of mind to snap a picture of it while we were at the light. I would have posted it for you.

Brian Coffman
Goliath said…
Thanks Brian. I am going to keep an eye out too. I would like to see an Imperial W on an old junker.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to suggest that Mike Moore have bumper stickers with the message "Pepper Cooper doesn't like me".

That's a good indication of an ethical elected official!
Anonymous said…
If Mike Moore actually had that bumper sticker on his car then the first thing I would do is drive off the road from laughing so hard. After I got my car fixed from that I would donate $100.00 to Mike's campaign in Peppers name just so I could get kicked out of a political function and laugh some more. That is a classic idea.

Brian Coffman
Anonymous said…
I'm sure MM would appreciate the humor, but suspect he would send back the check.

Actually, it was Chuck Moore who escorted Pepper out, so maybe Chuck should capitalize on this when he runs again - i.e., "I'm Chuck Moore & I removed Pepper Cooper".
Anonymous said…
I've seen all the stickers you referred to Goliath, but never thought about the demographics of them until now...But you're so right!!...( It's like one of those light-bulb moments).

My favorite sticker isn't exactly a political one...Yet...But, I'm convinced one of the parties could do something with it.

It goes..."It Will Only Seem Kinky the First Time". :) I'm convinced it's got political potential.


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