Goliath propose that LINCOLN CRUM and his Outfit  HOST ANOTHER INTERNET DEBATE of ALL the

Goliath Co-sponsored a debate Last year between GCCS candidates.  NOW THE TIME for another GREAT DEBATE with Internet,  FACEBOOK and IN PERSON Audience!!

Goliath,  Solving Problems...that's what I DO.

fORMAT OF GAW  DEBATE DETERMINED!     The debate will be  sponsored by GAW as it is  feared by the superfluous CCC.     All Jeffersonville mayoral candidates shall be invited, including Republicans, Democrats and New Tea Party persons..   All of those mayoral hopefuls that will be on the ballot in the spring and those that by restriction cannot appear until fall, shall be included.  This will enliven the atmosphere and ensure all voices are  heard in a fair and balanced manner.  There shall be a four member panel  of involved journalists composed of Goliath, Hoosier-Taxpayer as Bat Man himself, Pesty, and a person to be named by Goliath, possibly Erma Thrask.  The moderator shall be the "Best There Ever Was", aka, "Roy Hobbs",  aka, the Hon. Judge  Daniel F. Donahue. The setting shall be that of a Roman Forum.   All panelists and invited candidates shall be in costume en toto. No exceptionsWeapons shall be required by all in attendance  as "an armed society is a polite society".  All invited candidates shall be attended by at least two competent and still licensed members of the Clark County Bar Association  (politicians can't be too careful).  All participants shall be immune from prosecution  and also immune from process servers of all kinds while going to, attending, or coming from the debate "while performing the people's sacred duties". There will be a dance contest in the middle of the debate featuring Pesty, NSBHM, and TG and their respective partner of choice.  Sponsors of each of the dance contestants shall pay a substantial  fee of cash shekels to Golaith before the contest.  The winning dance team will win a one week supply of fresh chickens from the Goliath open air organic farmer's market behind the Olde Town Grocery. The panelists will rate and determine the winner of the dance contest.  Also, in keeping with the mood of the electorate, there will be TWO themes for the debate! The first shall be the famous saying of President Bill Clinton: "The era  of Big Government is over!". The second shall be "The taxpayers aren't cheap, they like to go first class!"  More details will  follow on the GAW and the Bat-Blog as they are worked out.                                                                                                                     


Anonymous said…
Cool! A Goliath sponsored debate could be the first to have a new format, total rad from the SO TOTALLY BORING old fashioned debates (that no one watches or pays any attention to) that are sponsored by the atavistic print media. Anonymous Draino!
Anonymous said…
Has Goliath considered the "Radical Grand Style" of the GAW sponsored debate? Anonymous Lono(Curse of)
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Count HT in, I was captain of my debate team in college.

Bring em on !!!
Goliath said…
HT...I am hoping it will the school board race last year.
Goliath, did you see that Hoosier-Taxpayer has been offered a job at CNN? Will Tammy be fishing with you or with H-T if he is out of town in DC and NYC?
G: Speaking of the pending most-excellent, potentially rad new formula GAW mayoral debates ( I and II), some professors at the journalism school looked at abbysnana's web site. She poses some interesting questions on her site like ' What started out as Liberal is now referred to as "progressive", why the label change? Does that mean that Republicans are "non-progressive"? ' You might want to consider abbysnana for the fourth slot on your debate panel as a backup because Erma might have hit the eggnog a tad too much and not be ready.
Goliath said…
Wait!!! Lincoln done Communicated with Goliath and say NO CAN DO!!!!
Goliath said…
Say this here took A weeks work and him not get no good reverb back. SO, too bad.
Anonymous said…
G: have you checked your e-mail including the updates?
Anonymous said…
WOW! Did you get the permission of the CCC to hold such a debate? Anonymous Lono (Curse of)
Anonymous said…
This the Jackrabbit Theory of debates! Anonymous Guido
Anonymous said…
Seven candidates so far for the Great Goliathandwimmens Deabate! The "Magnificent Seven!" Anonymous Draino!
Anonymous said…
GAW is promoting expanded political dialog and freedom of speech, the personal expression for and against all candidates, and totally rad debates that include all mayoral candidates. Over on another info/expression/entertainment blog (the CCC), someone with the handle of MBHeights1 posted: ' "There is no "Freedom of speech"
This website is privately owned." ' By this person's post, I am reminded of the dangerous concept of TOTALITARIANISM that you WILL do what we are told! Ya Vol Mein Kommandant!!! Verboten - forbidden!

Anonymous Draino!

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