Erma Thrask Home of the Week Feature Delayed

Dear friends,  Salutations!  Goliath dropped by this morning lettimg me know that he had an ad running over on the Clark County Challenger.  (whatever that is).  He said he wanted this weeks article to be especially good and  we discussed the "Home of the week" .  He dropped off a noggin of egg nog and mentioned he had a new supply of Jagermeister laid in due to a recent bounty sale of some of his original art work.  It IS delicious.

On the down side, he acknowledge that a certain person who shall remain unnamed but who has FOUR tattoos,  boasts about her powers over her man and likes to denigrate the good Christian values I espouse, is not only a denizen of this CCC but is actually a person with some sort of 'authority' there.  So, no doubt we will have to encounter HER again.

But,  having said all that,  yours truly is pondering this vile excresence that the noxious rag, the Courier Journal
is publishing today called "home of the week".    I must say,  this WILL be a challenge....Glass topped dining tables and Coffee tables?  Need  I say more to convey the depths of the depravity on display?

So, bear with me.  I am enjoying my egg nogg and pondering this any viewers from the CCC....welcome!


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