MAYORS RACE '11 (new thread)

Goliath hear POLITICAL RUMOR that FACTION forming to explore possiblity of 
THIRD PARTY candidate for Mayor!!  
The information REPORTED HERE FIRST a portion of COMMUNICATION...

"a group of Jeffersonville/Clark County Republicans feels used and abused.  The Democrats were already feeling stunned and used at the rejection.  Now, *&&  has found out that some in the conservative movement  have retained an *&&^^   to begin the process of correctly obtaining the signatures to put a real third party  a la "Tea Party" candidate on the ballot for Mayor of Jeffersonville in 2011!"



Anonymous said…
"A third party in the fall? Hmmmm.......those that have tried to harm/block Democracy may not succeed. The "switching paries" thing amy well backfire. This is interesting. A Third Party would give another choice. It is a very good idea and is very good for the public to have multiple choices!"
Anonymous said…
G: I saw your ad on the CCC. It should at least saY "click here" or something. "Click here. Link to GAW".It should have writing to tell the readers of the CCC what they can do. Anonymous Lono (Curse of)
Goliath said…
Lono...Goliath call in big AD Agency in NYNY what come up with this here.

Them say the 'text-less' logo and
detail of goliath's image is BRILLIANT marketing

Thank for advice. Goliath know his viewers is smart and when see ad like this here knows to click ...the lack of text is 'mysterious' and they just gotta see what is behind that there ad.

Goliath already notice uptick in site traffic.
However, thanks for concerns.-Goliath
Anonymous said…
Goliath: What is the deadline for a third party candidate getting on the ballot for mayor or council? Is it August 1st? Anonymous Draino!!
Anonymous said…
On the rival CCC, a brave poster named NHardy asked: "Will the Republicans power players really promote and support a third party candidate in direct opposition to Mr. Moore joining the Republican party?

How much support will this cost Mr. Moore at the voting booth? Does Mr. Moore have a realistic chance to win when considering both the Democrats and Republicans will be split in their support?

Anonymous Draino!
Anonymous said…
Also, someone named Michelle posted on the CCC: "The question was, will Democrats vote for Republican Mike Moore? I have always voted for Republicans. Because Mr. Moore just suddenly changed from Democrat to the Republican side, it makes me a bit hesitant to consider him. "

I too, feel that he changed parties for an alterior motive. Although I am Republican, I feel that he did not think his chances were very high on the Democratic side. This does not say much for a persons character, but instead it makes me feel like they might be too, (excuse the expression), wishy-washy.

Most likely I will still vote for Republican, but I can't see myself voting for Mr. Moore in this election. I think he needs to work as a Republican for a while, to prove himself truly for that party. My concern would be that he might continue as Republican half way through, then decide that he is still a strong democrat, and possibly use those beliefs, if elected Mayor, to the benefit of the Democratic Party.

So Mr. Moore, don't be surprised if many others have this same suspicion. Show yourself worthy of being a "TRUE REPUBLICAN", and then maybe at the next election, people will be able to trust you.

Anonymous Draino!

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