Goliath very very MAD at PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!
WAit jUSt a second! DId you hear this big news? Goliath at a party tonight and have very very indepth discussions with a trusted advisor what even Was Goliath's best man at consecration rites of concubine and him pass this incredible story that him assure GOLIATH is very very TRUE.
OBAMA WANTS TO TAKE YOUR SALT!!! That righT! YOU hear it here on GOLIATHANDWIMMENS FIRST (so remember as you hear stories in the big MEDIA later!!!) Goliath SCOOP all
National medias especially FOX NEWS!!! OBAMA want to take your Salt AWAY!!!
THis horrific! Me explains:
Accords to Goliaths sources which get information from very very credible source on radio of man what used to be movie critic for HOLlywood but convert to right and true ways of thinking, Obama tries to get new regularization of sodium (SALT!!!) content in some process foods!!! That RIGHT HE TAKING YOUR SALT. YOUR PRECIOUS SALT what the body NEEDS!!! This evil.
SOmebody say, "wait...they are trying to make that stuff safer to consume so we are all healthier" SOURCE reply "that how they do it! Gouvmitn NIBBLES away" that how
they wind up TAKE YOUR GUNS!! (Thus establish the Salt-Gun Connection which Goliath had not even thought of.)
Listne up Mr. PRESIDENT! You can have my SALT SHAKER (what is needed for the occasional Margueritea) WHEN YOU PRY IT OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HAND!!!!!
Just some friendly advice from your number two fan because I care about your health.
What if Obama is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-salt behavior, can you begin to piece together his actions?
Keep yer hands off my SALT
There are two issues being looked at. One is that processed food and restaurant meals account for 77% of Americans salt intake. Two is that labeling and product information is not as good as it can be, especially in restaurants, where one good meal can put a person over the recommended daily salt intake.
This is coming from the Institute of Health, has been for years and years, and they are becoming unhappy at the pace of companies addressing the issue, so now they are really putting the pressure on the FDA.
Many companies are aware that the public has become more aware of the dangers of too much salt intake and are taking action.
Pepsico has found a way to change the cystal structure of sodium chloride. This makes more salt dissolve sooner on our tongues while reducing salt intake by 25%. The end result is a processed food lower in salt but with no difference in the taste.
So your friend can live in fear, he can sow fear, but I'm not living like that.
Nope, I'm going to go eat a antibiotic soaked well marbled steak, along with some gentrically altered veggies and a big glass of hormone laden milk, and sprinkle some molecular altered sodium chloride all over my food.
And yes, the CIA used a time machine sometime around 2153 to travel back to Obamas childhood in order to brainwash Obama.
But it didn't stop there, no-sir-ree-bub!
While there they also used hypnosis on Newt Gingrich so that each time he heard the word "birther" he would dress in drag and take the stage name of Orly Taitz.
So, if you think birthers are crazy then the term is derisive. If you are a birther then you should have gladly reclaimed the term "birther" and consider it to be something good.
After warning us that their perceived enemies label and ridicule them, the website then goes on to label and ridicule their perceived enemies.
They call their enemies O-Borters for seeking to abort the fabric that has held America together, which as we all know is nonsense because all our clothes are made overseas now, probably in Kenya.
Research 2000s poll shows that approximately 55% of birthers are Republican, 10% are Democrats, 20% are Independents, 12% are non voters and 5% are listed as Other.
69% of birthers live in the South. 12% in both the midwest and west, and 6% in the Northeast.
Of the 2,400 adults interviewed nationally, 87% of people in the west, 90% of people in the midwest and 93% of people in the Northeast believe Obama was born in the US.
Only 47% of people in the South believe Obama was born in the US, 23% in the South believe he was born on foreign soil, and 30% were unsure.
The South includes, Florida, North Caroline, South Caroline, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas.
Due to a binding endorsement contract that stipulates that I mention POWERade at each post, I'd just like to say that POWERade is tasty, it cools you off on a hot summer day, and we're all looking forward to POWERade's release of Mystic Birther Berry Juice.
Once at Talladega, I was sittin in the garage eatin some "American Fries" when suddenly I realized that they didn't have any salt on them. Glenn told me that it was because Obama had taken my salt away.
Well, I jumped on Glenn like a spider monkey on a cupcake. I told him that he didn't understand the importance of eating American Fries without salt because he didn't understand liberty. I then put a crack in his arm like the crack in the Liberty Bell.
Your Number One Fan
Ricky Bobby
Is this blog the stupidest? YES. Most assuredly and me appreciates very very wells that you has used laser like insight to perceive this here fact.
And I for one am happy to be a regular reader of the 2 most stupid blogs in the blogosphere!! :)
and J.W. Hardin was a killer/lawyer (and lately correspondent for GAW)so
Orly is in very very goods company and also, sort of make the whole gun salt thing cornection clearrer.