Steve Stewart for Prosecutor
Me sees that Stewart done decided to runs again. Dad blasts it. Me has many pending
crime cases waht hem alleged me has violated some piddling little law or another. Me hopes to out wait him and thus defeats his plans of puttings me in jail. (the only upsides
of which is the small chance of sharign a roofs with Yalanda).
Me sees that many there are what thinks hims a good guy. They is SO wrongs!! Looks how him
critersizes the prisons what let Jerry Sargents escapes! What kinder cheap low down no good
polertician critiercises Laws ENforcement such as DOC? That jes shows him NO good!! And him
toss off that Peggy Wilder case to CHris Owens!!! Him TOO SCARED to prosercute her!!! (me not
quites unnersatans why him not just Burys it but I am sure therye some low down sneaky reasosnS!!) And then me sees that Larry Wilder come to his dad blasted fundraiser!!!! Foul! I
cry!!! Doesn't not all know Larry wilDers got no more RIGhts To participates In life of any kinds!!!
Him got fowly drunk one times!!! When you see this her face RUNS!!!