gOLIiathsandwimmens blog vanquishes Clarkscounty chatterings!!!

eVens me not thinks it be this here Easy!!! On October 13, me declares WAR on that there CCC!
Now, 13 days later ME DECLARE VICTORY andGLory!! over that there. Today, the CCC "LOCKED DOWN" their 2 threads on GOLIATH.

That right....You no longer Allowed to EVENS discuss GOLIATH! on CCC. This is; an ovious acts
of oppression by the StaTe owned MEDIA CCC. Me fieels so sorry for them there subjects of CCC what is NOT ALLOWED to comments on Goliaths or his blog!!!! Here waht Supemike say while conceding defeats by this hear...

On the "Should Goliath post here poll thread" him say:

"I believe this has run it's course. Goliath is welcome to post here if he chooses, regardless of what the people want. It's free. But right now, Goliath just seems to be using the Chatter to hock his stuff."

On the "GOLIATH has a BLOG" discussion thread him say:
"I'm locking this thread for now. It's gone on for four pages about whether or not Goliath should post here, while "Pesty" promotes his blog. The intent of the Chatter was not for folks to promote their personal blogs. Now, if Goliath and/or Pesty and/or both want to participate here and link to Goliath's blog in their signature, I'm fine with that. But discussion of whether Goliath should participate here seems simple -- being that if he wants to, he's welcome to. But we don't really need to keep rehashing or updating this post every time Goliath updates his blog. If ya'll want to read it, you know where to find it."

SO MY FRiends...there it is...You is no longer allow3ed to speak on that there topic on CCC. This SURE sign of DEFEAT
as thm no longer FREEE!!!

The Magnertude of this HERE victry is EVENS BROADER and DEEPERS: ;when YOu concsiders GOLIATH NOT POST
A SINGLE WORD THEREON!!!! Mereelys his aawesome reputations and contyroversials nature was enuigh to prompt
them there to shut down TWO 2 of thems MOS poplar threads. Them threads been viewed on on by 892 and 1974
peoples and COMMENTs was made by abouts a 3rd of them there members. YET NOW THEM IS SILENCED!!!
Goliath TOO mightys!!

Me extends the olive branchs of PEACE to member sof CCC who just humbly wishes to exercises FREEDOMS of SPEECH
them is FREE to COMMENT HERE!!!! If thou wish to start a 'thread' for comments here....post a comeent and Me will
gives you a topic area to discuss freely. ME not Arbitrarily shuts you DOWN!!! NObody TELL YOU "discussons of an issue
is too simple...and me not see whys it takes four pages to discuss that there so me shut er' downs".

(Also, as an ASIDES, me notes that me not "HOCK" goods from GOLIATH treasures. BUT anwyays the word is "HAWK"
but lets not GOliaths be a stic,kler on things gramatical)

AS me has now SUCCEEDED in Distrubings CCC sufferficientlys engouh for thems to SHUT DOWN GOLIATH THREADs
Me DECLARES VICTORY!!!! Our Shorts Natnl' NIghtmares is OVER!!!! From hienceforth this Conflict SHALL officially


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