The heart sickening news


Anonymous said…
Sorry, Goliah, I don't believe for a minute that this was done by our troops. I have too much faith in Americans and their humanity, than to believe that they would have hurt innocent children, execution style. I just don't believe it.

Those people over there have proven themselves to be evil, crazed killers who hate Americans. They will do anything, including kill their own, or themselves, just to hurt the American name.

Goliath said…
That would be good to learn. I wish it were true.
Goliath said…
It appears that it is undisputed that there was such a raid followed by an
air raid destruction of the site.
SquarePeg said…
Sassy, as much as I would like to agree with you, remember My Lai in Viet Nam. War does terrible things to once normal folks and escalates the abnormal in others. A good friend of mine was called "baby killer" when he returned from Viet Nam for war crimes committed by others.
Anonymous said…
Square Peg, if you want to bring up My Lai, then you should research Hui in Vietnam, the massacre perpretated by the North Vietmanese and the Vietcong where they killed thousands of people in that city. My Lai was one small village and it wasn't standard procedure for Americans to kill everybody. This 2006 "story" is just another attempt by progressive media to devalue our military. Goliath, you are better than this.

SquarePeg said…
AN, Please don't shoot the messenger. I have the utmost respect for our service men and women, active and veterans. I work to support veteran causes and provide support to veterans. I responded to Sassy's disbelief that this ever occured by stating similar incidents have happened.
Anonymous said…
SquarePeg, I am sorry if you felt I was "shooting the messenger", that was not my intention. The crimes that were committed at My Lai were not indictative of your standard American soldier. I am sure if we were to post all the good they have done this blog would not be large enough. Remember, there is always going to be a bad apple or two in the bunch.

SquarePeg said…
That was my point as well.
Goliath said…
I am very happy with the civilized and respectful discussion. Good job GAW posters!
Anonymous said…
SquarePeg, I agree, what happened in My Lai was a tragedy. At one time in my life, I worked assisting vietnam vets who were attending College. I had one-on-one conversations with some, concerning how the children were used to destroy our troops. I could tell that this man was greatly troubled mentally by the things he was exposed to over there. Not excusing what happened at My Lai, but I saw first hand how once normal men came back very disturbed. I believe that being in the atmosphere that our soldiers were exposed to, made normal, right-thinking men have to make alot of hasty decisions in which they would normally never have made. I don't believe in murder in no way, shape, or form, but I could understand what a war such as the vietnam war must have done to the minds of some of these servicemen who were trying to do the right thing.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, there may have been some of our soldiers who killed for the wrong reasons, but at a time such as in this war, being logical probably wasn't one of their strongholds. They probably were more in the mindset of survival mode.

I agree with AN in that there is always going to be a bad apple in the bunch. This is true in everyday life.

Other than what happened to the Indians, America has always been a more civilized country. I wish to support our military for they lay down their lives for us, every day.

Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be so drawn out.

One more thing. Can you imagine what all of the bodies must have looked like that were found in the destruction of the twin towers? That doesn't even count for the ones that were probably burned beyond recognition. I believe I remember hearing there was a daycare in one of those buildings. Just think...

hoosiertaxpayer said…
This is just another of the terrible incidents that occur during war. We all have respect and support for our military, but war puts tremendous pressure on these men and women.

A real shame is we are even in this war to begin with , there was never any links to Al Qaeda and IraQ,and Obama hasn't ended it sooner,like he said he would.

Lots of death and destruction. For What ??
Anonymous said…
Sadam Hussein was a supporter financially and otherwise of terrorists organizations for years. His regime was responsible for supporting terrorists acts all over the world. Not to mention killing thousands of his own people and gassing of kurds. It was inevitable that he would eventually come out of his shell. This world and especially Iraq are much better without the likes of Hussein and Bin Ladin. Unfortunatey War is not always pleasant, but sometimes necessary. I was watching a solier on the news this morning that had his leg blown off and he was so proud of his past Commander is Chief of our Country and said he would do it all over again, even if it meant the same results. That's true Heroism.

Anonymous said…
*better (off)
***Commander (in) Chief

I cannot spell today for the life of me. :)

Goliath said…
Saddam was a butcher. Now we're gonna see the rise of Maqda Al Sad'r.
He's gonna be just as bad or worse I predict. He already announced open season on any American soldier present in the country after January 1. He has similar 'feelings' about his opposites (Sunnis or Shi'ites...can't remember right now.)

One thing I know...a lot of innocents got killed.
Anonymous said…
Of course, because he has been given a surrender date by our Commander-in-Chief, not a smart move to tell the enemy when you are leaving or what your plan's are, that is kinda one of the rules of War. "Innocents" have been getting killed since the beginning of time and many about 10 years ago, (see my blog). Sad indeed.

Goliath said…
Yes, more war stupidity. And yes, again, that innocent people have been getting killed since the beginning. But we are living now and I can speak or write about my opposition to killing innocent people in war. I think it is wrong. I cannot do anything about what was done in Viet Nam or what was done in the past. But while we are alive we can speak out when we see something wrong. So, I am.

I also don't imagine that my voice will make a difference. But, I think I should do that anyway. So I
SquarePeg said…
Why is it our job to act as police for other countries?
Anonymous said…
You are right, Goliah, we should all continue using our voices to make a difference. Especially at voting time. I get so sick of all of these broken promises. If I had a son or daughter in the war, I would be proud of them for what they do for our country, but I would be terribly upset if one of them were to die in one of these sinceless wars.

Some of those countries like Iraq, that's all they know is to fight and kill. I think we should help to protect the borders of innocent countries that don't have the power to fight these evil people, but to put our troops right there in the middle of a bunch of American haters, just doesn't make a bit of sense to me!

SquarePeg, I guess if I was a smaller more civilized country, and another evil one just wanted to come in and kill everyone to take their land or whatever, I would want a strong country like ours to intervene and at least help in some way.

I'm proud of my country. What I'm not proud of is some of the decisions that some of our leaders make.

I just want to say, may God bless everyone of our troops whereever they are serving. I am just so thankful for them!!!

Anonymous said…
Hey, I totally agree with most of everything you said Goliath, we can and should speak up, you know why we can, because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, why, because we have brave men and women who fight for that freedom for us. I do believe in speaking your mind, what I don't like is when it get's personal, that causes too much hurt and I should know. Cheney may not be your favorite person as Obama is not mine, but they are both fathers, husbands, brothers and sons..not some evil heartless bastards. They have all made some unpopular decisions and many that we will never understand because we are not privy to everything. You ask why Obama has not kept some of his promises, maybe...just maybe that is because he now sees things and knows things that he could not have had access before.

Anonymous said…
*access to

hoosiertaxpayer said…
The Kurds, Sunnis and Shilites have been killing each other since time began. They're killing each other before, now, and after we leave Iraq. Our presence may have stopped Saddam but another equally viscous tyrant will emerge.
If we invaded every Arab nation that supported the terrorists of Al Quada we would be at war with the whole Arab world. Saudi Arabia has probably provided more funding of Al Quada than anyone, and they are an ally of the U.S.
I believe we have slowed Al Quada but another Bin Laden will also emerge..... Bush jumped the gun in Iraq and a lot of innocent lives were lost in the process...
Anonymous said…
Bush went on the intelligence that was provided to him. I do believe you are right HT, another Bin Laden will emerge, and let us just pray that if it happens during the current administration, that Obama will be given better intelligence than Bush got. Like I said, there is so much secret intelligence that goes on that many of us will never ever hear about. I know that Bush's directions kept us all safe for many years and I just pray that the terrorists don't repeat 9/11 anytime soon.


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