Goliath Introduces new Blog

If you are looking for the latest Goliathandwimmens post,  you can find it here:



keepinitreal said…
Goliath, I have filled in all of the required fields, but I still haven't been able to post on your new site.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

Anonymous said…
Goliath are you doing away with GAW altogether? Is this a move to the new site or will you be expanding to two different blogs?

Brian Coffman
Goliath said…
Brian, I am trying to transition to a new blog that can be made into an iphone app.

keepinitreal-the way the new blog is comments are moderated. I hope to be able to adjust that and allow straight to post comments without my appproval. But will have to work on it.

I have my regular job to do plus, navigate the waters of the CCC.

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