Sarah Peas                                                          

Liberal Hussy
Square Peg

Congratulations!  You are getting ready to start the Goliath SurvivorQuest game.  As you know, the prize for the sole survivor at the end of the game is $220.  Plus, the bragging rights and all the local fame you can stand.

Here's how it will work. At  times which will be announced on GAW,  a challenge will be announced.  This
challenge will in some cases take a set time to accomplish and other times they will determined by which team
or contestant achieves a stated goal first.  The rules peculiar to each  challenge will be announced at the time
of the challenge.    The winning team of each challenge will enjoy the luxury of not having to vote anyone from
their team 'off the island'.  The losing team WILL have to vote someone off the island. (out of the game.) However,  in some cases,  the winning team WILL vote to bestow immunity on ONE member of the other team in the NEXT challenge LOSS for that team.

Goliath is the sole umpire.  Goliath will have NO power to vote or veto votes, with the sole exception of
breaking tie votes in which case the tie will be broken by a coin toss or an equivalent random method.

Please mail or drop off your $10 'ante'  to Goliath's attorney, David Mosley, at 332 Spring Street Jeffersonville IN 47130.  That shyster will hold all the funds until Goliath commands him to pay up to

Goliath is simoutaneously posting threads on Goliath's Colisseum Forum dedicated to each team.
There you will find that Goliath has also prepared a 'tool' for each team which may prove useful (or not)
as we go along.  Goliath recommends you go, meet,  have a 'drink' or introduce yourselfs as you see
fit.  One last thing...Goliath knows who most of the players are...but for those who are preserving
anonymity...please respect that until given explicit permission otherwise from the player.  If the game
were used to 'out' people or other nasty business, it goes perhaps without saying, we will shut down.




Anonymous said…
I would like to nominate Matt as our team captain..whatya say Matt??

Anonymous said…
Shyster? I hold Doctor of Torts Mosley in the highest levels of respect.
Goliath said…
And the games have already begun!
Someone just deleted the helpful
info on Team Cools wiki page!

Jules said…
OMG...I hope I didn't do that by accident...LOL

Goliath said…
I think it's been restored!
Somebody playing LOL!!!
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Dang, HT is late and gets left out of big, new game.....
Goliath said…
Sorry HT...But, perhaps if you recruited one more player, I can assign you and the new player to the teams.

However, if the any current player objected, I would have to say sorry.

But...the prize would then be $240.
Goliath said…
Players, if you object send me a private email. You can do that through the GCF.
Jules said…
Come on HT!!...Surely you/we can find one more player. Where's HHIAP??
Matthew said…

I will take care of this.

I'm thrilled.
Matthew said…
Will pearl and Katoanon please email me at or find me on Facebook.
katoanon said…
I respectfully request my spot be given to HT as my schedule this week - including a 1pm Monday meeting - would likely be a hindrance to the team.
Anonymous said…
Yay Matt!! I am excited!

Goliath said… can either work it out with Kato or bring in another or not.

However, Goliath is starting
at One PM

Let us know?
Matthew said…
HT there is a number of ways to get ahold of me.

Because I don't know who you are I respect your anonymity.

Perhaps you can create a shady bat like Facebook account or email me.
cindiloohoo said…
Goliath, where do I send my $10.00?
Amy said…
Goliath said…
Send the 10 bucks to my shyster lawyer, David Mosley 332 Spring St.
Jeff. 47130. Or you can drop it off.
He will hold it for us until
Goliath commands him to deliver it
to the winner.
Anonymous said…
From what I could read, Kato does not want to be on our team for whatever reason. If HT wanted to me on the team, I am sure he would have said by now since he has since posted on the CCC. I know a couple of people that want to be on the team so I guess I will have them send a message to G.

cindiloohoo said…
I will get the $10.00 to you Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, Goliath.

I volunteered to be voted off my team.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I appreciate the offer guys , but the timing is not good for me right now. But count me in if there is another one it sounds like a lot of fun...Nothing I would like better than to relieve Goliath of a hundred sheckels

HT Prediction Winner = YMC
Goliath said…
C'mon HT ....I think you would like
some of the challenges.

But, if not...I guess Team Awesome
needs to recruit another player.
I would like this to be resolved by
7 pm Tuesday. Katoanon...I wish
you would reconsider.
Anonymous said…
So....should I let GEAH know they are player #6???

Anonymous said…
Wow HT really stepped out on a limb predicting YMC to be the winner. A series of Internet challenges and he picls the guy that develops tech for a living. HT I hate to disapoint you but there will be a darkhorse rising like Roosevelts Rough Riders Riding - charging hard like a point guard. (OK I just showed my age by quoting Public Enemy.)

Brian Coffman
katoanon said…
I'm sorry if I screwed something up and will gladly remit $10 if needed. My schedule did get full, the "1 p.m. tomorrow" spooked me, and I thought HT wanted in anyway. It wasn't until hearing third-hand I was being trash-talked on another blog that I caught up here.
Anonymous said…
No problem, right team, GEAH has saved the day so you can relax Kato. Now you can concentrate on your blog. :)

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