Attacked by the internet Demon

With all the recent demise of local blogs etc.,  Goliath feel the internet demon (pitchered above) is haunting Goliathandwimmens

Starting to feel scared. 

(Photo courtesy and copyright by S.Hodge) 


Anonymous said…
Goliath: I've also noticed that stuff sorta kinda disappears from the GAW site, sometimes comes back for a short period, diappears again and is to not be found in the "older posts" feature. Anonymous Mysterious.
Goliath said…
Sorry Anonymous, but sometimes Goliath take down posts if he feels they are 'stale'. Feel free to ask
for them to be reposted. I have most of them saved.

Then, sometimes weird things happen via the internet demon and they DO DISappear. What's up with that?
Anonymous said…
Chi-Coms attacking the USA with military cyber warfare are challenging Goliath and stealing his technology and sEcRets and such like! Anonymous Lono

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