Whole TOWN Wiped from FACE OF THE EARTH!!!

Goliath hears terrible news.  Aparently,  whole town called COVERED BRIDGE where Goliath had applied to be the dad blasted Town COnstable was WIPED OFF THE MAP!!!

So far this here new reports coming out has nOT revealed how many Peoples PErished in this conflaration what remind Goliath of the destructions of Sodom and  Gommorah (which Goliath was eye witness to).

However this here Town must have given offense in eyes of the HEathen Gods or the Gods of that PLace
as it was DESTROYED!!!  HEre an exceprt of the story.

“It’s extremely disappointing,” said Larry Gupton, who was named president of the Covered Bridge Town Council at its inaugural meeting on Dec. 3. Gupton, four other council members and a clerk-treasurer were elected Nov. 2.
Andrew Wright, the lawyer for Covered Bridge, said the residents will have to decide whether they want to appeal Jacobi’s ruling, along with a separate ruling by Special Judge Roger Davis that a remonstrance filed against Sellersburg’s annexation wasn’t valid.
“I’m not aware of a similar situation where a town had an election and council members had been seated and then (the town) was ruled not to exist,” Wright said. He said it’s not clear what will happen to the town council and plans for Covered Bridge to govern itself.
Perry McCall, Sellersburg’s lawyer, said he always saw Covered Bridge’s incorporation as a tactic intended to delay the inevitable annexation by Sellersburg.--COURIER JOURNAL STORY


Lisa Smith said…
Maybe it was moved to Vissing Park.
Goliath said…
This kinda a "david and Goliath" story of how Sellersburg beats County
Commissioners and Town of Covered Bridge.
Anonymous said…
G: A source close to the controversial CCC is reporting a pol rumor that the CCC clown "not super" has his panties in a twist again! The "not super" is upset that KV (Kevin in '11) might run for Mayor of Jeffersonville. More trouble for the "power control freaks" at the CCC ? The denizens want to slime or bluff someone out of a race if you aren't "owned" by them. I predict that "not super" and the denizens will try to attack KV to any keep fair and new competiton out of the race as they advance their hidden agenda.
Anonymous said…
Abbysana: Hmmm....the dreaded CCC boys' faction does seem really concerned with the possibility of Kevin in '11. I remember when they DEMANDED (in BOLD letters)that KV immediately answer to them last summer. He honorably did not cave to them. His integrity scares them. The CCC power hungry faction may well have a hidden agenda. There really is a lot talk about KV running. Kevin is way too honest, down to earth, and hardworking and they can't "get to him".
Anonymous said…
Goliath: Congrats to Perry Mc Call, esquire. Smart and tenacious lawyer dude. El mal hombre!
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I don't think too many are worried about KV being elected. He's pretty much a buffoon. Splitting the votes to help TG now that's a real possibility.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
You can also look at this as a Goliath defeats David story. Big Sellersburg vs. little town of Covered Bridge....I guess it's how you look at it. Most annexation laws seem to favor the municipalities in my opinion. HT know a big legal expert since he was big jury foreman at big trial.....
Goliath said…
Me like comments and all...but is you all totly indifferent to destruction of this here town? You is heartless readers!!!!
Goliath said…
HT...Goliath like idea of "Goliath defeat David" Very very good angle that.
Goliath said…
Also, as you is now big time Legalism expert due to spereince as Legal Jury Foremans...Goliath will be sending more legal questions your way. JW Hardin very very good lawyer but require alwways a visit to hell for his dad blasted opinions.

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