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A blog by Goliath...yeah, the Giant who got his head cut off. He was actually re-animated by the Witch of Endor and presently lives in Jeffersonville Indiana with his three concubines and some chickens.
A blog by Goliath...yeah, the Giant who got his head cut off. He was actually re-animated by the Witch of Endor and presently lives in Jeffersonville Indiana with his three concubines and some chickens.
HOOD. The concubines and Sprout is all clambering for Goliath's time right now.
P.S. Abbybananas drink some egg nog, relax put on "It's a Wonderful Life" chill out it's Christmas... You have the rest of the year to bash...And Merry Christmas to you and your family as well...
December 26.
( And the heathen gods don't know what they're missing forgoing Christmas I don't think...So you get a pass)!! :)