
Goliath: I still have the large bottle of Jaegermeister sitting on a shelf waiting to exchange it in the honored Christmas spirit for your drawing of the 'Hood. It is OK to tape the pieces together or I can and then I will frame it with a frame from the $1.00 store. Where and when should I have my retainer meet your rep for the exchange?
Goliath said…
Have to make it a new years exchange.
HOOD. The concubines and Sprout is all clambering for Goliath's time right now.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
What happened to "Good Will toward Men" on Christmas Eve. Came on here to Wish Goliath, concubines and Sprout a Merry Christmas. All I see is Abbybananas saying "Bite Me" and bashing away at some Anon. poster. Thought I was back on old CCC for a minute. That's why AN banned from the BatBlog. Oh well anyway Merry Christmas Goliath and family !!

P.S. Abbybananas drink some egg nog, relax put on "It's a Wonderful Life" chill out it's Christmas... You have the rest of the year to bash...And Merry Christmas to you and your family as well...
Lisa Smith said…
Oh you are so full of it HT, everyone knows you are ANONYMOUS, stop hiding behind it. okay. Also, I was NOT banned from Batblog, I told you I would not post there and you came up with Ban. Your play on innocence fools no one. You chill. And by the way Merry Christmas to you and "mrs. HT". lol
Goliath said…
HT- Goliath worship the heathern gods so is usually left out of Christmas..however, Goliath really like this holiday and wish all you including AN and HT and Mrs. HT (especially Ms HT) GG, Jules, Cindloo, ismile (Cap'n Deadpan) Choppergal, Ricky Bobby, Sensitive ONe, and all the Anonymouses, Merry Christmas! Banning, internet duels, cyberwar etc., will commence again on
December 26.
Goliath said…
and not forget Hood what hunts in pack
Lisa Smith said…
p.s. -tell Pesty Merry Christmas also. :)
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Big Guy!! :)
( And the heathen gods don't know what they're missing forgoing Christmas I don't think...So you get a pass)!! :)

~ChopperWoman~ said…
Merry Christmas Goliath!
Goliath said…
Thanks to all and Merry Xmas to all!
Anonymous said…
Goliath, Merry Christmas to you, your women and the sprout...hope it's a wonderful day for you.

Anonymous said…
?tsom eht ti etatirri seod mohw WAG no emit ria hcum oot steg annasybba fI H-T or G?
Lisa Smith said…
Someone has waaaayyy too much time on their hands. lol
cindiloohoo said…
Happy Holidays, guys!

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