NHSBM ....what is it with this guy?

The Chatter. Wow. It kinda gets tiresome. NHSBM started a topic about the council
(Clark County...you know the OTHER CCC) rejected an inter local agreement with
Borden on the Star Road Project.

Fine, but this of course isn't enough for Not Super Honest, he has to smart up on Perry Smith and Kevin Vissing.

Well, then Vissing comes on and explains what he thinks and why he voted what he voted.
Well, here come the pitchforks and torches! LOL! Then they decry the that local
leaders won't come on the Chatter.

But, Goliath does like Weekend Music Club!


Anonymous said…
People owning property (real estate ) in Clark County are paying a very high tax burden to support everyone's governmental services. Fairness would demand that persons living in Clark County not paying real estate taxes to support the various services of the governmental units ( police, courts, firefighters, schools, etc.) should at least contribute by paying the miniscule "wheel tax". Property owners cannot "pass along" the exremely high propert tax burder to persons renting. The market, especially in these tough times, will not allow it. The "wheel tax' would be eqalitarianly and fairly paid by all and is, in reality, equals about the same cost or less than one carton of cigarettes. The citizens are being deceived by this specious argument of a "line in the sand".
Anonymous said…
What is the weekend music club?
Anonymous said…
You are very correct, even "politically correct", about the wheel tax being paid by all persons licensing autos to support the government. Kevin Vissing and Perry Smith are very couragous to vote to allow Borden to participate. Not having the wheel tax will just result in higher property taxes anyway, with the "auto only" people getting a free ride!
Goliath said…
Yeah. This here just another hobby horse that NHSBM is riding. Goliath not like taxes neither. But Goliath dislike unfair tax more than fair tax.

As for Weekend Music Club, that one of few redeemeing features on CCC where people can post music videos and we get to see great music what we might not otherwise have seen. It's good. Unlike NHSBM who always play the same old song.
Goliath said…
It's not that Goliath don't think that this here is a debatable issue. Sure it is.

But, Goliath, over time, come to regard NSHM as not a "reasonable participant in the discussion". He too dad blasted narrow minded. Made his mind up. Galligan=Bad Moore=Good.
His obsessions, following Galligan around town to 'spy' on him are enough to make a dull witted Giant
laughs! Except a little scary too!
Goliath dude, I picked up the large size of Jaegermeister last night at a local store. Pricy. When will the original art work of the 'Hood Hunts in a Pack be ready for my associate to collect from your associate? The unopened bottle is riding around in my atmospheric module ready for the exchange!

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