Goliath makes the News
Well, glad to see some at local knows what is what. Now, Goliath not know whether
the Chatter is platform for Mike Moore. Me doubt it. Him just popular there cause NSBHM
always posting there. But one thing very sure...Goliathandwimmens BEST BLOG in UNIVERSE so natrlly it best BLOG IN TOWN as noted in this NEws article WHICH IS PROOF
Goliathandwimmens is best. It say so right there in Evening News.
Here Lindon Dodd make the case: Person 2 — “That’s not exactly correct and what have I told you about Clark County Chatter?”
Person 1 — “That Chatter is only a platform for Mike Moore and Goliathandwimmens is the only real blog in town. I get mad every time I think about Mike Moore. He was supposed to be out of politics by now!”
See the whole article
For entertainment value I guess I thought the column was kind of funny. But considering that Lindon is making fun of the mayor of our city, well that just makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. It had a real "CCC has no respect for Tom Galligan and neither does Lindon" feel to it. It is one thing to disagree with the mayor while stating facts, but another to show no respect at all by ridiculing the mayor in the local paper.
I was going to say as much on the CCC, but decided I didn't want to deal with the hassle that would be sure to follow. I feel safe here on Goliath's Blog. LOL!
Somebody needs to tell Lindon that GAW done vanquished the CCC last October. Coming up on the big anniversary soon!
Lindon, him just trying to catch a wave I think.
I concur with CW...I usually like LD's columns, even if I don't always agree, but this one seemed a little snarky...Actually it seemed very out of character I thought...Perhaps it was ghost-written by NSBM...Now that seems plausible.
Ugly too how the gratuitous slam on Bubby Vissing gets tossed in. Lindon seems to have let the bitter tone from the Chatter infect his writing. But, he got one thing right GOLIATHANDWIMMENS is BEST BLOG!!!
Conquest and Glorious VICtry in 13 day war.
The Batblog is back up and running...
Read the real story about Lindon and Goliath ....
HT...me see you is eating your bat heart out with envy. Bam! Zowie!
Bat blog gets totally dissed in the innernational PRESS!
GAW is tops! (Sorry AN!) I just wish Goliath would get rid of Erma...