Goliath whoops Big Powwer Brokers and what not After Dinner

JEFFERSONVILLE, ELECTION EVE, 2010- Me must tells you,, tonites Cowboy come by the
Goliathandwimmens compound and advisered me what I need to help out as him is invited to very very important 'Pre-ELection Victory Dinner' what is quite traditernal with the Polerticians, Bag men, lackeys, Back room Joes and all assorted politercal aspirants and office holders.

NOw, Cowboy a long time well and noted invitee what is alwasy called in to provide Wisdoms and common sense to the assembled. Him asks me to accompany him in this heere to be his 'security'.

"SECURITY?!" me bellows! "What do you Need dad blasted SEcurity for Cowboy? You is most
beloved Jeffersonville Clark County Native what strides the bank of the Mighty OHIO!"

Cowboy explain that this particular year him has done been made the subject of an annonymous
mailing what was accompany by foul lies and cantuminies, besmirchments and varioius indignities and slanderous obsequies and effusements and the like.

WHo send out this here VILE report? Me akses. Him say "NObody owns up to it dad gummit!"
But Cowboy want Ole Goliath there just in case he spy somebody or anuther what him want
to beat up. (That be MY job).

SO, me buckle on the finer shoes what aint got holes in the soles, Me gird the Loins with the
GOOD leather groin girder, me gets a clean shirt what ain't got no chicken guts ner feathers on
it and SHeba-El Al look me over and give me big seal of approval and off me goes to this here
'gathering of eagles' as one of them there like to say.

Now, the first thing me sees when me get there is that many and many famous local fellers and
gals is all at this here. High Sheriffs, Cops, STreet Men, Council fellers, Presnents of councils,
Deptuy prosecutors (what like to slap Goliath in the pokey if get chances) Secertarys, Delergates and all sort of would be aspiratnts and accomplished and everything in betweens.
(included forementioned fixers, jammers, bagmen, flunkies and lackies)

The bar open and all politely quaffing favored brew and me know dissappointment rights away
as me find NO JAGERMEISTER on menu of the fancy pants bar!!!! Cowboy laugh at me and quaff his Adam's Ale.

Now as best Goliath can tells, all talk is of how dad blast BORING this here Primary lection is!
Dad blast it ...same ole same oles is all running. Some say only innerest is see how Ron Grooms
do in big race for some dad blast job in Indianernoplace. And so talk turn to the same old
blather what one always have a parties of "how Uncle JOe doing?" and "How your trip to
Florida" and all that nicey nice kinder talk and so on.

Next thing KNOW, Lawyer feller what done organizers this here call all in sundry in to convene to feast on big dad blasted meal. So in me saunters behinds Cowboy and all time me askers
"Wants me to whip that 'un? How bout that dad blasted weasley lookin' one?" But Cowboy
jus say "no no" SO this here big disserpointments for Goliath what ain't whup nobodies for
long time (not since Whoop ole HT in massive innernet victry!)

SO down we sits and me see Cowboy conversers with this here Lawyer feller what look all
played out and done for with it being the end of a long day stealin' from widders and orphans
and defending heinouser crimnals, and the like. Then Cowboy come back and sit down
next to Goliath. "Watch this Dummy" him say.

SO then Lawyer feller rise as all is off guards stuffing their jowls with the beef puddings, olive
fricassee, Cornish Hen and Saltine and bean soups, and call out, "We all here done know
of the big Clark County Primary Election Scandal of the Mailings ....(referring to Cowboy)
What are your thoughts about it?" and he makes all rise up and speechify about this here

My goodness! :You has never done heard so many fine and noble thoughts what was heard
at this here!!! One by one them stand and condemn the rank horror of this low down dirty
dogs what has the dad blasted temerity, gall, cowardice and yella bellied hind hanks to do
such a ornery cussed, no good thing as this here!!!

Me is so surprised!!! Me asume all secretly thrill at this here piece of poisionous messages
if for no other dad blast reason than they is ever so glad such card not played out on them!!!
Nots to mention the true love all polertician have of telling tales of the wild and wonnerful
hijinks, pranks and, yes, dirty tricks what gets played now and then in the frenzyied madness
of campaigns!!! So it quite a site for old Goliath to see these here pontifercating about
the low down dogged meanness and turriblenesses of it all.

Just as me is thinking these here thoughts....Cowboy jabs me in ribs. "Aha...I know who the
enermies is!" Me laughs! "Cowboy! hell you say! Almosts each an ever one of these here
denounce that there mailing what have so many dad blasted lies againsts you! Did you not

Cowboy grin at me. He say this here, "Ever one of 'em that spoke agin' the mailin' is guilty
as home-made sin!"

And so, Goliathandwimmens readers, that how it wound up to be Goliath standing outside this
here restraunts whipping and beating and torturing the whole dad blasts Political power
structure of this here Clark County on a otherwise pleasant MOnday pre-election EVening!

Afte we left that there I invites Cowboy to Mick's Lounge to have a dad blast Jagermeister what
I ain't had all evening and it quite spoil all the good fun. So he now verry agreeable havin' seen
all pollerticians, judges, policemens and what not get thumped after dinner. (and especially the meally mouth lawyers!)

"Well you must be well please with all your friends over there on the Chatter" me says quite
amiable like.

"Those losers!" snarls Cowboy.
"What? " me say. "Why them there has pracically LEAP to your defense Cowboy!! They
start out with big rule NO SMEARS ALLOWED!! then when Newspapers ever so gently come out with tale and outrage how you was smeared by it...They open up all manner of threads
and posts to denounce the dirty dogs what done this here!"

Cowboy leans back and sips his ice water, "Yeah...and what good did it do? Now ever body
thinks I musta DONE them lies... just happen so long ago ain't worth talking about and ain't
got nothing to do with my job, today, of being Jeff's number one FAN!"

"Instead, those nitwits are trying to play detective and figure out who done it...and, by the
way, they are mostly wrong about the whole dad blasted thing of how it got done!!!"

"Really/" I say, "you mean NSBHM isn't as clever and sharp as he thinks?"
"Why NO dad blast it!!! all them lies come up when I file petition to get my dad blasted
Dog re-named "Red Devil" last year!!! That brought the whole dad blasted thing up
in the Court's offices last Spring! And if you think those little clerks and burrercrats what
lolls about in the Court all day ain't going to dig through MY old file when they bring it
up on a silver platter then you gots another think comin!"

"My goodnessers Cowboy! Me not knows that there!" says Goliath.

"That's right you knot head!" So they fire off at judges, prosecutors and a bunch of
'em down there and claiming they is 'IN ON IT" and they ain't know'd a dad blasted
thing about it! But, now...the worse thing is...because them same judges, prosercuters
and what nots they have viley accused NOW thinks that I think that!!! With friends
like that Cowboy don't need no enemies!"

"Well, that true" I say.

"NOt only that," says Cowboy, " How low down and dirty is it to smear these people on
no evidence at the same time they condemn the smear on me? I ain't bright...but even
I can see that's a bunch of hooey!"

"I never looks at it that way" say Goliath.

"So now this one hate that one, and that one hate me and me hate this one and on it all go...
But I askers you? Who the one that really come out good in this here whole bidness?" asks

"I don't know" says I.

"Nope. We still don't know do we?"


Anonymous said…
:) :) :)

I think you've just raised the Goliath commentary bar a notch higher with this one.

Goliath said…
Thanks Jules, Me think this one here is pretty good too! Not understand why people don't comment on some and
then do comment on others. -Goliath
Anonymous said…
Well I have my opinions on that, that I'll share with you sometime...But trust me it was a good one!!

Goliath said…
Me hears comment on the street. Them say this here story VERY good. Genius
"Brilliant" "incredibly fascinating"
"The very finest story ever heard"

Since HT not denies it..me must imagines he agrees in total fullness
also Supermikes and HSHBM
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I wouldn't go as far as to say brilliant, Good maybe. Cowboy is a Jeff legend I remembers him back when I was a sprout. Probably Jeff's most famous resident.

Goliath probably not too bad a guy if he hangs out with Cowboy. My favorite the chicken story and Pesty's "Posting on the CCC for Dummies. But

If you want brilliance go to:


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