Carlin on rights

Placed here so that clean minded and civil tongued chatterers won't be


Anonymous said…
I went and saw Carlin about 30 years ago. It was the only time in my life where I actually laughed until I cried.

He so offended the couple in front of me that they got up and left. I suspect the Carlin they knew was the Hippy Dippy Weatherman Carlin from the Sullivan Show and not the Carlin known for his vocal support of the "Milwaukee Seven"...usmile
Anonymous said…
What a sharp social satirist!!...There was no one better at exposing the social and moral hypocrisy's in people than he was.

Saw him many many years ago like Ismile, and then again more recently...Both times with my mother...First in her 40's and then in her 70's.

The first time I was very nervous that she wanted to go, afraid that she might not be tuned-in to what a Carlin show was really like...But, she laughed so hard, and it really made me see and appreciate my mom in a whole new way...I knew then that there was a lot more common ground between us than I'd ever imagined, and it really changed the way we related to each other...Or probably more the way I related to her.

For those who are so easily offended by his words, I can think of thousands of things I find more offensive than that...Sheeesh

hoosiertaxpayer said…
George Carlin was a comic genius, I have seen a lot of his stuff but not this. Classic Carlin ...
Goliath said…
But Debbie said that rights was
all coming from fact we 'owns' our
own bodies! Her say Rosa Parks was
expressing her enforcement of property rights. Thus..Rand Paul is
right when him say Private owners
can ban Negroes and Gays and Chinese
and Jewish peoples from their own
places of bidness. That high level
thinking from Deb, what speak well on
behalf of Rosa and tell us what Mrs.Parks was REALLY doing.

Carlin say rights are 'fictional'
Anonymous said…
What kind of crazy does a politician have to be in order to marginalize themselves the first week of the general campaign like that? He says he would not have voted for the civil rights act. Now he's ok with the Civil Rights Act, well...except for that part where being denied service at a lunch counter is ok.

Just because Stormfront makes political donations to him doesn't make him a racist right?

Just because his campaign spokesman, Chris Hightower, had Happy "ethnic slur" Day and a photo of a lynched African American on his myspace page doesn’t make Paul a racist right?

And just because Paul’s spokesman, Chris Hightower wore his KKK gear to his local mall and offended people doesn’t make Paul a racist right?

He is trying to convince people that his views are based in libertarian principles and have nothing to do with racism. He’s been trying to tell us for the last week and a half that he himself isn't racist.

He can’t help it if his campaign manager is racist. I’m sure that 9 out of 10 of his campaign managers aren’t racist, it’s just that one guy right?

Goliath said…
Naw. No racists here. And course Rosa Parks weren't standing up agin Racisms. She was agin people tramplings her property rights.

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