Thought would post this to draw attention to fact I am offering poll similar to poll run on Chatter.
See if the forum of poll will effect results and if so, how much. Just a speermint.

So, help out with this here speermint and vote on the dad blast poll. Here the canderdates:

Keith FetzKeith Fetz Tom Galligan
Mike Moore Kevin Vissing
Rob Waiz Jeff Mayoral Candidate Waiz Photos from Fetz: Facebook, Galligan Galligan for Mayor
Moore, Clark County Gov't website, Vissing Clark County Gov't website, Waiz, Evening news.


Me now update and show Poll done close. Keith Fetz win. Followed by Mike Moore and Galligan Vissing and Waiz in that order. Fetz win 51% and Moore get 32%. One Hunnerd Nine votes
cast. Contrary to Sancho Sanchez, poll not rigged. However, me discover same person can
vote more than once if use diferent computers. So cannot say how many 'double dipped'.

Interest that on Chatter same poll with VERY different results as of Today. There, MOORE
win overwhelming victory with 78% of votes. Distant second was Waiz with 10% and Vissing
with 7% got third. Fetz and Galligan tied for last. THere only 84 votes cast.

This should lay to rest any idears that the CCC is not heavily favoring Mike MOore. And, you
can see how GAW's 'facebook' connection has an impact on it's poll. Goliath announced it on
facebook and Pesty announced it on CCC. (As did Mike HUTT). Surely not Scinetific...but it
does tell SOMETHING more than we knew. First Mike Moore did well in both places. Second
Keith Fetz has a lot more support than one might gather from reading CCC.

The only poll that really matters is a year and a half away.

PAID!!! Afte so many long days and week of being MR NICE GUY...GOLIATH POSTS
GOLIATH'S WRATH!!! POst (which has now take down) In less than 18 HOURS ALL JAGER
DEbts Paid in Full!!!

FInally, HT.... Me so sorry you not make thise here polls. As you know ME done voted
for YOU as canderdate for Mayor as me know you is COMMITTED to Amsterdams style
Canal projects!


hoosiertaxpayer said…
How come HT isn't on this poll he was the winner of the Bat-Blog poll rather convincingly I might add !!!
Goliath said…
HT...the lanslide like results of your big poll would tilt and upsets
the poll what we got going now. It simply not fair to these here canderdates to run up agin HT.
Anonymous said…
Since when is one vote a "landslide", HT? LOL!

Goliath said…
Hey hey! Keith Fetz steps up
Goliath said…
Wow, this here poll very poplar!
Me very innerested to watch. But,
now me has received word that HT
serious about race for mayor and even subject to anonymous smear mailing what shows his arrest for some crime or anuther. What crime it is? Me askers?
Anonymous said…
I know what crime. HT spent the weekend in the CCC jail for saying shit. Don't you read his blog Goliath? LOL!

Glad to see Keith move up in the ratings. I like Keith!

Anonymous said…
FETZ 2011 has a nice ring to it.....will be nice to see a new name in that office. Goodluck
Anonymous said…
It's good to see a serious, unbiased poll that's not on that Chitter Chatter site.
Anonymous said…
Oh, don't you know it's OK to advertise Goliath's blog on the CCC NOW??!!...Expect an uptick in visitors/voters over the next couple of days.

Anonymous said…
Isn't that a little strange that Not Super and Dishonest Mike will invite the angry mob over to Goliath's blog when they want to tip the scales with their obvious biased views of Mikey Moore? Any other time someone attempted to drive Chattering people to Goliaths blog they would be thwarted and ridiculed by the faithful deciples of Ministry of Moore
Anonymous said…
Not a damn one of em...
Anonymous said…
Yes, but Mike Moore is the 2nd coming haven't you read CCC? Finally I see that someone else hasn't sipped the Mike and Mike Kool-Aid. The only reason I keep reading for MM to be the next Mayror is he answer's his phone and owns Jerry's.
I guess I'm kind of picky and look for more in a Mayor candiate than that. NSBHM the campaign manager is starting to sound like a broken record.
Anonymous said…
The only reason NHBSM mentioned this blog is becasue his boy was not ahead in the poll. So it's ok to advertise in this case, just to vote of course.
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Hey CCC visitors come over to the Bat- Blog http://hoosiertaxpayer.blogspot.com/

And check out mayorial candidate HT, but remember no bashing the candidates you're not at the CCC anymore.....
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
The only place NHBSM carries any weight is the Clark County Clutter. The Crying Board.
Goliath said…
Me think it better to post things what say GOOD on the one you LIKEs and not BAD agin the one you don't like!

Bob...A new GAW fan!
Goliath said…
THis here sposed to be the comment on
the Mayor Race ...not "Why I hate
NSHBM" ...

This here is Goliathandwimmens...not
the Chatter!!!
Anonymous said…
OMG! I have met the mighty Goliath in person and you would not believe what I noticed ... he has sewn his head back on!! I fully expected him to be carrying his head under one of his arms, but NO! It was ATTATCHED to his neck. Shocking!

I also noticed that he is much cuter in person than in his blog picture.

Goliath said…
Choppergal...does thou not notice that Me has big collar and necktie on
when meet? Plus...me has done cover up so well ugly scars what come from the chop off. HOwever..Me is BLUSHING from what say 'cuter in person' words! Me wARRIOR!!! ME NOT CUTE!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh Goliath, "real" warriors can be cute too!! :)

Anonymous said…
that there SBNHM superbutnothonestmike was oneof only about three democrats to ever lose a election in jeff to a republican, because the people in hisown district know he is not honest and his and theother mikes blogthe clark county complainer nothing more than a personel sight to push there political bs, they kick me off cause I speak the truth and dont what any to read what I say,so they block me. greeneggsandham
Anonymous said…
I guess we've found GEAH. Mystery solved. He's not with Jimmy Hoffa after all!

Anonymous said…
GEAH!!...Oh my God, you're alive!!

Anonymous said…
thanks goliathdude for letting greeneggsandham not be shutdown like that other sight clarkcountycrapper that dont want nothing but dishonests mikes complaneing about mayor,greeneggsandham isnot in landfill but dishonestmikes politcss are there.greeneggsandham
Goliath said…
Goliath OUTPULL CCC!! Me has to say me take some pleasures in fact more
peoples vote on Goliath blog than on
CCC poll.

Me recall when them CCC say Goliath
boring and pretty soon nobody look at Goliath. That back in OCTOBER 09
Anonymous said…
Never underestimate the Big Guy!!


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