Star Trek Episode and Why Fetz makes CCC heads explode

Me remembers well Star Trek Epidsode when USS ENTERPRISE taken over by this here computer brain. That brain so dad blasted look like Kirk and Spock and Uhura (me really like Uhura) all is DOOMED

Then, Kirk, him such a smarty pants type feller.... him tell that LOGIC computer.. "I always LIE"

When him input that info into computer, that computer go HAYWIRE and explodes and Kirk gets
Starship back and take Uhura back to Captain's cabin for long soak in intergalactic hot tub etc.,

NOW we gots the chance to see something similar.... KEith Fetz say him consider run for MAYOR
of JEff. That put him n possible oPPOrsition to MAyor Gallergan. NOW, as all well know...Clark
County Chatterings accepted wisdom is Fetz MEre Handpuppet of Galligan.. So, like computer on Glorious Star Trek episode, many CCC minds is presently in process of EXpoloding!!!
"This not logical! This NOT compute!" So we see things like this here from
Notsuperbuthonest... what said this here...........

"This comes as no surprise to me. The first indication he had his eyes on the mayors office was when he did a flip/flop on the annexation vote. I know I have asked him at least 20 times about running and he has denied it every time. Now he admits he is thinking about it. Hmmmm, Interesting. I figured he would run but I also thought he would not announce for another 8 months. When Galligan loses next May Fetz is the only hope Wilder and Cooper will have of retaining city business. That is, unless he and Wilder have made a deal with Waiz. Maybe Wilder is going to be the bag man for Waiz, as he was before, and Fetz is going to try to gather support only to withdraw just before the election and ask his supporters to vote for Waiz. In return, Fetz is named deputy mayor or redevelopment director.

Bottom line in my mind, deals have been made and Fetz will not run."

Good job NSBHM! Like that there say "I never tell the truth" or "I always tell a lie" Is my head
about to fall off my sutured scars yet?


Anonymous said…
maybe supermike or mickey mouse could be bag men.
Anonymous said…
One must beware of people who say as super but honest mike, my grandaddy saiD "ones actions prove who and what they are, one never has to say it if they are "honest.

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