SOME wants to FOrgets I am mighty warrior!! Me see Mayor Tom Gallergan today...him just grin at me when me IMPLORE him to make
the Amsterdam style Canal!!! Him say that not "responsible governance'
PAWSH!!! Me say!!!!

Him say, "Get me another idear Goliath!!!" So me so mad cause it evident him think ME NOT TOO SMART!!! So me ponder this a good
while and now me remember a good very good place what has the
best foods what Goliath like to eat. That place called Aude. It over
in France where Juli caesAr first get big idea for Canal across isthymus
of Corinth and stuff.

Me think THAT GREAT!!! Me run a CAnal all the way from MEmphis
down St Road 31 and then MAke a Canal into JEff just like they gots in

Check it out...
Now.. we can do that there an put houseboats on the dad blasted thing like in this here pitcher.
Then...all them Memphis and Henryville peoples can be lured down to JEffersonvilles and spend
all their Paychecks and Soybean profits in JEFF!!! Here another pitcher of Aude. and this here look pretty
calm. Them trees not cost much unless you buys it from Walnut Ridge (which you can't do
without making Chatterers so very mad and them start accusing peoples of corruptions)
Me thinks me entitled to HOUSEBOAT for all this here research!!!


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