Canals from other places what LOOK pretty good!

ExtraShift / Photo: Marie KöhlerFrom major coal transportation link to "Culture Canal": effective 20 March 2010, the Rhine-Herne Canal will be undergoing an impressive transformation. A water spectacular in the newly designed city port in Recklinghausen will herald a series of shows and events designed to place the waterway in a completely new light

CANAL SITE in the Desert:Sunny Slope Canal

Paris: Paris Art 10 Reasons to Love Paris for ArtisisCanal Saint Martin, which, according to my inflight magazine, is the place to be seen. I was there for the bridges, of course, but you will enjoy it just as much for the cafes, shops, bars, and culture venues along the waterway.

Then "FAKE" Venice............venetian-grand-canal-shops.jpgConsider the Grand Canal Shoppes Mall at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Here our real experience of main street USA has been replaced with a hyperreal, simulated experience emulating what it would be like in Venice, except without all the "bad stuff."

The REAL thing, England: On the canal by Joe CainOn "the canal

To build a better understanding of Victorian transport networks, I ve walked a good many canals. Following Regent s Canal from the Paddington Basin to the Islington Tunnel, I found this lone narrow boat breaking the still water of a quiet Sunday morning."

Our neighbors to the North....a WINTER day...Ottawa CanalPhoto of Rideau Canal Ottawa

Goliath just been looking around..........He put these up here for peoples to see what can be done with that there


UPDATE!!! HOOSIER TAXPAYER offer this here dad blasted Image what I has to woRK LIKE A DOG to get and UPLOAD FOR YOU TO SEE cause HT apparently not Technerlogikally sophistercated enought to copuy in the 'comment' sections...Him apparently LIke this here image.....

Now me remembers traveling through the mountains of of Samarkind and see's these here ....Me thought it quite funny to dump some rock and other materials in the ditch and stop off all the waters for the WHOLE village! Them come out wailing and gnashing Teeths "where OUR waters? Where our Waters???" Me say...If thou givest me thy gold and treasures me restoreth thy WATER what is so very precious. Pretty good scam what net me many and many a gold shekel back in the day.


hoosiertaxpayer said…
Heres another canal

[IMG] [/IMG]
Goliath said…
I see we is at war!!! But I caint find yer dad blasted Canal IMAGE
hoosiertaxpayer said…
I can't help that because your cheap a** website won't print images....
Goliath said…
You dad blasted canal image aint fit to print apparently. even the internet which sees fit to project any sorts of horridble sordib images still reject the vile imagings of
the likes of YOU HT!!!
hoosiertaxpayer said…
Galligan, Goliath, Cowboy

I assume Cowboy is the brains of this outfit !!

Coming Soon !!!
Goliath said…
Me like to see the batcave blogspot
what HT come up with. Me warn thee
already. Goliath DONE locked up the
MARKET for Wifebeater tee shirts so
you gonna have to find another NICHE
Anonymous said…
Oh I really like the "FAKE" Venice canal. That would look very nice in downtown Jeffersonville. The water looks so clean and blue. Is sewer water blue by any chance?

Goliath said…
Chopperwoman- I is alrady ahead of you on that there! First...Plan A is
we dumps Blue Dye in that there water
and makes it blue Just like beachwater in Jamacia!!! No like that? Me has Plan B. Which is PAINT
the bottom and side Bright Blue! Me got some extry paint what is left over from where me paint the Goliath
Bathroom! (See Erma Thrask Home of The week special edition what look at the Goliath Home decor!)

Problem Solved! That what I do!
Goliath said…

Me wants to let you know, the words
on these here pitchers, includin one on Venetian Casiono was takens from
websitse where me gets the pitchers...

That website was making fun of that there canal in the desert in Vegas what me thinks is so unfair! Me recall taking gondoler ride on that very same canal with Sheba El-Al and all sudden, the gondolier, a woeman, start breaking out in operatic song! This here was so dad blasted beautiful me never forgets it! A big surprise for Ole Goliath! But, me musts admits, that canal not very realisitc. Me been to Venice back in 1859 and me can tell you well that it not as immaculate as one in Las Vegas.

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