What DOEs a Man WANT???

Me has spent many and many a long afternoons, picking through trash cans hopings to finds somethings or nuther what has some treasure value. Mostly me finds old
newspapers, egg shells mixed up with coffee grinds, papertowels gobbed up with Baal only know what! That sorta commoner trash rubbage and the likes.

Now this here life very very Zen like. It make me think, "What do a Giant really want outta life?" Me pose this here questions to very wise friend "Cowboy". Him always gots a quick answer since him know all about these here things and the like.

"What do a man want?" Cowboy askers me back, "A man wants JEFFERSONVILLE RED DEVILS to win the State Basketball Championship!!!" Me ponder this here idear for a while and
turn it over and over in my mind a good deal and though this here a very good answer what explain what Cowboy want. It not necessary the best answer for what most mens wants. For example me think...What if you a New Albany Mans? A New Albany Bulldog not want that there. SO me has to find some other answer to this here deep philosphorical questions. Me think, this here very very good questions to ask a Lawyer, as them is very wise in ways of world
and see all forms and level of Living. So me make appointment at Larry Wilder office and go in
see this here famed lawyer. Larry Wilder Me askes Him "Tell me Lawyer Wilder...?" What do a man REALLY want?" Wilder lean back in his captain chair and smile at me..."That's easy Goliath, they want the 'golden triangle'" OOOH! Me think, now we onto somethings as me like anything what got 'GOLDEN' in it. "So what is this here dad blast 'gold
triangular?" me ask. Wilder say, " 1. Good damages, 2., Good liability, 3., Good Coverage"
He leaned back and smiled, "Why that's the holy grail !!!"

Now me think, "This here man know what lawyer want...but dad blast it" Lawyer not really normal MAN. Them some kinda dad blasted sub species and them not know what a reglar GIANT such as myself NEED. And me not evens know what LIerbilities MEANS! So, me thank that one there and me leave.

Next me think, me should stop foolings about and go straight to top. So, me get on big plane (and this here very very difficults for 3,000 year old Giant what like to carry might sword and what not) and fly to Warshingtons DeeCee. Me ask OBama. Me go to OVal Offices and Obama say
'welcome to the whitehouse Mr. Goliath'. Barack Obama "Now what can your President do for you today?" Me stretch out on big chair him got there and say, "Me thank you very very much your majesty for this here royal audience. Me done traveled the land asking this here question and now me ask you, 'what do a GIANT really want?'. The Presnent, him look at me real serious like and him say, "That's a very good question. He wants healthcare reform, sound domestic policy with stimulus to the economy that translates into real growth for the folks on Main Street.
He wants a thoughtful foregein policy that is dicreetly nuanced and ....." At this point Goliath
started falling asleep as him not undestand them there big words and it sorta all mumbled up into a big pile of word mush that made me fade away. Me wake up and say "Thank you your
Highness" me leave. My head very low and pressure the scars on my neck as me think, "NObody know answer to my QWestions!"

Goliath trudge through streets of Warshingtons Dee cee for many and many a mile then him decide to gets him a dram of Jaegermeister in friendly looking pub. That ther pub a friendly place for all mens. IN fac me notice very well that There ain't not one single wimmens in that there bar. This here feller come up to me and say, "Can I buy you a drink sweetheart? You look like you need one....Love the sandals by the way!" Me look at him, and though him talk funny and all, him seem friendlys enough. SO me tell him my Quest. "Look darling, you
are worrying yourself over things there are no answers to. Why don't you come back to the bathroom stalls and we can try and find a simpler answer to your question." But, me not in mood to visit this here weird feller's space with all hims weird talk about 'wide stancers'. "See you Senator Craig" me says. Me leave that there pub.

Now me head back to Jeffersonville, and me not KNOws What to do!!! SO, me head back to the old Goliath Compound and flops down on the big leather Chair what me found in trash behind "harbors Conderminiums". (That there had rip in seat but me Duck tape it and it almost goods as NEW!" Me throws on Movie called, "No country for OLder Men" and watch that there. As me
watch...this here DVD disc get STUCK on one scene. First me is Mad as ALL GET OUT! Me bang on TV and whack with flat side of mighty sword. Me stomp my feet!!! Nothing work and
then ME LOOK at scene what is FIXED on my screen. LIke a DREAM it come to me ....this


Anonymous said…
Ahhh......a pickup truck in which to escape is just what you need when you're getting away with a big case of cash!

Goliath is amazing in this well researched quest for truth, meaning, and journalistic excellence! Searching for the answer from a Noted Philosopher- Cowboy: Red Devils; a lawyer-L.O'Dell W.: Big extorted $ settlements; a politician-President Obama: boorish political agenda and the sound of his own voice; and a DC pub:Jaegermeister! And then the Quest reveals the answer: THE PICKUP TRUCK! Dude, WAY COOL!!!!!!
Goliath said…
YOu is forgetting RIFLE, Cowboy BOots, Desert landscapes with mountains in backgrounds, Cowboy hats, and binoculars!
Anonymous said…
Goliath, the reason you were not able to find the true answer to "what men want" is because--despite your well-intentioned, and allegedly well-researched journey---you forgot to ask the one MAN who has all the answers on this subject. You forgot to ask Terrence Steven "Steve" McQueen. Now, since you are many thousands of years old and you have been able to travel from a meeting with COwboy- to a meeting with Larry Wilder- to A meeting with President Barack Obama-- I see no reason as to why you wouldnt be able to travel back to the years between say.....1960 through 1979. If so, you could have personally spoken to "The King of Cool". I am sure that "Steve" would have taken you on a tour to see what it was like to be him---"a day in the life" tour if you will. After a day of acting, partying with Frank Sinatra and Natalie Wood, firing guns, oh--and Faye Dunaway! ( in my fave The Thomas Crown Affair)racing cars and mototcycles--and maybe performing some of your own stunts---I believe---in your total bliss-- you would have found your answer. But THAT'S just MY opinion!! -----JnBrt

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