I see that Goliath has responded on his blog, so to address a couple of points:

Supermike, you repeatedly invited me to post. You asked me to put the link to the blog in the signature line. I did. You set up special rules for one of your members.

I also pointed out how I felt your posts - "fun" or not - appeared to violate several of our Terms of Use that many here, including those who are supporting you, WANTED and appreciated until this issue came up. One of those states that you will not "Repeatedly post the same or similar content..."

I already answered this claim up in the blog. I did not violate the first TOS rules you claimed. Now you say 'repeatedly
posted similar content". Wow. My answer to this is ask anyone who cares to look at the posts I made. Which ones
are you refering to, the ones on Duley Perrin? Wilder's license plate, "Five political statements" or what. For a while
there I was being accused of trying to make my fortune with "Goliath's Treasures" and that was the purpose. GAWD!

"if it's too hot...get out of the kitchen, If you can't take a joke..."

I can handle the heat, and have been for a while. I'm sure you have friends that would LOVE for me to shut this site down. However, if you don't like the way you were treated here, you get out of my kitchen at any time. I started this site for everyone, but I have to manage it and deal with the daily issues of it. I DO try to please the majority when I can. I know you haven't posted here in a while, but you still manage to communicate and incite other members of the site.

Well, if you're sure I have friends that would love to shut down the site..what can I say? You are just dead wrong.
Is THAT what you think this is about? As for communicating with others.... I confess GUILTY! I do communicate
with other people. Am I supposed to apologize? Do I 'incite other members'. BUNK. Incite to do what? Stand up
for themselves? Guess what...I'm all for that.

One thing I learned from being at the CCC, the forum is unique from others in that there is definitely an "Authority" running the thing and if your point of view differs ......expect ridicule and when that fails...well, look what happened
to me.

EVERYONE posting here knows that is not true. Not one person has been truly censored unless they have violated our Terms of Use. Which of course, you did repeatedly after being asked to stop. And YES, we have terms of use because we wanted to keep this site civil and friendly to all ages. But you're right, there IS an authority running the site - Me. But I don't think I have EVER "ridiculed" anyone. Now, those who HAVE been ridiculed are those who did not find Pesty/Goliath to be funny or "fun".

I notice, on your site, you left out the rest of what I said. The 'uncensored' comment is here, in the following post.

Tell you what SUPERMIKE....come down to my office, ANYTIME and I will show it to you. I will not post it or send it to you here or on your internet You can find me at 332 Spring Street Jeffersonville. 9-5 Monday through Friday.

Honestly, I appreciate the offer, but I likely won't be stopping by. Unless you get another threat, it's simply not that important to me if you won't just forward it. By making me stop by your office - even with the tempting offer of coffee - it's just wasting time at the holidays that I need to put toward my family and other things.

Feel free to come by after the holidays. Or not. Its not that important to me either (the email) but I do think that
if we met face to face we could have a happier conversation than this has been. But its a two way street right?
I haven't posted on your site and I put up a post to express thanks and appreciation for those who stood up for
my right to communicate in the way I wanted. But, you open up the 'locked' site and go on at me. Fair is fair.
Your problem is that you are arguing from an unjustified position. I should not have been 'outed' . Say what
you want but any sensible person knows that's not the right thing to happen on a website. Second, I should
not have been cyber tracked or whatever you wished to call it and had some poor soul send an anonymous
email to me over the business. You know this I think.

You are forgetting 'Did Coltfan messup" Which, I never posted on. I don't think I need to 'get over it'...but I am keeping score. It kinda looks like a pattern.

That thread served no purpose, other than to attack a moderator. ColtsFan is a moderator, and a darn good one. Just because some people don't agree with his political ideology does not make him a bad guy or a bad moderator. ColtsFan has admitted that perhaps he should not have referenced the "David M" name, but aside from posting a link to the DU site, he never knew or revealed your identity. And since you were calling him out on your site, I feel he had the right to throw a snowball back your way.

"perhaps he should not have referenced"? C'mon. You are defending what is not defendable. But, at least you are
putting it out there for all your members to see that they, too, can get done this way and YOU WILL BACK UP THE

Finally, SUPERMIKE....answer me a Question? Have you used your power as administrator to READ MY PRIVATE MESSAGES TO OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CHATTER WITHOUT ASKING MY PERMISSION AND WITHOUT TELLING ME ? That should be simple for you to answer.

Absolutely. Above EVERY PM sent, it reads "Disclaimer: The board administrator is able to view all PM communications." I don't have to ask for your permission or tell you anything. Does that mean that I USUALLY do this? NO. I can barely keep up with all the messages on the site, let alone the loads of PM's that fly around every day. There aren't enough hours in the day. But in your case, something specific was brought to my attention by one of your "supporters", and I felt compelled to look into it. And I will do so in the future if I feel it involves the integrity or security of this site. I can assure you and all others that I have never read a PM and discussed it with anyone outside of the person involved. And I've only had to do that once.

This was dissappointing. You really think sensible people would think Pesty or Goliath 'involved the integrity or
security of the site? " Who are you kidding? C'mon SUPERMIKE...using your X ray vision to look at other people's mail


hoosiertaxpayer said…
Because satire criticises in an ironic, essentially indirect way, it frequently escapes censorship in a way more direct criticism might not. Periodically, however, it runs into serious opposition - and people in power who perceive themselves as attacked attempt to censor it, or prosecute its practitioners.

I think this says it all about the Goliath
hoosiertaxpayer said…
HT, has more to say about censorship, but will wait until after the holidays.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All !!!!

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