GOLIATH vs. The JANUARY 6 PIPEBOMBER !!! Send me my check for $500K PLEASE!!


"$500,000 REWARD"  

I saw this on my computer the other day and investigated.  It turns out the FBI/DOJ are stumped in finding the January 6 Pipebomber  who put bombs at the DNC and RNC national headquarters on the day of the insurrection. Actually,  video evidence shows that "PB"  (as I call them) put them there the night before on Jan 5 2021. The bombs were found on Jan 6 about 1 pm...about the same time the rioting started.

The FBI has a webpage dedicated to the Jan 6 Pipebomber so I went there and poked around. It has good information about where and when PB did the dirty work.  I was bored so, I thought,  'eh maybe I will take a crack at it."  FBI SITE

There are some mysteries and when you turn the rock over, you pretty soon see a lot of puzzling questions and problems.  For example, for all the tons of surveillance video...PB did a good job of hiding identity. The costume is perfectly anonymous.  Grey hoodie--blue jeans--sneakers--gloves--mask---backpack and none of it is 'unique'.  But the case is far more mysterious than that.  My first "shock" discovery was that the pipe bombs were set with common kitchen timers. That meant that they only had one hour they could be set before detonation.  These were planted 17 hours BEFORE the riots of the next day. That meant, to set them off someone would have to return to them to start the timer.  That's unusual.  

Next, the FBI recovered the bombs and they found ZERO forensic evidence.ie, no fingerprints and no DNA.  Well, for bombs that's NOT unusual because usually they are looking at detonated bombs in which the explosion itself destroys any forensic evidence. But...in this case...the lack of it meant that PB made these knowing from the get go that no such evidence could be left on the bomb because they were likely NOT going to be detonated.  HUH???

So,  I dug a little deeper. I watched the surveillance videos from street cameras and security cameras along PB's route.  PB first walked around the DNC headquarter area and sat down on a park bench next to some bushes. 

The bomb was laid on the ground under a bush...but pretty much in plain view. Then PB walked a couple blocks to the RNC area and put a bomb next to some garbage cans behind the Capitol Club building which is adjacent to the RNC building. Again...the bomb is in plain view and not covered up.  We know this because of the pictures made the next day and the fact that the first bomb found (the RNC bomb) was spotted by a woman who was just walking down the alley to take care of her laundry.  Why not lay a magazine or some cloth or something over the bombs to hide them? 

Well this is puzzling but if I want that $500k I still need to identify the PB.  I watched and rewatched the videos. So far... I got only one clue. When PB sits down on the park bench they make a move pinching their upper arm and moving up to the shoulder.  This looks like what a woman does who is moving up bra straps that have fallen off the shoulder. In another video when PB is walking in front of some brownstone houses....PB seems to have a 'feminine gait".  It's not much, but it makes me think that PB is a female.  (Great! I've narrowed down the suspects by 50%!!!) . 

As I was reading about this,  I learned there had been a congressional hearing about the investigation. It turned out to be yet another MAGA feast of Republicans trying to make the DC police and FBI look bad.  But....whatever.  Amid the nonsense...I learned on interesting fact.  It turns out that there had been an arrest made of a man who was parked across from the RNC who had a bunch of Molotov Cocktails

in the back of his truck on January 6.   WHAT???  

Yeah...so after PB's bombs were discovered, the police cordoned off the area and did a security sweep of the area and the vehicles parked near the DNC and RNC.  Right across from the RNC they saw the handle of a weapon  sticking out from under a jacket in the cab of a red pickup truck. They did a full blown search of this truck and found a case of  Molotov cocktails,  small arms,  a bunch of ammo and even a CROSSBOW.  (silent but deadly).   The Congressional hearing and apparently the cops quickly decided this was just a coincidence and was not related to the PB case. 

But, here at Goliath and Wimmens we are not so easily diverted.  I dug in. 

So,  on Jan 6, the police waited to see who would return to the red pickup.  Around 6 pm Lonnie Coffman, a man from Alabama came to the truck and identified it as his vehicle. Lonnie wound up being arrested.  



Ok.  So I couldn't say who PB was. But, I wondered if maybe Lonnie knew. I mean, it seems like the FBI decided "Naw...he didn't have nothing to do with PB" and has moved on. But I wasn't so sure. Lonnie got charged and wound up getting about a 4 year prison sentence. I started looking into his case.  He had brought 11 molotov cocktails to the event. 

  He parked right across from the RNC HQ and only a stones throw from where the PB bomb was left.

The FBI got the surveillance video and was able to track Lonnie.  Here he is walking from his truck to the Capitol. 

I looked carefully at the photo to see if I could find PB in it anywhere...perhaps some who "could" be PB but nothing definite.  

Lonnie was definitely a part of organized militia groups. I read his handwritten letter in which he asked the judge for mercy and told the judge he had come to DC alone.

That he acted alone. In his sentencing statement he did not explain why he had molotov cocktails.  But,  the judge was also informed by the DOJ that Lonnie had a HELLUVA lot of militia involvement.  

One of the public documents from Coffman's case shows that as early as 2014 the government had him as a participant in "Camp Lonestar" which is a gathering place for Texas militias. In May 2021, he was identified as a member of "a militia group from South Texas known as "American Patriots" and he was also in "the Southwest Desert Militia".

Here is Lonnie walking on First street where his truck was parked.

So, I concluded that despite Lonnie saying he was alone and didn't come to DC to meet anyone...I think he was lying...to look more sympathetic to the judge. 

Here is Lonnie just after getting out of his truck that morning. 

I looked at that last photo of Lonnie very carefully.  Something did NOT feel right about it. I thought about it and then I realized something. 

Notice anything???  

Yeah.  Lonnie has BACKED his vehicle into an ANGLED parking spot.  Not only that but I enhanced the photo and about 12 vehicles are BACKED into these spots on First Street in Washington DC.  That is quite UNUSUAL.  To check myself, I went on google earth to look at the street. On a "Normal" day, I found a number of vehicles parked in those same spots...but they were all FACED INWARDS. 

If you 'blow up' the Jan 6 photo here,  you can see a Box Truck just north and on the other side of the street from Lonnie's red pickup. (with white camper on the bed).  Well,  the PB bomb was just through that alley way from where the Box Truck is emerging and around the corner. That's why I say Lonnie was a 'stones throw' from the PB bomb. 

I also realized that NONE of these other vehicles ...including the White Van with Hazard decals on the back, were searched. The police had not been able to look in and see weapons in plain view in those vehicles. But my gut tell me that ALL those backed in vehicles were not there by coincidence. 

Here is a google earth link to how First street normally looks: LINK



Lonnie Coffman and the PBer are part of the same group. PB set the Bombs in place but they were placed there only as a contingency.

If the protesters met actual armed oppression like their propoganda and gossip projected...like the Czars Kosacks opening fire on the people in 1914...or like Tianemenn Square... Coffman and his 'buddies' would withdraw to his truck and he would distribute the Molotov cocktails and small arms and ammo to the group so they could 'fight back.' The PB would have had the mission of going to set the timers on bombs with the intent of diverting the govt force and drawing them away so the militiamen could have more tactical options.

It was a crude military contingency plan. If , as it actually unfolded...govt troops didn't fire on the crowd...they were not to be set off.


Of course,  this would mean that Coffman would have KNOWN the pipe bombs were planted and WHERE they were planted. 

Well Goliath, do you have any ANY evidence of that?  

Yes.   Yes  I do. 

According to the probable cause affidavit in Coffman's case , sworn to by U.S. Capitol Police Agent Lawrence Anyaso,  the following events occurred when Coffman showed up trying to return to his truck on the evening of January 6.:

"At approximately 6:30 p.m., a blue sedan with a female driver and a male front passenger, approached law enforcement officers in the 400 block of First Street, Southeast. Officers made contact with the vehicle, and the male passenger stated that he was trying to get to his vehicle that was parked in the 300 block of First Street, Southeast, which is the location that the Red GMC Sierra 1500 pickup truck had been located and searched. When the officers asked the man to provide a description of the vehicle, the male passenger stated that it was a red pickup truck. The officers then asked what the male passenger’s name was, and he stated that his name was “Lonnie.” As noted herein, officers had previously determined that the red GMC Sierra 1500 pickup truck with Alabama license plate 52HJ703 was registered to Lonnie L. Coffman. The man asked officers whether they had located the bombs, which officers initially understood to be a reference to the components to the destructive devices located in COFFMAN’s truck, but later understood to be a reference to the secure perimeter that had been set up by law enforcement, which perimeter had kept COFFMAN from returning to his car earlier."


Coffman (the self proclaimed lone wolf) is in a sedan with a woman (PB???) and he "...asked the officers whether they had located the bombs..."

How would Coffman have known to ask this question?  Answer:  He wouldn't unless he was 'in on it'.


If Goliath was in charge, here's what he would do:

1.  Enhance that photo of the back of the vehicles on First street and THE LICENSE TAGS  and track down each and every owner of those backed in vehicles.   

2. Investigate everyone one and find out if they have any connections to Lonnie Coffman

3. Dig out the name of the woman who drove Lonnie to his truck in her blue sedan and find out how he came to be in her sedan for this ride to the truck.  Does she have a grey hoodie and a certain kind of tennis shoe???


Ok,  Goliath has done enough. Goliath is tired.  He gonna sit back and wait for the DOJ or the FBI to send him a dad blasted check for at least $300K.  No...I didn't identify PB by name...but I dang sure found you a way to find out!!!


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